Act 4

ACT FOUR: Flavio’s house

SCENE ONE: Flavio, Lavinia; later, Pantalone

Flavio and Lavinia make plans for their wedding, which can occur without opposition now that Pantalone is dead. Suddenly the ghost of Pantalone comes into the room and frightens them away.

SCENE TWO: Pantalone, Mezzetino

Mezzetino, having heard screams, comes out to investigate and finds the ghost of Pantalone, who swears he will haunt the house for eternity, slowly killing the inhabitants with fright, et cetera. Once Mezzetino gets over the initial shock, he makes a deal with Pantalone’s ghost, offering a share of the profits from the haunted house tours if Pantalone will reserve his terrors exclusively for the groups, since admission price can be quadrupled if a ghost is guaranteed to appear. Pantalone, not one to turn down money even in death, agrees. Now in accord, Mezzetino announces he’s going off to explain the spectre to Flavio and Lavinia as having been a cat/neighbor/etc.


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