Information to Doctors Assisting Jaller

Information sent to doctors and others requesting Maryland related information concerning the Board of Physicians & Maryland DHMH for Dr. Jaller.

May 28, 2015

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Maryland now has a published description (by the Board of Physicians) of what Lyme is and how it is, or is not, to be addressed in the future. In Maryland:

1.) Doctors must now follow the IDSA/CDC standard of care - with no mention of chronic Lyme, in other words chronic Lyme doesn’t exist;

2.) a warning was issued for Maryland doctors to follow the accepted standard of care and refer to "professionals" before deviating from that standard;

3.) a warning was issued to adhere to accepted [in other words IDSA] science;

4.) a warning was issued to have all patients advised in writing (in charts) if their treatment plan goes outside the accepted standard of care;

5.) a warning was issued to not extend or continue treatment if desired results are not forthcoming;

6.) and another warning was issued to not provide any treatment that could be harmful to patients (nearly all but the standard 3 week doxy/amoxy treatment is considered "harmful" by IDSA standards, according to the IDSA literature & guidelines).

These additional restrictions have come at an exceptionally vulnerable time for our doctors and patients. The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) failed to issue an updated version of their Lyme guidelines in a timely manner (within the 5 years required) so their previous guidelines have been officially withdrawn from the National Clearing House.

Full Explanation

New policy

Old policy