LymeNet Posts


Topic: Is there a post in support of Dr J in Maryland?


Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)

Member # 13769

posted 19 June, 2015 06:41 PM

He comes before the attorney general in a week or two and has posted an open letter asking for support.

Is there a thread about this somewhere?

If not, you can see his letter and help him by sending a letter of support. He is my LLMD and is brilliant.

Scroll down to his post of May 7

Posts: 1083 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007 | IP: Logged |


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Member # 18936

posted 19 June, 2015 08:31 PM

It was posted but it was moved to general and closed twice.

Posts: 5128 | From Lyme Zone | Registered: Jan 2009 | IP: Logged |


Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)

Member # 5829

posted 22 June, 2015 03:20 AM


Unless the original date for his disciplinary conference was changed, it is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 9 AM in Baltimore.

If both sides don't come to a resolution that day (generally that means he surrenders his license to avoid prosecution or the other side gives up and goes crawling away) an evidentiary hearing would typically be the next thing scheduled.

In my opinion (ongoing and still), that blog needs to be shut down before it gets him in more trouble. Some had questioned me as to why I keep saying this, thinking it was harmless.

In a right and just world it would be harmless and I would applaud it, but not in Maryland and not in this case.

I found the quote from the Board of Physicians about complaints, and where they can come from in order to be used against doctors.

"Complaints may be received from patients or their family members; health care providers and institutions; local, state or federal agencies, other boards; or the Board may initiate complaints based on reports in the media or other publicly available sources of information."

Oh, and while I am thinking about it and to correct a previous post... I'd said that Dr. J in NC, after all the problems he had with the medical board, once it was said and done he was then hit with "a million or more" dollar lawsuit by the insurer.

I couldn't remember the exact amount at the time, so wrote it conservatively, knowing it was at least a million.

A few nights ago I happened to see the figure while researching something else. It wasn't $1 million dollars.

It was $100 million dollars!

Since an insurer was the one that filed the most recent complaint against Dr. J in Maryland it is very possible the insurer will do the same thing again here (sue him), especially if the multiple charges of not adhering to the "standard of care" are upheld, which I expect them to be.

The insurer would be looking to get their money back that was paid to this (Maryland) Dr. J for treatment.

From what I remember some patients of NC Dr. J said the insurer demanded their money back from them too, but don't quote me on that.

Just be aware and be prepared. And say a prayer or two.


If the phone doesn't ring it's me

Posts: 15861 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)

Member # 13769

posted 24 June, 2015 02:22 PM

thanks, Tincup, for the great info.

I was formerly a patient of Dr J in NC and Blue Cross refused to pay my claims for his service, even though I had a PPO plan. then they refused to pay my new claims until they had clawed back the amount that they had previously paid for my visits to Dr J.

I called the NC state inssurance commission and was told that an insurerer can demand paybacks forever...even after twenty years they can demand that you repay them for claims they paid 'erroneously.'

Tincup, how do we find out what happened with Dr J of Maryland this morning?

Posts: 1083 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007 | IP: Logged |


Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)

Member # 5829

posted 25 June, 2015 12:00 AM

Such a hassle for you cotton. So sorry to hear that!

And yes, the insurers are allowed to bore holes in your head, beat on you and tumble you off every cliff they can find, forever and ever. I believe they get bonuses for who makes the most clients scream and cry.

As for the charges in this case...

Typically, they will publish some thing in a document or newsletter concerning the case and any updates that evolve- usually within a month or so, but not always. It is not much info though. Here is an example, with the name removed.

Case Name: xxxx M.D.

Case Numbers: xxxxx

Date of Action: March 10, xxxx

Reprimand; two (2) year probation with terms & conditions. The Board found that the physician failed to meet the standard of quality care, failed to comply with drug dispensing requirements, and failed to maintain adequate medical records.

They could also update his license profile and/or issue an "alert" that they would post publicly.

