Holly Snow

Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy

Essence: Primordial

Nature: Architect

Demeanor: Bon Vivant

Concept: Entrepreneur, Diplomat, Leader

Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina (Tireless) 4

Social Attributes: Charisma (Confident) 5, Manipulation (Seductive) 4, Appearance (Style & Grace) 4

Mental Attributes: Perception 3, Intelligence (Problem Solver) 4, Wits (Cool Headed) 4

Talents: Athletics (Kama Sutra) 4, Brawl 2, Empathy (What you Say/What you mean) 4, Expression 3, Instruction 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge (Seduction) 4

Skills: Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Meditation 4, Melee 3

Knowledge: Academics (Literature) 4, Enigmas 2, Politics (Traditions) 5, Medicine 2, Psychology 4

Spheres: Time 3, Prime 3, Spirit 1, Mind 3, Correspondence 3, Matter 2, Life 3

Backgrounds: Avatar 3, Contacts 3, Allies 4, Resources 5, Status (Underworld) 1, Status (Cult of Ecstasy) 3, Status (Traditions) 3, Status (High Society) 2, Status: Community 4


Merits: Catlike Balance, Insensible to Pain, True Love: Nick Mathewson, Languages: Latin, Spanish, Italian, Japanese

Flaws: Primal Marks – Irish Witch

Arete: 3


Willpower: 7


Image: When Holly Snow enters a room, she immediately becomes the center of attention. It isn’t just her beauty, which itself is difficult to describe: a statuesque woman of grace and pose, green eyes that seem so full of life as she offers her full and undivided attention to whomever she speak, and the way she smiles with her entire body. To this, her bright red hair adds an almost otherworldly aspect, and when one looks at it in a dim light, one can almost guess they can see the glowing embers of fire burning.

Personality: Holly Snow is a shark swimming the waters of civilization. Trained in the Art of Desire, she can be all things to all people, but to men she is often the object of their desire. It’s a role she often encourages, sometimes for fun but usually to offer a glimpse of Enlightenment. In a world in which societal norms have conditioned people to deny what makes them happy, she leads by example: loving absolutely, laughing without restraint, and striving for what her heart desires.

History: Holly’s is a tragic history. Born at the Stone Soup commune, her family was slaughtered by the Technocracy in an attempt to delegitimize an alternative lifestyle devoid of consumerism that could have proved seductive. Her parents died hiding her, and she was found by 15 year old Nicholas Mathewson. The two have been all but inseparable ever since.

Holly would grow up with Nicholas (Nicky, but only for her), and was watched over by Lady Doris Unger. Graduating from the Straussen Academy, she attended Indiana University with a double major in Eastern Religion and business. She traveled Europe with Nicky before returning home to attend the highly exclusive Hoffman Finishing School, completing a curriculum that focused on business, diplomacy, seduction, and violence.

Soon after, she wandered from chantry to chantry before discovering the ruins of Serenity Valley in Phoenix. Holly turned her talents to rebuilding, using it as a venue through which she can help others lose their inhibitions. When she found out that her friend Nick had come to Phoenix from Vegas, it was as if Fate had decided they should be together. Perhaps she’s right.

Rebuilding Serenity Valley has not been easy. Though she is personally close to both Nicholas Mathewson and Doris Unger, relationship between the two chantries is frosty. She is working hard to smooth things out, and whatever time she has that is her own she spends with her friend Nick. The two are once again inseparable and there is nothing they would not do for each other.


The Dark Road

The great religions of the world teaches that every person is born with a soul, but this is not true. The truth is, every soul is born with a body. A body to experience the world in, and through that experience, learn, grow, and evolve before shedding one’s physical form to continue their journey wherever destiny takes them.

Until then, people’s bodies are blessed with the ability to experience incredible things: the smell of flowers, the taste of a good meal, the caress of a lover, and even the pain of a cut. Society has taught to engage in these sensations, to seek them out and explore them is a road to damnation, but the truth is that these sensations can be liberating as they are the soul’s window to the world.

Experiencing sensation, the pleasure of a good meal or the ecstasy of a lover’s kiss, allow the soul a window to the world. A good meal with friends teaches one comradery. The smell of a flower can teach one to slow down and recognize the important things in life. But the greatest sensation is sexual, for it teaches the surrender to experience as well as the generosity of offer that experience to others.

Mastering these pains and pleasures teaches discipline and mastery. Sharing these sensations with another, freeing them from the guilt and shame others have convinced them of, is to liberate them from the shackles of self-doubt and offer them the keys to freedom.