Request to Contact Legislators

lyme dr under investigation

Update with Dr. Jaller:

Dr. Jaller is now under investigation for the 3rd time. The first two times both of the complaints came in from an Infectious disease doctor, but this complaint is from United Health Care which is a lot more serious. Although Dr. Jaller no longer accepts health insurance, United Health Care has filed a complaint starting that he is using incorrect treatment protocols not by the IDSA.

Brittany Goff has contacted the senator persuading her to author a bill that she wrote protecting Lyme disease doctors in Maryland. She needs a legislator to author on the bill to bring it to the House. For this investigation, we are taking it a lot further by bringing it to congress.

What Dr. Jaller needs from you is letters contacting your district Delegates. He wants his patients, patient friends and family to write a letter to the delegates about how he is using appropriate protocol treatments and how much you have benefited from him. I am providing a link to where you can search for your specific delegate by county or district and their email address is proved as well.

Click Here to find your County Delegate

This is Dr Jaller’s request for help on his blog.

Click Here to Read

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