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Topic: PLEASE READ -- Save this LLMD!


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posted 03 February, 2009 03:04 PM

Maybe this should go only in activism, but I'm posting it here because I know a lot of folks don't go to the activism section. This is "LymeMD" an ILADs doc who blogs about his experience treating Lyme. Please help or we'll lose another one!



This should be my last entry.

My lawyer has advised me to stop treating all Lyme patients.

He has advised me to send all my Lyme patients "somewhere else." Just where that is he doesn't say. The fact that there is virtually no one to send them to- underlines the point that I am the outlier- the target.

I have been under active investigation by the Maryland State Medical Board for over 18 months.

Five patient charts were subpoenaed based on a complaint filed by an infectious disease-IDSA doctor.

The cases have been sent to peer review. That means that 3 IDSA doctors will be passing judgment about my care of patients. In Maryland, Johns Hopkins is the final arbiter: They say there is no chronic Lyme disease. I will be evaluated to see if I am within the standard of care. The mainstream/IDSA sets the standard. Period.

I will loose. Bank on it.

My medical license may be suspended or I will be instructed not to treat Lyme

disease. Then I can take my case to court. I need political pressure to help in this fight.

I will end up in legal battle which will cost more than $100,000, which I do not have. This apparently will be the first case of its kind in Maryland. My colleagues who charge up to $3000 up front are in a financial position to fight this fight. I treat many patients for free or practically nothing.

If I am going to have a chance to win the inevitable court battle I need your help.

Please contact the Maryland General Assembly- you can get info on line.

Write/call your local congressman. Write call/fax the Senate President Thomas Miller, Jr 410-841-3700, 301 585 3700 and the speaker of the House Michael Bush 410 841 3800, 310 858 3800.

If I do not get support from my patients/readers- I will have to "go away."

The only issue is: Can I prescribe long term antibiotics for Lyme disease. That is all.

Thank you for your attention.

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posted 03 February, 2009 03:09 PM

We need to have an organized response on this. Everyone's help will be needed.

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posted 03 February, 2009 03:15 PM

Sorry, CD. When I posted, I didn't see that you had posted this already.

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posted 03 February, 2009 03:18 PM

One question I now have: we can't give his name out on the board so how do we know who he is? When I called the Senate just now I realized that we can't offer support for someone whose name we don't know.

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posted 03 February, 2009 03:30 PM

I think we need to wait until we have our ducks in a row, if you will pardon the expression. Am sure there is some organizing going on right now, and the results will be posted.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines.....

(but wait until we have a track designated)

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posted 03 February, 2009 03:41 PM

I'm happy to write and call. Just tell me what to do.

Ironic that the IDSA duck who turned him in is probably letting countless people suffer with a treatable infection.

He or she should be the one to answer for their inaction.



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posted 03 February, 2009 04:07 PM

I want to know who it is before I do anything one way or the other.




Opinions, not medical advice!

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posted 03 February, 2009 04:16 PM


Yes, I need to know who this is, too, before doing anything.


Is there simply a link to find out more specifics ?

Is the LDA on board with for this doctor? Have they taken any action in support?


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posted 03 February, 2009 04:18 PM

Please let us know what the plan is!!

We will help do what we can!!



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posted 03 February, 2009 04:29 PM

Didn't Maryland Senator Mikulski push for a lyme-related rights law? I think it was to support a patient's right to treatment. Perhaps either that law or she can be of help.

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posted 03 February, 2009 04:47 PM

As this news just came out a few hours ago, we will have to have patience on the details, I think.

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posted 03 February, 2009 04:48 PM


From another thread, here's the original link -

But the doctor does not identify himself (which is understandable but, still, I think it's vital to know who this is before writing a blank statement of support).

Perhaps in addition to seeing if the LDA would back him, are his patients writing in support?

And . . as lou says . . . patience. If this just came out a few hours ago, the dust may need to settle before more details come to us.

I will say that many things this doctor has said in prior blogs I have not agreed with, however, he deserves the right to his opinion - and he does offer much thought to the treatment of chronic lyme.


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posted 03 February, 2009 05:04 PM

You can always call ILADS to get the identity of this AWESOME doctor. If you take the time to read his blog it becomes very evident that he is a good man who wants nothing more than to see his patients get well.

I am very saddened that he is being investigated and attacked by these IDSA vultures.

Please count me in when the course of action is solidified.

Anyone who wants this doctors identity can PM me.


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posted 03 February, 2009 05:21 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the issue is long term abx for chronic lyme isn't it?

I don't necessarily agree with everything the doctor say's in his blog but I don't need to in order to suport long term abx for chronic lyme disease, his right to prescribe it and my right to receive it.



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posted 03 February, 2009 05:25 PM

Very good point Terry! And that is the issue in a nut shell.

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posted 03 February, 2009 05:30 PM

Yes - that is the issue.

He is a caring Dr. who goes the extra yard for his patients. While you might not agree with his theories and opinions - he has put himself out there for his patients but also the general Lyme community through his blog.

I am a patient and horried about what to do. I have a PICC and expected long term treatment. I know I can probably find another LLMD but we will eventually lose them all unless we fight.

I too am happy to tell you his name by PM if you want.


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posted 03 February, 2009 05:33 PM

So do these IDSA doctors do this so that they'll have a constant flow of sick patients to suck money out of? Or do they take bribes from insurance companies to shut the good doctors down? They never file complaints about dermatologist treating acne.

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posted 03 February, 2009 05:37 PM

The information I have gotten is that he was turned in to the state board by another doctor for longterm treatment of lyme. No patient complaints or patient harm was involved. It was an ID doc, wouldn't you know!

Some of the things in his blog will cause him to lose support from people he has criticized, likewise some of his views. But he is a relative newby to lyme treatment, just the kind of doctor we need more of, who will learn as they get more experience.

And what you need to keep in mind is the effect this will have on lyme patients and other lyme doctors, especially those in MD and neighboring states. Anyone who goes to a Maryland lyme doctor had better start worrying. As with any doctor who is taken down for treating chronic lyme, this will have effects far beyond one doctor and his patients.

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posted 03 February, 2009 05:46 PM



thanks for your comment. It's good to hear from his patients. I hope there will be an organized effort here - one that will work.


Yes, the issue is long-term treatment.

