NY State Testimony August 2017

From the Blog of Angelica Johansson

Link Here

Posted on 30 augusti, 2017

"On August 29, the New York State Senate’s Task Force on Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases held a public hearing, with participation from many stakeholders. Public health officials, scientists, patients, and doctors from IDSA and ILADS all addressed the committee hearing, which was streamed live to a national audience." End quote. Link Here


Review of NY State Senate Hearing Testimony

by Lucy Barnes

Senator Kemp Hannon

He is not working in the patients best interest and never has been.

IDSA/CDC buddy.

Sunil Sood- IDSA/CDC Toad

Brilliantly presented all the things you shouldn't do for or about Lyme disease.

Craig Hersh

BCBS/Anthem Insurance Executive

NY Senator Sue Serino

Chair of the Tick-borne Disease (TBD) Task Force

Most Impressive on Legislative Panel

Holly Ahern

Mother of Lyme Patient & SUNY

Dr. Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA


(Unable to hear testimony- technical difficulties)

Matthew Frye, PhD

Cornell University

Christina Fisk

Lyme Action Network

Jill Auerbach

NY Support Group Leader

Richard Ostfeld, PhD

Cary Institute

Get pic of Martin Wilson and Audrey Mitchell, Dr. Steven Bock, a Hudson Valley physician who is Secretary of the ILADS Board of Directors

Dr. Bransfield’s recent work in the mental health arena is catching on!

Ideas to help that I like...

Budget for tick removal kits package

Work with Mental Health providers in state and county- give them GOOD info.

Make a standard TBD panel test for all to use. By the time you educate all physicians about the emerging diseases another decade or two will go by. Make insurers pay for this panel.

Martin Wilson (patient)- good job!


Officials from NY DOH, CDC, etc.

Slick, polished, towing the CDC line, skipping around the answers when asked direct questions

28 minutes

Is Lyme chronic?

31 minutes

Do people die?

33 minutes

Tests better like in California?

43 minutes

Wants tv ads for education, not just social media and expecting people to go to websites looking for info.

45 minutes

Put on your boots- its getting deep in there

47 minutes

Wants money appropriated in NY State budget (he is on eastern Long Island) and a vaccine. Response said they are doing a lot with research and would be glad to work on vaccine. Blah blah blah…

107 minutes

Senator Kemp Hannon wants a vaccine. Turns out to be a pain throughout the video. Same old Kemp. Says he doesn’t hear enough complaints about insurance not covering treatment, so basically all is ok there. What a jackass. Likes old document about ticks from CT. Admits it is 10 years old.

110 DOH Department Officials Start blabbing

Osfeld, Osfeld- they all think Osfeld knows it all. Sickening.

Blah blah blah…

Showing off a tick remover kit that costs them $1 each. They are distributing them. They are using FB more to get their messages out.

My comment- if everyone is doing such a bang up job- WHY DO WE STILL HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE GETTING SICK?

Fast forward to keep from being bored out of your gourd….

Sood- what a freaking toad.

4:18 minute- Dr. Bransfield

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