And we don't know if the conference was postponed (what I'd do in this case, and as we've done in other cases). They spent 9 months from issuing charges to this conference date, so maybe they won't allow a delay.

Especially since some people are getting down on the Board for taking too long to push cases through and there is an effort to speed them up.

Of course he may post on the blog again letting people know what is going on? Or, if he has an attorney, he may be required to not say anything.

If I hear/see anything I'll let you know. Likewise?

Hoping he is ok, for sure. Keep fingers crossed!


If the phone doesn't ring it's me

Posts: 15861 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)

Member # 18239

posted 02 July, 2015 03:58 PM

I am reposting this update from July 2, with permission from a fb support group for Dr J.:


Just got off the phone with Dr J, he called me as he was signing the final papers.. I'm happy to let everyone know that all of Dr. J has been given 1 year probation along with a sanction, with the approval to continue practicing with the agreement that he must:

1. He must provide proper documentation for his rational for prescription of medications

2. Must provide documentation that his patients have seen X amount of doctors previous to him and document any type of referrals he makes

3. Properly organize any monitor patients on IV antibiotic treatment.

THIS IS A HUGE VICTORY! All of Dr. J's lyme disease related charges were dropped and the state attorney recommended that the medical board take an education course on Lyme disease, which is a HUGE step for the lyme disease community!!!!!!

Dr. J's lawyer has also set up a trust fund to pay for the enormous amount of debt from this case. He is asked for donations (they go DIRECTLY to his trust fund for this case). Please mail any checks to: (Dr's First name)(Dr's Last name), MD trust fund

15245 Shady Grove Rd.

Suite 315

Rockville, MD 20850

I will also be setting up a Go-fund me account that will go directly into the trust fund as well. This will be up later this week. Please help Dr. J from this enormous headache that he has gone through to help lyme disease patients. He has done so much for us its the least that we can do!

This is a great success for the lyme disease community because WE WON

smile emoticon

If you would like more details on how the trial went, I can provide them in a personal message. I don't want to go into detail on all the politics but thank you everybody for your support! Dr. J will still be treating Lyme patients!!"

Note from Dekrator48: I don't have the trial details, since this message is being reposted from someone on a fb group.


The fibromyalgia I've had for 27 years was an undiagnosed Lyme symptom.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". -Jeremiah 29:11

Posts: 5949 | From Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Nov 2008 | IP: Logged |


Junior Member

Member # 45786

posted 02 July, 2015 07:36 PM

I am waiting for the filth Tin Cup will soon fill this thread with.

I have long read LymeNet to get new insight into Lyme & Co-infecs. Most here put up helpful and caring information. The strength they show while either fighting this illness, or caring for someone who is, has given me strength in dark times, hope in weak times, faith in times when I have no one to turn to. I thank you all for that.

I have never had the courage to post. To sick, to tired, to intimidated. Having seen too many before me attempt to put out certain "truths" only to have said posts deleted, or certain members being allowed to spew forth anger, lies and contempt while other posters are deleted and banned.

Here goes nothin...!

1. I am not Dr. J. from MD, however I know him. I am posting truth that I have had access to or seen in some way. I do not speak for Dr. J. or with his knowledge.

2. Tin Cup has never met Dr. J., spoken with him or has ever been treated by him.

3. Most everything Tin Cup has posted concerning the Protection Bill for doctors in Maryland, the reason that bill failed, and the "Guidelines" Tin Cup states the Board put into effect in the aftermath are, in a few cases, twisting of the truth. Most of what Tin Cup has posted are simply bold faced lies. I would be more than happy, at another time, to clarify.

4. Any mention of this doctor, Tin Cup creates way's to put him down, demean him and flat out lie about him. Tin Cup is clearly attempting to discredit him. I ask anyone reading this to check EVERY post Tin Cup has ever made regarding this doctor. If you agree with my assessment after reviewing any amount of posts, ask yourself, WHY would anyone want to do this to a dr. trying to help us?