I think I said something wrong a few posts above. Perhaps I should try to restate what I said about not agreeing with everything he has said in his blog over time.

That was not meant to be critical but to point out that diverse points of view - from various angles - are necessary among those who are educated and push forward on the front lines of treating chronic lyme.

I meant that - even if I disagree with some of his thoughts - his thoughts - the freedom to openly discuss of treatment - and the freedom to treat as he sees appropriate is vital.

What the IDSA is doing is terribly wrong. It's ego, lobbying from the insurance industry, ego, bullying, support for long-term drugs of a different nature that are only a band-aid approach but forever, etc.

My heart goes out to any doctor who is threatened by the IDSA.


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posted 03 February, 2009 05:52 PM

I don't see your comment now keebler, you must have removed it?

I wasn't trying to call you out keebler, just trying to understand your point. Thanks for clarifying your thoughts.



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posted 03 February, 2009 05:57 PM


No, did not remove it, but got the idea I said something wrong from follow up posts. I'm so much better at cutting and pasting from articles and actually typing a coherent thought is very hard.


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posted 03 February, 2009 05:59 PM

My daughter and I have just begun to see him. He was in fact turned in by an ID doc that I also saw on my original quest for help. She is a bitter, angry IDSA spokesperson. She is homophobic, name it, she's against it.She talked about lymemd to a young colleague of mine who just went to her.

I will do anything-but who is spearheading this? Who are we waiting for? Please pm me, public post-whatever.


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posted 03 February, 2009 06:04 PM

Have to disagree keebler. I think you do a great job of making a lot of sense. I'm rather spacey today so I'm probably not making sense. LOL



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posted 03 February, 2009 06:07 PM

If he is already under investigation, they know about him. So his name should be public. No one can do anything without his name. And there is no reason to hide it.



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posted 03 February, 2009 06:11 PM

Pry wrote:

So do these IDSA doctors do this so that they'll have a constant flow of sick patients to suck money out of?

No, I don't beleive so. I think most do it because they are robots of the IDSA and don't do the research necessary in order to truly understand the issues.

You can bet if they or a close family member were infected and needed long term treatment, they would get it.

The few people who are in charge of lyme guidelines have their own agenda. Ego, reputation, financial etc..

The quickest way to understand the issues (the science, history and politics) is to read "Cure Unknown". It is a wonderful tool in helping to understand the issues.



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posted 03 February, 2009 06:43 PM

This really stinks.

If we are going to post the doctor's name, I think we should also post the name of the ID doctor who turned him in.

It bothers me that the credibility of the LLMD is always being challenged. What about the credibility of these ID doctors? I'd like to see their practices put under a microscope...

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posted 03 February, 2009 07:03 PM

One more thing: it's clear that one of the main reasons they singled out this doctor was because of his blog. So he's being punished for expressing his views, and these ID doctors are manipulating a state agency to suppress free speech.

Any chance that angle might encourage interest from some organization like the ACLU?

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posted 03 February, 2009 07:22 PM

Julie F,

It is my understanding that the doc started the blog AFTER the investigation started. He has actually already been under investigation for either 12 months or 18 months I think. But these things take time as is evident from Dr Jones case.

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posted 03 February, 2009 07:22 PM

Actually Julie,

LymeMD started his blog after he came under scrutiny as I understand it.


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posted 03 February, 2009 07:33 PM

Thanks for clarifying.

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posted 03 February, 2009 08:14 PM

I think posting his name on public forums would not be a good thing to do at the present time. And it is true that for anyone to act on his request to contact the legislature they would have to know his name. We are just going to have to hold our horses for a while until the dust settles and things are better organized.

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posted 03 February, 2009 08:18 PM

OK. Do you all want me to post the name of the ID doc? I know who it is. I saw her myself. And Lou, please help me out. Who is organizing? What dust is settling? Am I missing something?

PM me, post here, but please tell me what I am waiting for.



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posted 03 February, 2009 08:49 PM

Sorry to do it this way... but I am getting a lot of emails and am neck deep in CT stuff- getting ready for the hearing.

This is MY opinion... Q & A style.

Q- His blog said he wanted help.

A- I highly recommend he stop posting on that blog and on patient web sites, like his lawyer has advised. If he expects help from certain people he will need to approach this in a professional manner.


Q- What about the charges?

A - As far as I can tell he hasn't been charged yet. This could take years, IF it happens at all. His blog said the records were going to be reviewed which happens with nearly all LLMD's at some point and many non-Lyme docs. Many times they review records and just let it go because there isn't enough to charge them with.


Q- They took some patient files...

A- That is usually the case ... standard procedure.


Q- Can you and the Maryland groups help him?

A- I can't speak for all the Maryland groups and won't. The leaders I have spoken to about this have considered what he has written and pretty much feel like I do in this situation... but I speak only for myself.

If any LLMD needed help I would drop everything, health permitting and go with all I've got. BUT.. several things have to be in place first.

1. There has to be actual charges before anything can be done. Before I stand behind any cause I will know the facts or I just won't do it.

In this case there is nothing really to do yet until he is charged.. IF he is even charged.

I personally offered him my help a good while ago on this matter and I was not contacted. In fact, I tried once before to help him and was basically told to buzz off.

I can only assume by his words and actions that he didn't want my help or the help of others at that time.

2. Any time a doctor is in trouble they MUST be in agreement with their lawyer and have a well thought out plan of action in place before WE can do anything to help.

There are no charges at this point and therefore, I assume, no plans. We only have an unofficial "maybe" this might happen, so we can not proceed.

3. I am up to my eyeballs in Lyme stuff, as are the other leaders I've been in touch with, however, I will work on this if I am asked to by the doctor and lawyer, but not until such time.

I am sorry to say that help from various sources, I would imagine, may be thin because this doctor has been publicly criticizing ILADS, their methods and their doctors.

Disagree, ok, but to broadcast details in a climate like we still have here is dangerous and can initiate these types of problems for doctors who are treating Lyme.

It is sad because the doctors he took punches at are the ones who could have helped him the most. Maybe the "idiots" saw that and took advantage of it?

4. I will not, nor can I encourage others to jump on a band wagon that hasn't even been built yet... or one we don't have all the facts for in advance.

5. When we take up a cause, we won't quit and we will go the extra 500 miles, but we must insist on knowing the all facts before we jump on or ask others to go in that direction.


