Bishop & Howard Rare Books

Bishop and Howard’s Rare Books is open by appointment only, and its clientele tend to be collectors looking for either rare or out-of-print books. Collectors of all levels frequent the store, from the sci-fi fan looking for an advanced reader’s copy of Neverwhere to the occult antiquarian hoping to find a Greek translation of Cultes des Ghouls.

The owners do not judge, and are happy to welcome anyone who is interested in discovery and their love of books and literature, but the teenager interested in the latest urban romance or the bored housewife wanting to stock up on harlequins has no place here.

The shop is frequented by every sort of person and creature from the Community looking for knowledge. The store has a selection of “forbidden texts” on the governments “Burn On Sight” list, texts considered so dangerous it is illegal in the United States to own a copy.

Copies are made available for review, and in some cases purchase.

The store also offers services to authenticate texts and artifacts, as well as hunt down and possibly secure lore through its extensive international contacts. In this way it functions a lot like a Private Investigator, researching and traveling across the globe (if necessary) to secure whatever treasure is desired.

Sebastian Bishop

A member of the Community in good standing (Community Status 3) but who is something of a mystery in Phoenix. It’s widely believed that Mister Bishop is a Sorcerer with a number of spirits at his beck and call. He is knowledgeable in the lores of Supernatural groups which should be beyond his grasp. With extensive global contacts, he is able to reach out to a wide variety of individuals to consult with if needed.

When asked, Bishop claims that he specializes in knowledge of the Black Spiral, and the creatures and beings damned there. An unusual area of study, but it has given him a frightening breath of knowledge about the Dark Arts and would make him a fine resource for any up-and-coming Nephandus, if the rumors are to be believed.

Grace Howard

Something of a recluse, Grace Howard is rarely seen out in the Community (Community Status 1) and when she is it usually is for a specific purpose. A former nun, she left the Church after she was refused entrance into the Society of Leopold, modern day witch hunters and the spiritual heir of the Inquisition. No explanation was ever given, though Howard strongly believes her gender played a role.

Howard still has a variety of contacts within the Church, and is in communication with witch hunters around the world. She is a researcher for many of them, using contacts and resources to dig up unknown and forgotten lore to help in the battle against evil. And although she would much rather be in the field, she recognizes the value of what she does.

Interacting with Grace Howard is always a risk. A supernatural can never know whether or not they will suddenly find themselves the target of hunters, but the woman is so well connected that any attempt on her life would surely bring the combined forces of witch hunters from all over the world to Phoenix to avenge her.

Better to tread softly and avoid attracting attention.