Am I the only one who wonders:

1. Does Tin Cup actually run this whole site? It is shocking what she has posted AND not just in regards to this doctor. It seems if you disagree with Tin Cup, your comment may disappear. In the past I have notice posters who disagree or argue with Tin Cup, end up kicked off this forum. If Tin Cup does run/control this site, fine. However, I think EVERYONE reading, posting and hoping to gain help and insight has the right to know this. Clearly Tin Cup has an agenda.

2. There have been many previous threads regarding this doctor. The most recent concerned people were questioning the current investigation and charges against him. Tin Cup went on the normal diatribe against this doctor finalizing it with her thought this doctor should just TURN IN HIS MEDICAL LICENSE.

I was completely and utterly shocked that NO ONE asked Tin Cup on what she based her comment on, besides her own obvious feelings towards this doctor. (If the thread grew after I read it, & in fact someone did question Tin Cup I apologize).

I do believe the Moderators took the thread down.

I realized it was time for my first (& maybe) my last post. It was/is important that I state facts, not spew words that intimidate or convince people just because of how barbaric they are.

I already knew many "facts". I wanted to find out everything I legally could. I wanted ALL of that information in my brain and in front of me. (Lyme Brain, yanno).

In America we have Freedom of Speech. However, it is usually best advised that if you are going to PRINT said speech, you really should know what you are talking about, not just what you want to say because you don't like someone.

Time for more freedom of speech....based in truth:

Most of the Lyme community knows the Lyme doctors are being investigated in droves. We need to help all that are deserving! Which means most all of them (like any situation, there are always a few who cross the line----abuse a patient, practice Medicine without a Valid Licence (or in a case or two, NO Licence--yikes!!!) yada-yada--REAL cases where a doctor shouldn't be a doctor.

For our Doctors treating Lyme, we must help, protect, do something. Am I the only one who finds it oddly suspicious that any time Dr. J from MD is mentioned in a post, he is immediately attacked by Tin Cup? Am I missing something? Are there others that are routinely and viciously attacked? If so, my bad.....If not, please ask yourself...WHY?

Clearly Tin Cup HATES HATES HATES his "Blog" as it brings attention to all things Lyme. However, I have seen Kudo's to other Lyme Doctors WHO PUBLISH BOOKS!!! Help me here....BTW, take a second, just a second, to view a few responses on said blog. So many people appreciate the information he is able to share.

TIN CUP LOVES to identify this dr. by his blog on this site in spite of a vow to keep all the identities of doctors private. BTW, I Know, Tin Cup, said doctor no longer hides who he is on blog, however, does that mean you no longer have an obligation to keep his identity under cover?

How many of you have been swayed by Tin Cups vicious attacks without looking into the matter more closely? Everyone should realize that helping out all our doctors isn't just about supporting them if they need help with a financial matter.

More Truth:

1. Dr. J was initially investigated by the Medical Board around 2009 in response to a complaint by an IDSA doctor. Medical Boards have difficult, stressful, time consuming, thankless job (like moderators of forums). Dr. J spent an enormous amount of money on his defense (Obviously, his own money). After a long period of time, lots of information and letters back and forth, the matter was dropped.

2. The second investigation--I will only state that it was opened based on a letter sent by someone who at that seeing the IDSA doctor that initially filed a complaint with Medical Board against Dr. J. This case closed, no sanctions. Fair amount of money spent on defense.

3. Third case was sent to M.B. by insurance company. I think there was a feeling that this too would not result in charges tho I am not at liberty to explain at this moment. There was a review of six charts. The case was on-going for a long time. Unfortunately we know charges were brought.

There is so much I have learned concerning the Medical Boards and how they work, most often for the good of all. I will save that discussion for another time.........

With this last case going from an investigation to actual charges being brought, information is in the public domain.

It is my understanding, once the charges were made, the patients, who had previously been unaware their charts were being investigated, were then made aware. Apparently every single patient indicated at the very least this doctor helped them. Many replied he saved their lives.