Q- Should we go ahead without you?

If anyone wants to do something, it is your choice and your right to do so. Just please remember for all of our sakes that the actions you (or I) would take may do more harm than good (for the doctor himself and those to follow)....

And more often than not, without a detailed plan, disaster can happen and will. If you are comfortable taking that risk on your own ... rather than waiting for a plan and/or help and advise from others (his lawyer)... that is your decision to make.


Q- Should we contact the legislators now?

A- What would we say? So, I would advise no ... not now.. maybe later IF anything becomes of this. I've tried to educate legislators for years. I know pretty much who can help and who will turn this into a disaster (most of them will have this in disaster mode- knowingly or not).

And until there are actual charges, there is nothing they can do for him. Their standard answer basically will be .. if there even is one... that the medical board has a job to do and there is nothing wrong with what they are doing- and the legislators will be correct in that answer.

Worse yet, they will most likely just forward your letter to the health department (aka Hopkins) for them to respond to it.

THEN you've notified people who gutted our bills and those who play kissy face with the IDSA down at the school yard. If you only knew, well, I just would NOT stir that pot right now.

We have time to act IF action needs to be taken. And IF we need to act, LOTS of action from us as a group vs a few here and there is better, don't you think?


Q- Should we begin immediately.

A- It has been less than 12 hours since a comment was made about this on an internet blog. I will not go into action on that say alone.

If someone wants to prep quietly behind the scenes- get emails of legislators lined up, make lists of newspapers/radio/tv for press releases, interviews, etc... and such.. good. If not used for this, we can use it elsewhere.


Q- This is different from other doctor's cases because it is Hopkins.

Oh how awful Hopkins has been to so many of us! I understand THAT concern, I do. But...

The IDSA has most likely been behind all of these cases against our doctors. I can't think of one where they haven't been.

If there is a fight.. it will be hard. The one thing I've learned is before we do anything.. we must have a plan in place. And remember... by sticking together we have whipped them before.

But it took ALL of us working together to do it and LOTS of good hard work and planning.

My suggestion is .. if this is your doc... to try to find another doctor if you can, ASAP.

Once a doctor is distracted by this sort of thing, their attention is diverted and you are better off finding help elsewhere, for their sake and yours.


Who is this doctor?

It is Dr. J.. (NOT our Dr. J in CT... and NOT our Dr. J in SC).

A newer doctor who is treating a few Lyme patients... NOT one of the ILADS docs.


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posted 03 February, 2009 08:52 PM


You can email me the name and any other info if you'd like. It would help me get a better idea of what he is up against.



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posted 03 February, 2009 09:15 PM


I think a list of legislators emails is available. Not sure why newspapers would be involved. In general, they get it wrong. Nearly every story about a doctor facing medical board or other action is assumed guilty in advance by the media.

Pretty sure this doc is a member of ILADS

If people think it is OK to let this guy go down because of some ill-advised remarks he made in a blog about colleagues, they should remember that this will affect other doctors in the state too. And a lot of patients.

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posted 03 February, 2009 09:20 PM

I think he is a member of ILADS too. He refers people who read his blog to ILADS to get information on contacting him for appointments and for his name.


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posted 03 February, 2009 09:23 PM


I have to say that if newspapers are involved - they will need to learn so much to get up to speed. I am not sure it is possible to get fair coverage from journalists who know very little about the science of chronic lyme and TBD.

News stories usually condemn the doctor and the patients who step out of the usual line.

In the case of any broadcast media, the vocal inflection itself is usually alarming and condemning even in the teasers.


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posted 03 February, 2009 09:47 PM

Just to clear up confusion . . .

He is an ILADS member.

He doesn't believe in CAM.

He has been treating with a lyme focus for about 2 years. He learned under a doc from Northern Virginia who doesn't see new patients.

The records were requested 18 months ago but they were radio silent for a long time. I think the impetious now is that they are actually sending them for peer review and will proceed with the investigation.

I have read the blog for awhile and have not seen him attack ILADS members. He may disagree with those who use CAM but thats about it. I think he respects those who treat persistent Lyme. These are my thoughts and I may have missed some stuff.

I do not know how these investigations work. Tincup - maybe you would be able to talk to him and let him know your thoughts and how to proceed since you have seen this before. You probably have a better idea than he does. I am happy to get you his name and number if necessary. I am sure he would greatly appreciate it.

Joysie - I would like to know the IDSA members name - please post ot PM me.

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posted 03 February, 2009 09:50 PM

Thank you TinCup and others.

This Anonymous person posts for help on a pstient Lyme board and does not even offer his or her name.

This person needs to take a little responsibility and go a more professional route.

If a bunch of Lyme advocates jump in and start sending crazy emails and the like--- YOU WILL BE CERTAIN TO RUIN ANY CHANCE THIS PERSON HAS- TO BE CLEARED.

I would not put it past a troll to post this Just to get all the Lymies up in arms and make the situation worse.

This is a job for ILADS Dr's, the LDA and his medical malpractice insurance.

By the way I am familiar with file reviews and they are not out of the norm. He will have his chance to respond in writing and in person before it ever gets referred to a medical board panel.


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posted 03 February, 2009 10:34 PM

hcconn22, who are you referring as "anonymous person", the "LymeMD" person or someone else. It is not clear to me from your post.

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posted 03 February, 2009 10:43 PM

hi -- if you're talking about me, I'm definitely NOT a troll! Been around this here place for awhile. Should I be insulted?

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posted 03 February, 2009 10:56 PM

Are we doing anything as a group? What can I do to help?



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posted 03 February, 2009 11:24 PM

About the media...

Keebler- you are right... some good, some bad. Baltimore paper- totally forget. IDSA actually has gone into their offices and demanded space when they didn't like what we've said. They manage to bully them around.

And Annapolis papers, forget! Some decent folks there I know... but then the editor there is buds and neighbors with our one big Maryland nightmare... and has been snookered by him... unfortunately. Use to LOVE that paper.

Others I've worked with and they are mostly reasonable.. some very good.

And having a list will help when the bottom line comes down to people writing letters to the editor, etc.


ILADS member or not?

Hey Staris... I don't know. By reading some of the blogs my guess would have been no. I can't understand if you are a Girl Scout for example, why would you publicly bash other Girl Scouts?

