Behind The Scenes- HB 399

Maryland HB 399 is similar to a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite of a 2013 Virginia bill (H 1933) that eventually, after a rough and often publicized fight, made its way to the former Governor McDonnell's desk for his signature.

Promoters of this bill have quite a history of going from state to state attempting to get questionable, often unnecessary and potentially dangerous Lyme bills passed:

2010- MARYLAND- HB 2- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2010- MARYLAND- HB 290- a Lyme doctor protection bill that was opposed by Lyme doctors, Lyme organizations, Lyme support groups and Lyme patients;

2010- MARYLAND- HB 798- proposed a 2nd task force be established after the previous task force had completed its duties and recently published its final report;

2010- VIRGINIA- HB 36- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State (Virginia) where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2010- VIRGINIA- HB 512- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State (Virginia) where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2010- VIRGINIA- HB 897- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State (Virginia) where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2010- VIRGINIA- HB 1017- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State (Virginia) where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2010- VIRGINIA- HB 1288- requiring mandatory reporting of Lyme disease in a State (Virginia) where reporting already exists, is mandatory and has been for decades;

2012- MARYLAND- HB 1168- to declare May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month when it was already established almost 2 decades ago and has been celebrated as such by volunteer Lyme organizations, support groups, the Maryland DHMH and others since that time, including nation wide;

2012- MARYLAND- SB 891- a Senate Lyme testing related bill that was ruled unfavorable before it got out of the first Committee;

2013- VIRGINIA- HB 1933- another Lyme testing related bill after multiple rewrites;

And currently...

2016- MARYLAND- HB 399- another attempt to pass a Lyme testing related bill.

Origin of Maryland's HB 399- Based on Virginia's bill H 1933

"[Susan] Green is active with National Capital Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Association (NatCapLyme), where she’s currently legislative counsel. Together, they wrote Bill 1933 in the State of Virginia that requires doctors to provide patient information about the shortcomings of the Lyme test. Green says they opted to push the bill through in Virginia because it’s a more Lyme-literate state than Maryland, but that it was still “one of the hardest battles I’ve ever fought in my entire career.”

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