2005 SB 596

Maryland SB 596 Wording

File Code: Health Occupations

Sponsored By:

Senators Colburn, Dyson, Jacobs, Stoltzfus, Hollinger, Conway, Britt, Brochin, Greenip, Grosfeld, Harris, Kittleman, and Pinsky


State Board of Physicians - Information Regarding Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Borne Illness


[This synopsis is describing the final and unacceptable version of the bill.]

Requiring the State Board of Physicians to develop and disseminate a document to specified licensees regarding specified diagnosis and treatment information for Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses; requiring the document developed and disseminated by the Board to include specified information regarding the use of specified antibiotic or antimicrobial therapy; etc.

History by Legislative Date

Senate Action


First Reading Education Health and Environmental Affairs & Finance


Hearing 3/10 at 1:00 p.m.


Favorable with Amendments Report by Education Health and Environmental Affairs


Favorable with Amendments Report Adopted

Second Reading Passed with Amendments


Third Reading Passed (47-0)

House Action


First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations


Re-referred Health and Government Operations


Hearing 4/7 at 1:00 p.m.

Maryland Lyme Disease Bill Set for Hearing

March 10, 2005

By: Lucy Barnes

Thanks to Senators Colburn, Dyson, Jacobs and Stolzfus, a Lyme Disease Bill (SB596) has been introduced that will assist newly diagnosed and chronically ill patients obtain proper medical care for tick borne infections.

The bill addresses some of the current problems facing many patients living in a highly endemic area, such as the eastern shore of Maryland, where over 80 percent of the ticks are infected with at least one strain of Lyme disease and multiple co-infections are being detected.

Limited treatment guidelines, poor insurance coverage, and the lack of physician availability should no longer be an issue that impedes the recovery process for the growing numbers of patients who need help if the bill passes.

The public is encouraged to attend a hearing in Annapolis, Maryland on March 10, 2005 at 1:00 PM. The hearing will be held in the James Senate Office Building. Driving directions and instructions for those attending are available at www.lymeinfo.net. To sign up for the bus leaving Harford County, please contact Jean at 410-838-LYME (5963). To sign up for the bus trip from the eastern shore, please contact Jackie at 410-896-9965.

Letters in support of the bill are highly encouraged and can be mailed to:

Lynette Kenny

Senator Richard F. Colburn

315 James Senate Office Building

Annapolis, MD 21401

For more information about the hearing and letter writing, please see:


Maryland Lyme Disease Bill Set for Hearing

March 10, 2005

ACTION ITEM: Letters requested from everyone. Hearing attendance also encouraged.


March 10, 2005; James Senate Office Building in Annapolis, MD.


Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland

Lyme Disease Bill

Maryland Senators Colburn, Dyson, Jacobs and Stolzfus have recently introduced a comprehensive Lyme Disease Bill. The bill, # SB596, has basically been designed to provide necessary treatment for those with Lyme and other tick borne diseases. It will permit physicians to properly treat patients without being unjustly persecuted or being required to adhere to restrictive or outdated guidelines, and will provide basic insurance coverage for treatment.

Lyme Disease Bill SB596:


Hearing Scheduled & Letters Requested

A public hearing has been scheduled for March 10, 2005 for 1:00 PM. The hearing will be conducted in the James Senate Office Building in Annapolis, MD.

The Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland encourages everyone who has an interest in the growing problems surrounding Lyme disease and those who would like to support the bill, to attend the hearing and/or submit a letter or written testimony supporting the bill.

Opponents to the bill will be mainly concerned with two topics; the insurance provision covering long term treatment and the physician protection issues. We need to address both of these topics when we contact the Senators.