Apparently there now an Agreement between this Dr. and the Medical Board. The Dr. can continue in his practice.

Where does that leave us? In spite of everything this doctor has had to endure, I bet hateful views will be posted by Tin Cup. It is a Free Country. Have at it T.C.

Now it is my turn. Tin Cup, when you can back your lies with facts, give a holler. It is people like you in the Lyme community that the politicians point too when they scoff at Lyme. The world of Academia liberally writes about the wars going on in the the Lyme world. They use us against us, as do you. Way to go!

Now to the rest of you reading this.....What are you going to do?

Join hands and focus on the real enemy?

Or forever wonder who the real enemy is?

Posts: 1 | From Rockville, Maryland | Registered: May 2015 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)

Member # 5355

posted 02 July, 2015 08:27 PM

This is great news from Maryland. I was afraid to read the outcome, and delighted to find out my worst fears were unfounded. And loved that comment from the AG about the board needing a course in lyme. WONDERFUL!!!!

Posts: 2543 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2004 | IP: Logged |


LymeNet Contributor

Member # 9560

posted 02 July, 2015 09:23 PM

Hello Nvrgiveupx4,

Thank you for posting.

I was one of the posters whose posts were erased by the moderators. I don't expect this one to last much longer so I will not waste a lot of time typing now.

I posted also in the other thread in GENERAL on this topic. There, I said that I think this doc is a hero for writing that blog and keeping it up. He is a smart man and a good writer, and it can only do us good over the long haul for people like that to speak out. I hope you can get word back to him how much some of us appreciate what he is doing and the courage it takes.

As for Tin Cup, yes, it is true that she seems to have it in for this guy. When he was initially writing the blog she expressed her distaste for what he was doing. I remember because I said then exactly what I am saying now and she and I had a little disagreement (which may have been erased, I don't remember).

Every time an MD is on the fence -- which I would be willing to bet is quite a lot when their Lyme patients don't respond as the IDSA overlords have pronounced they should -- and they go searching for answers and they find a blog by another MD, who explains, in great detail, the difficulty treating Lyme patients, and they then go back and read over several of his posts, perhaps spanning several years, and they see the growth and change in his thinking, and the difficulty he finds with these TBI's, and the compassion he shows for the patients ... well, their own minds might open just a teency bit too. Maybe.

Posts: 758 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)

Member # 18936

posted 02 July, 2015 09:46 PM

Bravo! Sometimes you have to buck the system to change the status quo and take the risk that comes with it. Sometimes there are those that are too invested in the status quo. I don't see it working so well, after all these years.

Good for Dr. J for having the courage to do what he did. This is a victory for all LLMD's and for all lyme patients. In addition, it great that Tincup's totally biased and negative predictions did not come to pass.

And Moderators let us express our opinions. Stop over moderating everything and deleting and editing posts. Last I checked I still live in America the land of the free, not a fascist regime.

Posts: 5128 | From Lyme Zone | Registered: Jan 2009 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)

Member # 5355

posted 02 July, 2015 10:25 PM

However, the posts that should be deleted are those rants against a good doctor who has helped so many. Those are not needed or wanted and only hurt our cause.

Posts: 2543 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2004 | IP: Logged |


Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)

Member # 18936

posted 02 July, 2015 10:51 PM

If anyone has an agenda or is so out of step with the times that they can't accept change and they must bad mouth and predict doom and gloom based on their own personal bias and if those opinions interfere with others expressing their opinions, then I agree.

Expressing opinions, disagreement or support is one thing but ranting and raving and pushing one's agenda for their own purpose is another matter.

Posts: 5128 | From Lyme Zone | Registered: Jan 2009 | IP: Logged |

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Instant Graemlins

Hey Cotton,

Just stopped in to tell you there is no "official" news from the State published yet.