I know he tells people to contact ILADS for a referral but that doesn't always mean they are members. Example- they refer people to me and I am not a member... that is why I assumed that. Thanks for sharing your information.


YO CD 57.. you? A troll? I'd have never known! Glad that is cleared up. HA!



You are right on. Acting on a blog post could be bad. Also.. contacting the wrong legislators is worse! Know before you blow!



I am not doing anything yet (see post above). If you would like to, please do.

Well, actually... a prayer might help. So yes, that is what I'll do for now.


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posted 03 February, 2009 11:57 PM

this is the GERMANTOWN, MARYLAND LLMD ... he shows his city on this page also, but still does NOT give his name.

i haven't read today's happenings since i was here last; putting this here before i forget to! betty

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posted 04 February, 2009 06:02 AM

Tincup and others

I see very mixed messages here. One is to wait until we "organize". The other is to wait because maybe we shouldn't be supporting this doctor.

I will echo what Staris said.He is not anti-ILADS. He is anti making money from Lyme patients. He feels strongly about conflicts of interest like selling supplements, books, and treatment that have no empirical basis. He is anti-anything that makes our doctors look shady and suspect.He is anti-anything that makes us fall into the hands of the IDSA.

The woman who reported him is the worst example of an IDD you could dream of.

Maybe lymemd shouldn't have posted his blog. But didn't we all read it? It's alot more sane than some of the postings on lymenet.

He is a highly charged character. Aren't all of us at some point? Don't we all get on here and gripe about our doctors?

Dr. J's goal to gain respect for his profession and us as his patients has surpassed the other LMDs I have seen who have lovely, calm offices, feng-shui'd interiors, and charge me more than I can afford.

Is he handling this the "right way?" I don't know. But I am willing to call him and call anyone I need to to find out what to do. I am bitterly disapointed at the responses here. Maybe people are right about lymenet.

Please pm me if you are interested in figuring this out further. I can't believe we are willing to lose another doctor because he is not lock-step ILADS. Another local LLMD is about to close up shop to go into cosmetic surgery, his wallet already fattened by treating my daughter and countless others for outrageous fees.Tincup, I'll email you the name of the IDD.


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posted 04 February, 2009 09:42 AM

I echo what Joysie said.

He treats how he thinks is most effective and patients choose him knowing where he stands. He truly cares. He takes insurance and charges very low rates to those without insurance or who can't afford it.

I am 99% he is an ILADS member. I know he went to the ILADS conference in the fall.

He doesn't agree with some treatment and pactices of some ILADS physicians. But, the practice of some LLMDs selling supplements in office and referring to speciality supplement manufacturers with a kick-back is a conflict of interest an potential breach of law (see

I don't jusdge people who use CAM. I have tried it. But some invidual LLMDs do push the line. Dr. J wants credibility for the Lyme movement which is why he is against CAM and conflicts. That is all.

I have no idea if he individually bashed members for things other than set forth above. I would think not though.

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posted 04 February, 2009 09:44 AM

Tincup has it 100% right.

There's nothing to be done now.

Blog readers who don't even really know about his practice--would write on behalf of whom and for what reason? Because his blog says so?

Patients might write--but right now his files are simply being reviewed. This always takes a while. Might result in nothing, might result in probation who knows.

There's nothing that can or should be done right now.

Something's a little off about his blogging--why he did it in the first place, and continues to do so against his lawyer's advice. As for attacking other ILADS--Tincup is probably referring to his post on Dr. B's guidelines regarding supplements.

What was the point of attacking Dr. B who pioneered and understood so much? Was it necessary?

One has to wonder a little about his psychology. He likes attention, that's clear. Why did he up the ante now--there's nothing new happening with his "investigation" as far as I can see-it's just crawling along as these things do.

He does seem to have devoted patients and that's in his favor--they post.

But there are more important fish to fry right now--IDSA's new "panel" of docs reviewing guidelines, and both Dr. J's.

And I say this as one who doesn't even tolerate abx--so all this is kind of irrelevent to me!

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posted 04 February, 2009 10:07 AM

I withdraw my remarks about waiting for a plan. There doesn't seem to be one. So our choice is to do an individual sort of protest, with no organization, or no action at all.

Ain't lyme activism grand?

The major failing in the lyme world is inability to organize people who want to help, and steer them in the right direction. This involves good people skills, the understanding that many hands make lighter work. Instead we have a few seriously overworked people, an inner sanctum that keeps its plans secret, and the outcomes are seldom known. And out in lymeland we want to be partners but are only occasionally asked to write a letter now and then, and contribute money.

There are a lot of people who are qualified and capable of doing more, but very frustrated with the inability of the lyme leaders to use and focus this ability. A small underdog activist organization needs to do a better job at responding to interested people, recruiting them, grooming them for bigger roles. Otherwise we end up with warring splintered groups and disgruntled activists dropping out, and burned out leaders.

As far as this current crisis is concerned, anyone who thinks this will not lead to charges and be followed by attacks on other doctors in the state is naive. When this doctor is finished off and they start on the next one, will someone decide a plan is needed?

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posted 04 February, 2009 11:22 AM

Without knowing the details of his case that is being reviewed by the Md. State Board of Medicine, it's difficult to comment.

If his attorney really did tell him to cease and desist treating all Lyme patients at this point in the process, merely because he is being reviewed by the Board for treating chronic Lyme with long term antibiotics then ....

I honestly think he needs a new and better attorney. Someone from a top-tier law Firm.

Taking his current attorney's advice (to no longer treat Lyme patients) could be perceived as an admission of guilt. A completely unnecessary and inaccurate admission. Especially in light of the fact that the IDSA Guidelines are in the process of undergoing a formal review for accuracy, among other things.

From what I see, there has been no formal charge by the Board, but an investigation. There are two medical Standards of Practice for treating Lyme Disease (i.e., IDSA and ILADS). These are published at the National Clearinghouse maintained by the U.S. Government.

Just a rhetorical question here:

At this point in time, how could a physician be charged in this circumstance for not following medical Standard of Practice when the Standard of Practice itself is undergoing formal review for accuracy (and other things) by the very body that wrote them?

I also think that when he retains his new, better attorney, that he should heed his attorney's advice. Stop blogging. Stop posting on patient support forums.

