Notes On 2018 Bills

Maryland Board Composition

Members of the Board are appointed by the Governor, based on specific criteria set forth in § 14-202 of the Health Occupations Article. The 22 member Board includes:

  • 11 practicing licensed physicians, including 1 Doctor of Osteopathy, appointed by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary of the Department of Health (MDH) and the advice and consent of the Senate;
  • 1 practicing licensed physician appointed at the Governor's discretion
  • 1 physician representative of MDH nominated by the Secretary
  • 1 licensed physician assistant appointed at the Governor’s discretion
  • 2 practicing licensed physicians with full-time faculty appointments to serve as representatives of academic medical institutions in the State, nominated by one of those institutions
  • 5 consumer members; and
  • 1 public member knowledgeable in risk management or quality assurance matters appointed from a list submitted by the Maryland Hospital Association.

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Maryland Board Members

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