

4731.77 [Effective 9/15/2014] Notice required for test for Lyme disease.

When a physician orders a test for the presence of Lyme disease in a patient, the physician or physician's delegate shall provide to the patient or patient's representative a written notice with the following information:

"Your health care provider has ordered a test for the presence of Lyme disease. Current testing for Lyme disease can be problematic and may lead to false results. If you are tested for Lyme disease and the results are positive, this does not necessarily mean that you have contracted Lyme disease. In the alternative, if the results are negative, this does not necessarily mean that you have not contracted Lyme disease. If you continue to experience symptoms or have other health concerns, you should contact your health care provider and inquire about the appropriateness of additional testing or treatment."

The physician or physician's delegate shall obtain a signature from the patient or patient's representative indicating receipt of the notice. The document containing the signature shall be kept in the patient's record.

History. Added by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, HB 483, §101.01, eff. 9/15/2014.

Link here- http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4731.77



Lyme Disease Consent Form Now Required

Beginning September 15, 2014, a written notice must be given to patients when ordering a a test for Lyme disease. The notice must be signed by the patient or patient’s representative and kept in the patients’ record. The form is required to make patients aware of the difficulty in diagnosing Lyme disease because the symptoms are often non-specific and found in other conditions. You may download the form here.

There is concern in the medical community about providing and tracking yet another form to patients. The Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics is working to determine whether this requirement could be changed or reversed. The Chapter will send updates on this situation.

This new requirement is located in the Ohio Revised Code in sections 4730.093 and 4731.77.

Click here to view the AAP Pediatric Care Online Quick Reference guide on Lyme Disease.

Click here to view the AAP Red Book section on Lyme Disease. (note: you must have your login and password provided by AAP).

Click here for parent resources on Lyme Disease.

Link Here- http://ohioaap.org/ohioaap-article/lyme-disease/