Email Alerts

November 29, 2016- 11:36 AM

URGENT - Action Needed re: Federal Lyme Law

Please find information regarding the potential NEW FEDERAL LYME law that could potentially CODIFY the IDSA guidelines. PLEASE contact your senator or congressperson TODAY and talk with anyone else you feel may have influence on this vote: requesting the following outlined by Gregg Skall:

The 21st Century Cures Act now being refined by the lame duck Congress is one of the most-lobbied health care bills in recent history, with nearly three lobbyists working for its passage or defeat for every lawmaker on Capitol Hill....

The 21st Century Cures Act new version provides for the formation of Lyme committees without any guarantees of balance. Based on years of experience with all the parties involved, including and particularly NIH, this new provision will not provide for the required diversity of viewpoint required to arrive at a meaningful and useful result; indeed, it will have the opposite effect. We are asking that the Tick-borne disease provision, starting at Section 2062 be deleted from the bill.

The Lyme disease community is united against this wording as it currently stands. At this point, there is a consensus that we want section 2062--the part of bill related to Tick-borne Diseases--be struck completely from the bill.

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November 29, 2016- 3:43 PM

UPDATE on Lyme Legislation

As a result of strong lobbying efforts by Lyme advocates across the country, ILADS doctors and the community, House Representatives have entered into negotiations with the Lyme community to modify the amended language. This language is currently being negotiated as I write this email.



Susan R. Green


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