Criminal Dividends

Criminal Dividends is a cabal of Mages who have recently come together to complete a job in Phoenix. Brought together by Laura Dannon of Dannon Pharmaceuticals, the crew has been assembled to steal a copy of the King in Yellow, believed to be housed somewhere in the chantry of Phoenix Rising. As payment, they are being given the opportunity to pilfer the chantry's node, which is suspected to be unusually powerful.

Laura Dannon has insisted that her colleague, Gideon Cabot, aide in the endeavor even though he has more experience catching criminals than committing crimes. The leader of the crew, Tobias Pickett, has no idea what to make of Cabot. The man seems dependable, but his motives are a mystery.

The Phoenix job has the potential to be the biggest score in Tobias' career, and he's taking no chances assembling his crew, all people he's worked with in the past (with the exception of Cabot). They have begun inserting themselves into the Phoenix Community and making contact with different members of the chantry while they work to figure out how to breach its defenses.

For more background on the roles of each member visit TV Tropes: Caper Crew.