This is not only for LymeMD's protection but for the protection of his existing patients and any new patients to come.

When he started his blog last year, it contained his full name and location and contact information. He later removed most (but not all) of those identifying factors. He also identified himself rather clearly on a patient support forum as well.

I don't understand why he felt the need to draw such attention to himself in such a public way while he was actively under investigation. Perhaps he did these things as a form of professional development (i.e., to attract new customers/patients). Or, perhaps he was using these public venues as a means of garnering support, if it was ever needed.

Legally speaking, it's just not a sound move. And in certain cases, one could question the professionalism of those moves.

He's entitled to due process within the Board and also in the court system. But, placing an emotional call to arms to his "readership" on his blog might have been premature. And this certainly wasn't the way to go about arming himself for the many reasons that have been stated above by others.

There will be a time and place for the wagons to circle, if necessary. But it will need to be done professionally. Good attorneys, experienced activists, and Lyme organizations/support groups can all help and certainly know how to do the job. And at the appropriate time, the patients can make their voices and opinions known.

Lest anyone misunderstand what I've said, I support LLMD's. I don't want them harrassed. They are desperately needed and they deserve our support. But, as I said, there is a time and a place . . .


p.s. By the way, I hope LymeMD reads this thread. In my view, I think ALL of the comments that Forum members have made -- critical and supportive -- are all worthy of his consideration.

He needs to keep his cards close to the vest and stop revealing his hand. It's gonna be used against him if he's not careful. Stop blogging in such a public manner.

He said in a recent blog entry that he has decided to "go the political route" to deal with his situation. I don't know what his attorney advises about that -- but I would nearly bet the farm that that an attorney would not support LymeMD lashing out on a blog as "going the political route" right now. He's already admitted that he was blogging against his attorney's advice.

I think he needs to reconsider his methods. He will need effective support and this is not the way to go about getting it.

[ 02-04-2009, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: FuzzySlippers ]

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posted 04 February, 2009 01:22 PM

He said his attorney told him to stop BLOGGING. Not treating.

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posted 04 February, 2009 01:33 PM

lou said...

"I withdraw my remarks about waiting for a plan. There doesn't seem to be one. So our choice is to do an individual sort of protest, with no organization, or no action at all."

MY position- IF there are charges... and when there is a solid plan in place... I will be happy to review it and most likely will support it.


lou said... "The major failing in the lyme world is inability to organize people who want to help, and steer them in the right direction."

1. This doctor has not been charged with anything. He is simply (not simply in his or our minds, but simply never the less), going through a review. This is a very common procedure. NO one can stop the medical board from doing what the law requires them to do.

2. It is up to the doctor himself and his lawyer to formally announce the charges IF there are charges.... and it is up to THEM to make a plan. Patients can't make plans and go to the rescue if there is nothing at this time to rescue.

A good lawyer with experience, like they said this one has, may be able to nix this whole thing in the bud before it blossoms.

3. If anyone wants to take up this cause and lead a charge... or expects others to do so at this time... and lou is right.. we are all worn to a frazzle.. don't even go there...

PLEASE tell me who that is going to be (raise your hand) and tell us what you will be doing before there is even charges.


Staris said..

"He treats how he thinks is most effective and patients choose him knowing where he stands."

I DO hope he has that in writing. THAT is one place they "get" doctors who treat Lyme. Do his patients remember signing a paper with that stated on it? I sure hope so!!!


Staris said... "He truly cares. He takes insurance and charges very low rates to those without insurance or who can't afford it."

Most LLMD's I know also care or they wouldn't try to help us. And that is a MUST factor from our point of view.

I can't remember any LLMD's over the years who didn't originally take insurance. That is a BIG part of the problem for the newer doctors now who do... or who try to.

Insurance does NOT want to pay for Lyme. They will target those treating Lyme who DO take insurance... which is why our more experienced Lyme doctors CAN'T take insurance.

And note- Not ONE LLMD has not given major breaks to those who can't afford care at some point. I know. I send people there to them for that reason when necessary. They DO have a heart.

As for insurance...

Example- Dr. J in NC.. now SC. He took insurance. Then the medical board nailed him. By taking insurance he was an easy target... but he did it anyway.

AFTER he was nailed... within hours.. the insurance companies moved in and sued him for MILLIONS of dollars for treating people who the medical board had just "declared" didn't have Lyme and didn't need treatment. For fraud!

Not only did ALL of his patients suffer this tremendous loss...

He lost EVERYTHING!!!! His own family was badly affected by this rotten deal too.

And he was a dear dear man just doing his best trying to help Lyme patients.


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posted 04 February, 2009 01:35 PM

Hi oxgenbabe,

In LymeMD's blog post dated 2/3/09, he stated, "My lawyer has advised me to stop treating all Lyme patients.

He has advised me to send all my Lyme patients "somewhere else." Just where that is he doesn't say. The fact that there is virtually no one to send them to- underlines the point that I am the outlier- the target." [emphasis added]


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posted 04 February, 2009 01:47 PM

Joysie said...

"I see very mixed messages here. One is to wait until we "organize". The other is to wait because maybe we shouldn't be supporting this doctor."

Truth is...

First of all.. again.. there are no charges. Second, there is NO plan that I've seen.

Third... Some doctors have done some very bad things. Not Lyme doctors specifically.. but all doctors.

I don't know this doctor. I don't know what the charges will be. And before I will stand behind them.. any doctor.. I will make it a point to know the doctor and lawyer and the charges.

What if...

What if I made a plan to support an unknown doctor who treated some Lyme patients.. or one of you all did...

And later we learned there was a sexual misconduct charge or a treating while on drugs charge involved.


That is why some of us hesitate to jump on a covered wagon.


But... can you see how bad this would be?

I personally, as do others in the community, have too many hours and too much blood, sweat and tears involved in this movement to take that chance.

When we expose ourselves to bad things like this would be.. what credibility do we have the next time around?

So, please know that the hesitating is justified in this and other cases.

The ONLY thing we have to go on is a blog post.. by an unnamed person... that states it would be their last post.

No. Things MUST be done properly before we run off nilly willy and try to do something.

I HOPE you can see where I am coming from.

May I suggest everyone putting this on hold until things are worked out.. and in the meantime.. with all this energy... make it count for something.