Please be sure that your letters reach the Senator's offices by March 8, 2005. Letters of support for the Lyme Disease Bill can be mailed to:

Lynette Kenny

Senator Richard F. Colburn

315 James Senate Office Building

Annapolis, MD 21401

FAX Number, 410-841-3087

For questions concerning the bill or the hearing, please contact Senator Colburn's office at 1-800-492-7122, ext. 3590

Tips for Letters

Briefly tell the politicians how Lyme disease has affected you and/or your family. Tell the politicians we all need help! It does not have to be long and detailed. To help them understand our situation, please include the following information.

1. The difficulty getting a doctor to properly diagnose or treat you. Approximately how many did you see? If you live in Maryland,

did you have to go out of state for treatment?

2. How long were you sick before getting a diagnosis? What were you misdiagnosed with prior to a proper diagnosis?

3. Insurance problems you have had. The cost to you and your family in dollars (estimate).


To send emails to all of the senators, please Click Here or see the Senate Website

Hearing Attendance Info:

Transportation to the Hearing

Busses will be available to transport those wishing to make the trip to Annapolis on March 10, 2005. One bus is scheduled to leave Harford County, Maryland and one will head north from the lower eastern shore of Maryland. The eastern shore bus will make stops in Cambridge and Easton in route to the state's capital.

To sign up for the bus leaving Harford County, please contact Jean Galbreath at 410-838-LYME (5963) or email JGLYME@aol.com

To sign up for the bus trip from the eastern shore, please contact The Lyme Disease Association Eastern Shore of Maryland at 410-896-9965 or email LymeDAESM@aol.com

Tips for those attending

For security reasons, you MUST have a photo ID to enter the building.

Attending the hearing- Numbers DO make a difference. Please encourage everyone you know to be there. Visibility is important. Lyme ribbons will be provided by the LDADESM Group, however, if you have one, please wear it.

Anyone planning to speak or submit written testimony (other than individual letters mailed or emailed to the offices) must sign up in the lobby of the hearing room no later than 12:30 PM on the day of the hearing. Allow extra time to get there due to back ups going through security check points. Pre-registration for speakers is also necessary (see note below).

Those who are not speaking are also advised to arrive by 12:30

In the hearing room you may not move around or speak to others. Everyone must remain seated and quiet.

A conference room in the James Building, (2nd floor across from elevator) will be set aside until 5 PM for those meeting or waiting for the chance to speak.

The following information has been provided by the Senator's office to assist you with your efforts.

James Building: If you are unable to use the stairs up to the elevators, there is a wheelchair/handicapped lift to your right as soon as you enter the James Building. That will take you to the 1st floor where you can reach the elevator. Our office is on the 3rd floor of the James Building (#315). If you take the elevator or the stairs, it is the room directly in front of you when you reach the 3rd floor. I made arrangements for those involved with the Lyme Disease bill to meet in a conference room prior to the bill hearing. We have use of this room until 5 PM. It is on the 2nd floor of the James Building, directly in front of the stairs and elevator, just as our office is on the 3rd floor.

Miller Building: Take the elevator to the 2nd floor. The Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee room is to the right. Whether you plan on speaking or just submit written testimony, you must sign the witness list which is set up in the lobby of the hearing room. You must also submit 20 copies of your testimony (the last door down on the right leads to the staff room where you submit your testimony). This must be done before 12:30.

Allow yourself plenty of time. There is sometimes a bottleneck trying to get through security. If you have any questions, please call our office: 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3590 or 410-841-3590

Notice to those speaking

You MUST have a photo ID to enter the building.

The Senators prefer to have no more than 12 speakers for each bill. In order to be sure each topic is addressed, we have started a list to be sure to cover the main points. Please contact one of the Maryland Support Groups listed below so we are aware of who will be presenting speeches and can adjust accordingly.

LYMEDESM@aol.com, JGLYME@aol.com

Please keep in mind... anyone who will be speaking will also need to be pre-registered by contacting Senator's Colburn's assistant, Lynette Kenny 1-800-492-7122.

The chair person at the hearing will not allow any one person to speak for more than three minutes, for any reason. You will be timed while speaking and cut off when your time is up. They do not want information to be repeated and will stop you if your topic has already been covered.