Moderators, please feel free to leave the posts as they are. I expected at least one DC groupie would respond with a multitude of attacks. It’s a tradition of theirs that they've taken on, based on a bunch of lies they've been told, and I must say they are getting pretty good at blasting me, don’t you think? ~smile~

I will only address a few things because it is hard to address so many inaccurate and quite hateful comments all in one sitting.

First, Over TheRainbow (aka Nvrgiveupx4), you said you’ve never “had the courage to post” here because you were "To sick, to tired, to intimidated”. Are you sure you didn’t just change your name to Nvrgiveupx4 because you thought you could fool LN members and moderators, and/or you expected to be deleted and/or banned for your personal attacks and wanted to keep a foot in the door under your other name?

Second, unless Dr. J has violated the HIPAA laws, you wouldn't honestly know if I’ve ever been his patient or if I’ve been there with one or more of my family members in the past. (Believe it or not, they do let folks from the eastern shore go across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge once in a while- and I do have aunts, uncles and a bucket load of cousins and their families in the Rockville area that I visit and stay with, especially during the summer months and holidays.)

You also can’t possibly know or accurately report about me having met Dr. Jaller or know if I've spoken to him at some point over the years either inside or outside the office.

Third, I heard a funny comment tonight that reminded me of Dr. J. Top video on the page with President Obama- 45 seconds- talking about Uncle Harry- go to section 2:40 to 3:25. It’s like a child. Just because they do something dumb once in a while doesn’t mean you won’t stand up for them when they need help.

Fourth, did you ever stop to think Dr. J may have had some (a lot of) help behind the scenes, the reason for the surprise ending? Earlier on I asked for volunteers such as yourself and the others posting here to help with this situation and got no response, so I just continued with the work I'd been doing all along.

Fifth, you falsely accuse me of lying and say you want facts. Please look on the Maryland Legislative website linked below and find his name in the menu to your left. Many of the facts that can be shared publicly are there. I’ve worked on his case since day one, even around and through the hateful comments hurled at me from people such as yourself.

Now, you or anyone else who has actually read the background and facts and who feels they have put in equal or more volunteer time and effort on this case over the past seven years than I have can certainly continue kicking me to your delight- including poppy, nomomuscles and Abx too. Just know I don’t have any interest in addressing the continuing attacks or inaccurate (untruthful) information that you've posted. Unfortunately, it is so bad it is laughable.

And, after all, I've got more important things to do! They are getting ready to take the Dukes of Hazard reruns off TV Land because of the Confederate Flag on the roof of Bo and Luke's car, the General Lee. I’ve got to run and tell someone to kiss my grits!




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posted 03 July, 2015 04:34 AM

Everyone, I invite you to read #4 Terms & Conditions for posting on Lymenet. It says there shall not be attacks on users here.

I think what expressing our opinions means, to address issues without attacking users. I hope that makes sense - thx - Robin

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Link Here-

Additional and edits below...


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Member # 18936


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posted 02 July, 2015 09:46 PM

Bravo! Sometimes you have to buck the system to change the status quo and take the risk that comes with it. Sometimes there are those that are too invested in the status quo. I don't see it working so well, after all these years.

Good for Dr. J for having the courage to do what he did. This is a victory for all LLMD's and for all lyme patients.

[ 07-03-2015, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]

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posted 03 July, 2015 09:39 AM


I did NOT attack Tin Cup in any way. I disagreed with her and mentioned a prior disagreement regarding the same topic. I did this to show my agreement with the person who posted about Lyme MD whose post has subsequently been deleted.

Since you thought to "edit" my post, I will now delete it myself since it no longer has any bearing on the discussion.

Posts: 759 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |




Member # 19199

posted 06 September, 2012 01:45 AM


Thx for posting again. In the post that was deleted I explained in great detail what was happening.

TF, I don't c what u mean. For the 2nd time in 4 years an ID doc had complained, this time indirectly to the medical board regarding this doctor. This doctor follows the rules posted by the Md BD of physicians in 2010, which I will gladly scan & post to this thread tomorrow. In the previous action, after 2 years the medical board Dropped the matter completely. The only information being requested now regards lyme as well.

