Eva Locke

Name: Eva "Locke"

Age: 20

Concept: Artistic Prodigy

Nature: Fanatic

Demeanor: Loner

Essence: Questing

Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy


Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2

Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3

Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence (Creative) 4, Wits 3


Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 1, Athletics 2, Artistic Expression (Painting, Improvisation) 5, Intuition 1, Streetwise (Hideouts) 5, Subterfuge 1

Skills: Drive 1, Meditation 1, Melee 1, Stealth (Silent Movement) 4, Survival (Urban) 4

Knowledges: Computer 1, Culture (Street) 2, Enigma 1, Occult 1

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Arcane 2, Avatar 4, Destiny 3, Dream 5, Mentor 3, Status: Community 1, Status Art World 1, Talisman 2

Spheres: Time 3, Mind 2, Prime 1

Arete 3

Willpower 8

Quintessance: 4 plus 2 Tass

XP: 11/25/18 - 1


Hideaway (2): You have a little place somewhere nobody else knows about, fairly well-stocked. If people actively search for It, your ST will roll 2 dice at difficulty 6; at least one success indicates you have not been found. Failure gives them an idea, continual failures, at least four, will indicate the seeker knows exactly where you live.

Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence. -2 difficulty on rolls involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.

Ability Aptitude (1): Artistic expression - you're a whiz at it. -2 to difficulties relating to this ability.

Burning Aura (2): Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.


Flashbacks (3): When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that last event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.

Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, difficulties are +2 for the next hour.

Nightmares (1) You're constantly plagued by nightmares, which at the worst may indicate there's something nasty in your fate, and at the least make you cranky and irritable most of the time. A particularly bad one can cause you -1 to all dice rolls for some time afterward.

Echoes (2): Your supernaturalness affects the world around you; for example if you are a "witch", milk sours in your presence or you cannot walk on hallowed ground.