Karen Forschner Going Off 4/5/18

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner It passed the senate in 2001 ""lift" bill. The pat smith faxed every member of the house opposing it. As monte skall, her group, and we walked to halls of the house to establish the group, the house members came out with her fax strongly opposing it.


Coco Lake WHAT??? Why would anyone do that? (<<The Mayday Project)

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner I have no idea. I was always told it was because she opposed what she did not create

RESPONSE- Perhaps you should read the history of the bill, although I believe you already know the truth, just won't tell it.


Trish McCleary True statement. Pat Smith and other "advocates" were not fans of my legislative work here in MA. IMO If Pat wasn't in charge, she was not a supporter. I learned Sheila Statlender worked to discount my work as well.


RESPONSE- Trish, didn't Pat/LDA generously give you at least SIX different monetary grants to support and assist you in your efforts over the years? That sounds like she was very supportive of your work!

Link Here- https://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/component/search/?searchword=slam&searchphrase=all&Itemid=2474

And as for the bill- was it actually a good bill? (Remember I was around back then.) If it had been, I am sure she would have worked herself to death, as would I have, supporting it as she always does. And if Shelia didn't like it either that should tell you something.

The fact is, when Pat isn't at least involved in legislative issues, which would be a shame for anyone to even consider a bill without her because she is the most knowledgeable about all legislative issues, bills often go south and cause harm to patients instead of good.

Here is the info on the partnership between you and the LDA, which sounds supportive to me.

Link Here- https://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/grants/education-grants/964-lda-a-slam-awareness-partners

Here is a list of just three of your multiple LDA grants.

Massachusetts 2012 - Sturbridge Lyme Awareness Education (SLAM), Education billboard grant

Massachusetts 2011 - Sturbridge Lyme Awareness Education (SLAM)

Massachusetts 2010 - Sturbridge Lyme Awareness Education (SLAM), Educational grant

Jenna Jenna Luche-Thayer that is flippin' strange behavior by Pat

RESPONSE- Not sure how you’d know that since you don’t even know her and you haven't been working WITH her, only against her. You only know what you were told by those who have an agenda and who have been kicking her around for decades.

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner No. It was typical behavior. Monte and Greg found the same thing going on with state legislation she was working on.

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RESPONSE- WRONG! The reason the Lyme community is so divided now is because of Karen and Monte (core group) and those they’ve told these kinds of untrue stories to over the years- who actually believed them!

So you can believe this duo outright just because they say so... OR, you can look at the facts. And you can look at who is still working on your behalf in spite of the nastiness hitting them from this handful of people and the IDSA/CDC gang, and who is working for you in spite of the odds. HINT- It's the ones who didn't QUIT!

And take a look at who didn’t join in to help too, or who quit citing “ethics” as their reason, while they, from the other side of their mouths, are bashing Lyme patients and volunteer organizations.

It’s been this way since day one when Karen and Monte started bad mouthing LDA, Pat and anyone associated with them. Now watch me get slammed (again) for saying this. LOL

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner We could have been someplace with this when HHS was actually trying to work with the patients. And stop the 2-tier Dearborn crap.

RESPONSE- Excuse me. Dearborn was in 1994. The ONLY national group around back then that could have done anything about it was the LDF- your group. Not succeeding to contain it is no crime, but not sharing the facts or trying to make it look like it was someone else fault borders on it.

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner The day came when hhs said pat Smith asked that notes being taken be written in such a manner so that no one can tell who the speaker was. I do not know if she really said that, or if they thought we'd agree to it if she said it. People did not want to own their own viewpoints or comments.

RESPONSE- Of course you don’t know if Pat said that, but it never has stopped you before from speculating in order to try to discredit her. You have a history of throwing out these kinds of innuendos (many based on your own actions) to prevent yourself from being sued when you say things you know aren’t true.

April Nill Boitano Well, thank you for your service, Karen. I knew when you stepped down that Kathleen was right and that the whole TBDWG was another false flag. I had hoped we were finally going in the right direction. We need new leaders. You should run for office!

RESPONSE- April- Please feel free to run for office or work as a volunteer for a few decades to help educate people and make changes.

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner it was unethical for me as a lawyer to stay on a committee when I know they are acting in bad faith. I cited that in my resignation letter and told hhs to reexamine their actions.

RESPONSE- Could the reason be that you and Susan Green can’t abide by their ethics rules? You’d have to forgo doing some things that, well, you all like doing too much. List here...


Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner The problem with hope, is that the bad guys just do not change. They do not even want to know how bad they have been.

RESPONSE- If you didn’t know that going into this, you should have. Everyone else does. If you think all this squeaking now is going to help anyone, you are sorely mistaken.

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner I also asked that the DOD at Ft Dettrick to disclose everything about their tick bomb experiments and where in the USA they dropped these bombs, what pathogens were inside the ticks, etc. That became a real problem and I assume it was dropped. Then, we were not even asked what we wanted from any division of hhs.

RESPONSE- You are surprised that the federal government and military wouldn’t release top secret classified biowarfare documents to you?

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner People may not know the CDC took money from SmithKline Beecham to support 3 full time employees at Ft Collins, Colo. I would like to know if the new vaccine company is doing that.

RESPONSE- Didn’t you and hubby take about or in excess of $120,000 from the same people you claim the CDC took money from (vaccine maker- SKB), and didn’t that money support you? At least that is what you said in your sworn testimony…https://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/01/transcripts/3680t2.rtf

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner I was verbally attacked by the CDC. That is when the live feed suddenly blacked out on the internet. Funny that the subsequent tape of the program failed to show the beginning of that exchanged when Ben Beard started shouting how he hated anti-vaxers -when I said the vaccine should not be part of this committees duties.

RESPONSE- Funny. Ben Beard is usually the big smoocher (suck-up)

so that doesn’t sound at all like him shouting how he hates anyone.

Can anyone else who was there support this story?

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner As Ken Liegner stated, I resigned for integrity reasons. I could not be part of a lie, just to feel important at the table. My duty is to the patients and truth. My duty is to help others get back on track to goo health and not die like my 5 year old son.

RESPONSE- Where did Dr. Liegner say that?

(Edited out the “F” word)

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner So, the public comments have 10 of 800 comments. Note enough! Not enough! The subcommittees will conclude on May 4th. The public' input is zero into their work. We have been neutered and ignored! But, hey, we have a seat at the table. With a crew who does not give a ****... except to keep people off their funding.

RESPONSE- Really? Starting on "Day One" I read the entire Cures Act (362 pages) then read it several more times and took notes. Only one other person in the Lyme Community that I know read it through. Nowhere did I see anything like what you claim was in there. Do you have a copy of it, or the exact wording?

Here are some notes and the original submissions. Although anyone could submit a paper, I believe only three submissions were made from the entire Lyme community- LDA, LDO and myself. And I assisted with each submission in some form or another. You can see our papers at the government links provided here.


Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner They failed to return calls, they demanded I go along with a violation of the law, they shouted "we have transparency" from the rooftop, when I knew they were keeping things hidden. As a lawyer, I had a legal ethical duty not to continue.

RESPONSE- Really? Were you even a lawyer way back then?

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