Act 2

Scene 1: Harlequin, Marinetta.

Harlequin appears as pursued by Marinetta, whose love and passion he has fled. This scene contains what she says to him to endeavor to raise his love; he scornfully refuses, and gives her to understand he loves only Colombine; which declaration inspires Marinetta sentiments of rage and jealousy, and Harlequin goes off rallying and laughing at her.

Scene 2: Marinetta.

Marinetta, transported with love and jealousy, swears to be revenged of Harlequin, threatens to kill him, and at the time she is in the height of her passion sees Harlequin Jr. enter with Pierrot.

Scene 3: Marinetta, Harlequin Jr., Pierrot.

Marinetta, taking Harlequin Jr. for the other, addresses him with a great deal of fire, then boxes his ears, and Pierrot's too.

Scene 4: Harlequin Jr., Pierrot.

Harlequin Jr. and Pierrot are perplexed by Marinetta's actions. Harlequin Jr. has just arrived in Paris from Italy, having heard that his brother died, and he has only recently met Pierrot. Pierrot promises to investigate what has happened to Harlequin Sr.

Scene 5: Harlequin Jr., Pierrot, Piquelard.

Piquelard the scullion-boy emerges from a tavern and (mistaking Harlequin Jr. for Harlequin) calls him to come eat the supper that's prepared for him, and presents him with a plate of food. Harlequin Jr. and Pierrot are confused, and as Piquelard insists they come in to eat, they begin to think he's a conman. When Harlequin Jr. asks what the food will cost them, Piquelard assures them it's been paid for by Colombine. Harlequin Jr. orders additional food "at the same price" and Piquelard agrees, saying their credit is good.

Scene 6: Harlequin Jr., Pierrot.

Harlequin Jr. guesses that the free meal is some kind of welcome-gift for new visitors to the city and "Colombine" is the sponsor's name. He sends Pierrot to carry the food back inside the tavern ahead of him.

Scene 7: Harlequin Jr., Colombine.

Colombine arrives at the tavern and mistakes Harlequin Jr. for Harlequin. She behaves affectionately towards him, and Harlequin Jr. assumes she's a prostitute and tells her to go away. Colombine is perplexed, and increasingly grows angry over her lover's behavior. Harlequin Jr. comes to think she's a crazy lady, and that he should be kind to her. He plays along pretending he knows what she's talking about, and professes love back to her. Colombine calms down, and presents him with Gerontes' jewels, which she says should be returned right away. Harlequin Jr. takes the jewels for himself and leaves.

Scene 8: Colombine, Harlequin.

Colombine worries about how Gerontes will react to the return of the jewels, but is then surprised to see Harlequin again. He apologizes for running late, but Colombine (thinking she just saw him) asks if he already took the jewels to Gerontes. Harlequin doesn't know what she's talking about. As they argue, Harlequin comes to think Colombine is trying to frame him for stealing the jewels, and Colombine thinks Harlequin has stolen the jewels. Tempers flare, and the couple part ways in anger.

Scene 9: Harlequin.

Harlequin makes a dramatic speech, wondering if Colombine is acting alone or if Isabella is behind the scheme. He declares that he'll take up with Marinetta instead.

Scene 10: Harlequin, Marinetta, Harlequin Jr.

Marinetta comes out singing an Italian song on a guitar. Harlequin Jr. comes out of the tavern, having eaten; he hears Marinetta's song and wants to see who sings in his native style. Meanwhile, Harlequin recognizes Marinetta's voice and decides to talk to her. Marinetta leaves before the two Harlequins can find her.

Scene 11: Harlequin, Harlequin Jr.

The two Harlequins go to the spot where Marinetta was at, and they find each other. Both are terrified, as each one assumes the other to be a ghost or a demon. Harlequin draws his sword and chases off the "demon" Harlequin Jr.

On to Act Three