Note To Patients To Contact Sponsors

Dear Lyme Friends,

I am reaching out to ask that you contact two of our Maryland legislators listed below to oppose bills that would make our situation much worse if they are passed. Please do this as soon as possible and also share this with your friends and encourage them to write.

The bills are located on this page (near the top).

The LONG letter I just sent in (too long to read, but interesting history and a lot of details and what they need to realize, if you care to take a look) is shared at this site.

I am totally researched and “written out” now, but am offering a short sample letter for you to review in hopes it can help you compose something to send.

Many thanks for making these contacts and for caring about our situation.

My best to you always,

Lucy Barnes

Sample Letter to Oppose 2 New Maryland Bills

Send to:,



OPPOSE SB 557 and HB 660

February xx, 2019

Dear Senator Eckardt and Delegate Adams,

I am a Lyme patient who lives on the eastern/western shore of Maryland. I am writing in opposition to the bills that would create a tick borne disease working group for the State of Maryland. As you know we already have an active federal tick borne disease working group (TBDWG) established with Maryland doctors as members, as well as our most knowledgable and dedicated leaders of our Lyme disease organizations who are working to help make improvements in our situation. For the first time in decades we are finally making some progress.

Attempts to create a task force in Maryland and other states to bring people together have not been successful in the past. Please withdraw the bills and give the current TBDWG a chance. Thank you for thinking about us and our situation.

Yours truly,



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