If you plan to speak, the written testimony you submit that day may be longer than the 3 minute speech and may include other information as desired.

Additional Notes

Please be aware- There will be a number of other bills being heard that day, so it may prove to be a VERY long day.

Due to the stress involved and additional walking required, you may want to bring wheelchairs in case there aren't enough seats. If you can borrow wheelchairs to bring, please do. Someone may need them.

Anyone with canes or crutches may want to use them in case there is a lot of standing to do.. or walking. There is a wheelchair lift and an elevator available. Be sure to bring a small snack/drink if you need to eat prior to taking medicines.

Directions to the hearing

From Baltimore/Washington:

- Traveling on Route 50 East toward the Bay Bridge, take Exit 24A - Rowe Blvd

- Go approximately 1 mile and make a right onto Taylor Avenue (the Navy Stadium will be on the right)

- Take the 1st right into the Stadium Parking Lot

From the Eastern Shore:

- Traveling on Route 50 West, take Exit 24A - Rowe Blvd (this is the 2nd exit past the Severn River Bridge)

- Follow the same directions as above once you get on Rowe Blvd

The cost for parking at the Stadium is about $4.00 - there will be a guard to take your money. There is a sheltered bus stop located across from the attendant's stand.

Take the shuttle marked "stadium shuttle". Buses run from this location to Baltimore also so make sure you get on the right bus.

(The shuttles are usually smaller-sometimes similar to a trolley-than a regular MVA bus). The Trolley shuttle costs about $.75.

Get off the Shuttle at the Legislative Services Building. If you.re not sure where that is, ask the driver to tell you when he/she gets there. Cross the street to the Miller Building/James Senate Office Building (if you face the State House, the Miller/James Buildings are on your right, directly across the street from the Governor's Mansion). Go to the side entrance of the Miller/James Buildings. YOU WILL GO THROUGH SECURITY AT THIS POINT AND YOU WILL NEED SOME FORM OF PHOTO ID TO GAIN ENTRANCE TO THE BUILDINGS. Once you go through Security, you can either go left to the James Senate Office Building or right to the Miller Building.

Maryland Lyme Disease Bill Set for Hearing

March 10, 2005


- On the Web, The Star Democrat is read the world over

- Victims show support for Lyme disease bill

- Diagnosis was elusive for woman with Lyme disease


March 10 & 11, 2005


For a tape of the hearing, call 410-841-3000 and

ask for the Dept. of Legislative services.

A librarian will make a copy of a CD in mp3 format.

Tell them the hearing was Mar. 10 for bill # SB596

Address any additional questions to the above number.

The cost is approx. $7.


Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland

Compiled for Web by LymeInfo.Net

Lyme Disease Bill

Maryland Senators Colburn, Dyson, Jacobs and Stolzfus have recently introduced a comprehensive Lyme Disease Bill. The bill, # SB596, has basically been designed to provide necessary treatment for those with Lyme and other tick borne diseases. It will permit physicians to properly treat patients without being unjustly persecuted or being required to adhere to restrictive or outdated guidelines, and will provide basic insurance coverage for treatment.

Lyme Disease Bill SB596:


Two Legislative Hearings

Public hearings were scheduled for March 10 & 11, 2005. The first hearing, by the Senate, addressed the bill mentioned above. About 150 people showed up from all around MD and a few from other states to show their support for the bill. The second hearing, in the House, addressed a separate bill to create a Lyme disease task force.



At last, action on the Lyme Disease front, Feb. 27

Assembly to look at Lyme disease diagnosis, treatment, Mar. 4

Speak up for bill to give better Lyme Disease care, Mar. 8

Star Democrat Hearings List, see Friday


Daily Times Article, March 6

Daily Times, March 10

Click to send letter to Daily Times editor

Cambridge Daily Banner Hearings List

*The Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland thank LymeInfo.org for its assistance with the Maryland bills.