CT has a bill that would allow doctors to treat long term. They need help. If it passes there... it could possibly pass in Maryland and other states too.

I am working as hard and fast as I can go with them.. not just to help them... but to learn about it and the pluses and minuses so IF they get it through.. we maybe can too.

If we did.... THAT would solve this doctor's problem.. and many of our problems!


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posted 04 February, 2009 02:11 PM

boy, lots of good discussion since i was here in wee am hours!

also, for those wanting to write letters, etc., please go to my post about sending YOUR LYME STORY to a member from lyme board who plans to DELIVER PERSONALLY TO FRANK PALLONE, chair, who is stalling HR 741, and meet with him!

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posted 04 February, 2009 02:31 PM

Sorry, Fuzz, my error.

I agree with Tincup's further posts as well. Can't say it better.

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posted 04 February, 2009 03:17 PM

oxygenbabe, please, no need for apology!

Although I didn't mention it, I agree with Tincup's posts in this thread, as well. I agree with your earlier post too.

Nevertheless, like I said above, I think every one who commented thus far has brought up excellent points and they should be considered.

Kind of a situation of the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.


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posted 05 February, 2009 10:52 AM

So if tincup does not support this because she says she doesn't enough information and she is too busy elsewhere, there will be no action? And maybe there is some misconduct that is not known about? The situation has been described, and it is obviously a question of someone who treats longterm chronic lyme.

If people do not wish to participate in activism, they should not be throwing in bogus objections. Just be honest about motivations. Whether they are time related, or stage to get involved, or whatever. I really think those statements about possible sexual misconduct or some other unknown factor should be edited out of that post.

Sorry, kids, this train has already left the station. The only question now is whether it will have anyone in the engine to drive the thing to the right destination. People are already writing letters to the legislature.

I agree with fuzzy on some aspects of how this has been handled so far. It is far from a perfect situation.

On the attorney question, his blog says this is a very experienced one, with state board cases in the past. Attorneys almost never advise going the political route. Dr. Jones attorney was opposed to it. See where that got him? These attorneys believe in the legal route as the only one, not realizing what they are up against with the lyme witch hunts. Or maybe they do realize it will drag on forever and be expensive. Who knows. But his attorney has advised him to stop treating lyme patients. Is that a choice we want all lyme docs to make?

My personal opinion is that it is better to stop these actions at the earliest possible stage.

On media involvement, there is only one newspaper in the state that can be relied on for accurate stories on lyme. And tincup is involved with them. No others have been any help so far.

I am sure that the trolls reading this thread will be encouraged that activism efforts on this doc's behalf are not being supported very well. Can they count on this reaction for all the state's docs?

[ 02-05-2009, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: lou ]

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posted 05 February, 2009 12:48 PM


I thank you for your response. I have been too angry and confused to respond. I am seeing this doctor. But I would feel the same way regardless of who it was, pending clearance for sexual misconduct of course. I agree that his anger and public nature are disturbing. But that's about it. Let me remind whoever talked about attention-seeking behavior that we have surely reinforced this behavior by flocking to the blog and praising it.

Aren't we the hypocrites who praise book authors and lymemd's blog until we get scared? We want this illness and the issues to be public but we want it to be "Under the radar" at the same time? We moan and wring our hands-rightfully so-about the expense of treatment but we criticize this man for taking insurance? You all are fascinating.

What IS this? I am trying to understand how to proceed. I feel that ANY time one of our doctors is even threatened, we need to move quickly. I have no experience here but guess what? I am hearing and feeling no leadership from anyone who does.

Please let me know if any of you would like to join me in trying to organize support.PM me or post here. I need ideas.Maybe if we formulate a sensible swift response we can use it in the future to help others.


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posted 05 February, 2009 02:30 PM

Hi Joysie

I too am a patient of this doctor and count me in. I have sent you a PM.


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posted 05 February, 2009 03:40 PM

Thanks to everyone who has pm'd me, please keep it coming. But please send me a private email so I can get a group list together.



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posted 05 February, 2009 04:41 PM

Many of you don't know me since I haven't been as active in years. But I was very active in the fight to protect Lyme doctors which had had its focal point in NYS years ago. We were able to get some changes made that have protected NYS doctors since.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out why I think Tincup is saying to wait. The reason is that there's no one to really fight unless the state charges the doctor.

The state medical board is doing what it is legally supposed to do after it gets complaints.

Yes, the system stinks, because doctors like the IDSA doctors can make false complaints. Then the state is required to investigate. Then doctors who are reported are often kept twisting in the wind for months or years. (Sometimes cases can even be closed without the state bothering to give the doctor official notice. But this is just a lousy system that is a separate issue from Lyme.)

I can't see it helping the doctor if he makes a public fuss about what's happening now.

Doctors are investigated all the time, but the vast majority do not result in charges. So I think publicizing that he's being investigated can only hurt his reputation and **** off the state bureaucrats who are only doing what they're supposed to do by conducting an investigation.

If charges ultimately are levelled, then it looks like there will be many people willing to work together to defend him. Tincup certainly has had experience dealing with this issue, so it's kind of lucky this is happening in her state.

I hope this is helpful.



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posted 05 February, 2009 06:22 PM

Thank you for your comments. You will have a pm.

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posted 06 February, 2009 05:56 AM

To everyone else,

I am maintaining a list of people interested in supporting this doctor. Whether we do something now or later, we need to get people together. Dilly and everyone else certainly do not need to get involved if they don't choose to.



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posted 06 February, 2009 09:27 AM

The many people I know that see this MD have told me that he is definitely an ILADs doc and he is PRO-PATIENT, ... not anti-ILADs and it saddens me that someone would state so on this forum.

So what if he has questioned some approaches regarding selling supplements, etc. He is only concerned with what is best for the patient and the future of chronic lyme treatment....(how to achieve acceptance and respect for long-term lyme treatment in the mainstream medical community.) Differing opinions are good....discussion is good...bringing lyme treatment "out of the closet" by creating a blog is brave and good.

I am too ill right now to help or even post much but I did want to ask if anyone here was a member of NatCapLyme? Maybe they could be contacted for advice or assistance.

A couple of llmds have told me that at the last ILADS conference when the doctors convened to speak privately, most of the discussion was about lyme activism and how impressed they were with NatCapLyme, their achievements on Capitol Hill and their ability to "get the job done" instead of "making it all about themselves".