I respect your need to vett any doctor before agreeing to support him/her, but there is a clear history here of your dislike for this doctor, shown by you & the moderators. No clear reason in my mind as to why.

If you were to speak to him, understand how he treats, realize he is actually not political (though was pulled into things at the last second with every good intention, you would realize he us one of the good guys, just trying to help the sick.

This is a battle. I just read about the lyme docs in NY under attack. We all need to work together. l have so much more information to share, but for another day.

Thank you for your consideration.



Posts: 11 | From Maryland | Registered: Feb 2009 | IP: Logged |



Member # 19199



Member # 19199



Member # 19199

posted 06 September, 2012 02:06 AM

Lucy, tin cup, TF, whatever u go by know ( I figure all bets r off since u constantly break your on rules on this forum & use this Dr.'s name.

Who are you actually supporting? Do you realize that the medical can investigate a doctor based on a complaint from a patient. From there the doctor has virtually not a single right. He/she is Not allowed to know why he is being investigated, he must, at his own cost, provide any & all documents requested by the medical board within a very limited time ( even if that requires him to shut down his office)

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posted 05 September, 2012 09:44 PM

Southpaw, I don't post much, just read here a lot.

So sorry with everything you went through.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at your post. You DO have a way with words.

Power to you, after all you have been through, to stand up to that bully doctor. How DARE he verbally assault you! Our Lyme docs are persecuted for saving lives while ID docs walk through the halls of Hopkins & other hospitals preaching their "truth" while refusing to consider, CONSIDER, that LLMD's and their science could be helping!

I know folks who are sent home from our most respected hospitals after consulting with ID docs, TO DIE, because said doctors do NOT believe long term Lyme can be that devastating or that antibiotics can help and are safe.

But hey, just got a year's supply of antibiotics for my teenagers acne. Where's the harm in that right? No suggestions for pro-biotics either!

Opps, sorry SP, this was your rant!! You GO!!!

Nevergiveup...., bow

Posts: 21 | From Maryland | Registered: Feb 2009 | IP: Logged |

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posted 08 September, 2012 03:58 PM

Hi Keebler, folks,

Actually, the dr. in question hasn's asked for any help, yet

(though I am NOT saying he doesn't need it!!) Right now he is trying to do what he does, be a doctor, and do what is being asked of him.

Don't know if it matters one way or another.

Dr. now knows there are folks out there with more knowledge, information and documentation to help him with whatever may come his way.

If necessary, he won't have to re-invent the wheel because of the wonderful and vast supportive community of Lyme advocates, patients and doctors who offer advice and assistance. To

those who have already contacted him personally to lend support, he is truly grateful.

The current movement, if you will, is motivated by some wonderful people around him who have jumped in to help however they thought they should and could.

I actually have no idea about what is happening regarding any petition or anything. I am fairly certain neither does the dr. I only know of who

may be working on it and therefore feel confident in stating: Great people, great intentions.

I keep hearing that somewhere out there in computerland there is reference to some insurance company being involved. Please let me be clear. THIS IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN THE CASE.

If anyone see's talk (type) of such, please inform any and all that that information is mistaken.

Thank you. Thinking of all who have and continue to suffer from TBI.



Posts: 21 | From Maryland | Registered: Feb 2009 | IP: Logged |



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posted 20 March, 2009 11:07 AM

Just my opinion. I know him and think he is a great doctor. Cares about patients. Works with you, monitors you. Always reading up on newest information and open to learning more. Last I heard he had expanded his hours, taking new patients and takes some insurance. Again, just my opinion. We all have our own comfort zone, but seems it is worth an appointment to see if you are comfortable with his style. In the end, trust your gut feelings.

Posts: 21 | From Maryland | Registered: Feb 2009 | IP: Logged |

Problems of having a public blog if you are a doctor- as in the case of Jaller. In a medical board case in LA, a doctor was Ordered...