Illinois HB 4515- IDSA Letter Of Opposition

Illinois Bill Approves Use of Long-Term Antibiotics and Experimental Drugs for Lyme Disease with No Evidence for Success

The Illinois legislature recently passed House Bill 4515, legislation to provide protections for physicians to conduct prolonged antibiotic use and experimental treatments for Lyme disease and related illnesses, which, as you know, can cause serious harm to patients. Unfortunately, this bill garnered overwhelming support, and has been sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

Clinical trials have shown no evidence supporting the use of long-term antibiotic therapy and, in fact, this therapy can lead to serious and life-threatening complications, according to the CDC. There is clear scientific evidence that a 10- to 28-day course of antibiotics will kill the Lyme disease bacterium in humans.



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House Bill 4515 would clear the way for harmful long-term antibiotic use and other experimental treatments, which will likely worsen health outcomes for patients suffering from lingering symptoms following an infection with Lyme disease.

Please take two minutes to ask Governor Rauner to veto House Bill 4515.


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