I went to one of their lectures (they had an lyme-literate psychiatrist from Georgetown)---it was awesome. They seem very well-organized, with great relationships in the llmd community.

BTW, this is not my doctor, but like others have stated, I am concerned that (1) this could start a precendent for other Maryland llmds and (2) I want him to stay in practice for his patients' sake as well as his own.

[ 02-06-2009, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: SoSublyme ]

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posted 07 February, 2009 09:20 AM

It looks like there have been some changes in the last couple of days? Or it is too early in the morning for me? VERY possible that is the case.

The doctor's post about him not posting anymore and not being able to treat patients has been removed.... or am I just not able to locate it?

Unfortunately, I am sure all the originals have already been copied by the dark side.

The doctor is continuing to post during the investigation and after he said he wasn't going to? Did the lawyers say ok to doing that... or have the charts been returned and the investigation dropped? Any news?

Has anyone actually spoken to the doctor in detail to find out what exactly he thinks he needs or wants.. or his lawyer wants... if anything at this point?

May I suggest?

Do NOT contact the medical board. Once you rile them up we won't be able to work with them if we need to down the road.

Some Montgomery county politicians (where this doctor is from I believe) have been very ugly to Lyme patients (check with the DC group about this if you want to because we worked together to fight this situation- or go to their website and find the letter they wrote when that bill was on the table... or check with any Maryland groups).

A Montgomery County legislator fought us to get the IDSA guidelines made mandatory in Maryland... and after telling us one thing and doing the opposite- went to the Washington Post to complain about Lyme patients and advocates. The health department egged this on.

In Maryland..

IDSA=Hopkins=Health Department=Many Legislators

Keep in mind the AG's office is also part of the health department... as is the medical board.

Keep in mind some of our worst nightmares have gone from the legislation to the health department/Hopkins/IDSA or just the other way around... and so forth.

They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

Again, I suggest avoiding stirring any of those pots until a solid plan is in place by someone familiar with the internal workings ... as actions taken nilly willy may lead to bigger and badder things if you do.

For what it is worth.

As I generally do, I've run my thoughts on this matter past all of the Maryland LLMD's and Maryland advocates (and some out of state advocates experienced with this kind of situation) that I work with on a regular basis.

The only comments back so far indicated they agreed with what was suggested and it was a well thought out plan. If anyone disagreed or had any other ideas, they did not speak up.

So is there any news? Or am I just to sleepy and missed the doctor's original post?


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posted 07 February, 2009 10:36 AM

After giving this much thought (and worry!) I think it is best if we wait and see what happens with the chart review.

I think calling attention to this doctor under these circumstances might stir up unwanted attention from unfriendly sources.

I'm guessing that LymeMD might have had the same thoughts and so took down his request for help on his blog.

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posted 07 February, 2009 11:52 AM

Tincup, he's done that in the past. Makes a post, then later thinks better of it and takes it down. Some time ago, he made two posts about being investigated...then he took them down. Guess he's done something similar again.

His blogging self seems a bit unstable anyway


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posted 07 February, 2009 12:02 PM


I'm not sure, but I think he appears to have replaced his original "This may be my last post" with "The fight about lyme." (?) The reader comments that were in response to his original post still remain intact, from what I can tell, and are still on this new post.

I could be wrong, though. Perhaps that "The fight about Lyme" post was there all along.

Don't know what the situation is vis-a-vis his attorney's thoughts on continuing blogging or treating Lyme patients.

One of the main points I was trying to make was based upon what he's shared so far over the months, there was no reason for him to stop treating Lyme patients at this point.

If he was advised to stop treating patients by his attorney, then I fear his attorney does not have a good understanding and grasp of the complexities of the Lyme medical/political situation, nor the medical aspects of the Lyme pathogen itself and the nature of the disease progression.

Just because an attorney has experience in defending clients against the Medical Board, doesn't mean that his expertise with the Lyme issue as a whole is solid.

Again, my comments on the attorney situation are only based upon what he's mentioned so far in his blog -- I do not presume to have all the facts.

What his attorney has advised him to do is attorney-client privileged information and it's none of my business. I'm just putting this out there in case it might help.

He can consult with additional attorneys and form a team, if needed. His attorney can bring on additional legal expertise. It's done all the time.

Based on the information that has been shared so far, and presuming there are no other complicating factors involved, I don't want him to stop treating Lyme patients. Now or ever.

If he continues to post and by posting he's going against his attorney's advice, then I hope that at the very least, he will take care in the language he uses. He's written some posts in months past (which have since been deleted) that were lacking in discretion and professionalism to say the least, in my view.

Treating Lyme is a hotbed of coals at times for patients and doctors alike. There's no need to stoke the fires with rhetoric that is charged with flammable material in a blog.

He also might want to consider that if he goes against attorney advice and continues to blog in such a public manner, that he might have difficulty in retaining legal counsel. Attorneys are not required to defend clients who insist upon being their own mouthpiece and whom ignore legal advice.


[ 02-07-2009, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: FuzzySlippers ]

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posted 07 February, 2009 06:04 PM

Stand up and fight! He/she is already saying they are gonna lose, so what is the sense in supporting someone who is determined to fail?

Yes, these IDSA attacks are horrible, but if the LLMD's don't stand up and fight as a team, how do any of us ever expect to get anywhere? This attack should have been expected and prepared for, and the blog was probably not a wise idea since it gives the enemy blatant access to thoughts and ideas. Think people. I have no sympathy for people who give up. Why should we rally and support some mystery MD who says he's gonna quit, shut down the blog, go crawl under a rock in fear, and not stand up for themselves?

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posted 08 February, 2009 08:53 AM

My position is that I want to be gathering folks who are interested in helping. I want their contact information right at hand, so that if the time comes,we are ready. Many of us do not belong to Nat Cap LDA, or any other group where we might be easily informed or asked for support.It takes time to organize groups.

Therefore, I am continuing to collect contact information. One of our members is in touch with Nat Cap LDA and he will let us know what we need to do.

I will say it once more. Lymemd is a character. Some of these attributes work against him. I don't know whether he should ever have blogged but hello? We all read it and it's alot less wacky than some of us appear here, every day.

Dilly, your sarcasm about lymemd is less than helpful. Guess what?You are not the only person who lives in Maryland. Others of us do and actually SEE this guy as opposed to spreading rumors.If you are so informed, did you know another very active Maryland lyme doc is closing up voluntarily to go do cosmetic work? So our choices are narrowing every day. Hope you can afford to pay ALOT.

I have gotten alot of help from some people here and hope I have extended some in return. But one of my most nagging thoughts is how mentally unstable and ridiculous some of our most frequent posters sound .They are representing us as a constituency group. It embarasses me sometimes, and illustrates why we are all viewed as a bunch of psychosomatic freaks.If "the dark side" truly trolls sites like this then we feed them and are our own worst enemies for some of the plap that people say here.

At any rate, please continue to pm me and I will try to make a list.We do need to stand up and fight at every opportunity.



[ 02-08-2009, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: joysie ]

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posted 08 February, 2009 02:48 PM


Thank you for getting involved...if I feel even an ounce better I will PM you too.

Like you, I can appreciate that LymeMD may not be everyone's traditional idea of a doctor...but the ordeals that lyme patients face are usually not faced by patients of "accepted" illnesses. So it's okay with me if lyme doctors don't fit into a "cookie cutter" mold of how an MD should present him/herself.

I think his blog was a very brave thing to do...and quite informative as well.

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posted 08 February, 2009 03:46 PM

i saw tincup's post below but didn't know who/what it was meant for but after reading the latest posts since i last read, this may be one of the spots it was intended for, so on my own, i'm posting it here.

food for thought folks...

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posted 10 February, 2009 05:11 AM

Bumping so that anyone who is interested in being on a contact list to provide useful support for this lmd knows to pm me. We need more names



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posted 10 February, 2009 05:12 AM

Bumping so that anyone who is interested in being on a contact list to provide useful support for this lmd knows to pm me. We need more names



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posted 12 February, 2009 11:25 PM

amen, WildCondor.

this "attack" may or not have been anticipated by the doc in question- who knows?

But, more generally, here in Maryland there are always some very attuned ears to the ground listening for the boot-steps of IDSA and its minions, and yep, fighting proactively to keep our Lyme docs safe.

.....hint......not all that glitters is gold......

[ 02-13-2009, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: sometimesdilly ]

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Topic: PLEASE READ -- Save this LLMD!


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posted 13 February, 2009 02:47 AM

Did anyone ever find out if the doctor is still needing help?

I know at least one LLMD who is offering to assist if/when needed, but it isn't clear if he even has a problem now???

Has anyone spoken to him to find out?

He is obviously doing what he said his lawyer told him not to do- seeing patients and posting online still- which would indicate he either isn't going to take the legal advise he was given... or things have changed for him ..... so....

Is it business as usual.. and all is good now?

I do hope so!

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posted 13 February, 2009 10:20 AM

I have had contact with LymeMD this week.

He still wants help in the original

way he asked for it - political. This problem is

still very real. LymeMD has in no way given up

and wants to continue being a Family Physician

and also help the Lyme patients he obviously has

passion for.

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posted 13 February, 2009 11:11 AM

Hey Ivy,


Thanks for posting with some updated information. I know some of his patients are very anxious to hear news.

Do you know anything more about his plan at this point? Has he been charged with anything?

We've got to be real careful with politics in Maryland, unfortunately, so that has me concerned.

Stirring the wrong pot there will not be a good thing and could do more harm than good.

And, excuse me for "bugging" you... but do you know if his attorney is Lyme literate or not? It can take a LONG time getting them up to speed... if they ever catch on.

Any information you can share would hopefully help his followers feel more connected and informed.

Thanks for sharing!

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posted 17 February, 2009 01:54 PM

Hi Tc

Thanks for the welcome.

Sorry, I don't know anything more about his plan at this point and I don't know if he has been charged with anything. I am kind of new at this and I don't really understand much of it, then add Lyme brain and what a mess!

I just knew 5 patient records were taken over a year ago and then the news now - that the State of Maryland plans to go forward with investigating.

I don't know who his attorney is.

Just wondering if anyone here that is local and more knowledgeable about this has been in contact with him and could help with giving more info?


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posted 19 February, 2009 05:27 PM


TinCup is and has been for many years the person most knowledgeable about Lyme patients, doctors and Lyme advocacy in the state of Maryland.

As every battle-tested Lyme doc in Maryland and many states away can attest to, nobody else even comes in a close second place.

Thank you, TC, for never giving up or going away...


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posted 19 February, 2009 05:53 PM

I am new to this forum and live in Maryland. I don't know who this dr. is, but my heart is breaking for him and his patients.

A little off-topic, but having read all the prior posts I get the impression that Maryland is a particularly contentious (for lack of a better word) state.

Can anyone supply me with links to articles or places where I can "catch up" on the state's policies.

I haven't been diagnosed, yet, but I was beyond fortunate to have found a LLMD and am awaiting my first appt., although it's a couple months out.

Thank you all, and I am sending good thoughts and warm wishes to all of you and your physicians.


The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King,Jr

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posted 19 February, 2009 06:57 PM

yes, go to melanie reber's site i think is on end or .com

will have each state's statistics

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posted 19 February, 2009 07:38 PM

Thank you bettyg. It's frightening and tragic. I bookmarked the link you sent me and will keep up with what is going on here in Maryland.


The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King,Jr

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posted 19 February, 2009 10:37 PM


Sorry you have joined us in the Maryland Lyme Club. Lyme and co-infections are epidemic here in our grand state, so you are joining a club of many many thousands, whatever the seriously skewed statistics say.

For what it is worth, Maryland is actually NOT one of the more contentious states Lyme-politics wise.

Many states have no Lyme docs at all. We have the luxury of choosing from a few, and thanks in very large part to TinCup, our docs have not (?yet?) been actively targeted.

Hope you heal quickly and readily...

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posted 20 February, 2009 08:38 AM

Thank you sometimesdilly. This is an amazing group of people on the forum and the information shared is honest, heartfelt and invaluable.

I haven't been diagnosed yet, but there is no doubt in my mind that I have been sick with this for a few years. I believe my husband is sick as well.

I have vowed no matter what that I will keep up with the Lymes situation and do whatever I can to help further awareness of this horrible disease. It can touch anyone anywhere.

Thanks again.


The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King,Jr

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