Act 2

3 Wandering Musicians, poorly dressed, with their musical instruments; they wander through the villas playing and singing to earn their living. They make their instruments heard in that place.

Pasquella, Olivetta outside. The Musicians ask for something to eat, offering to play and sing. Pasquella sends for bread and wine.

Pedrolino from the house tells Pasquella that the time is approaching for Oratio's business, with the opportunity of the musicians. He sends Olivetta to invite the girls from the villa to come to the dance. Olivetta leaves. Pedrolino orders the musicians to play, promising to pay them well. The musicians play their instruments in that place.

Olivetta, with the girls from the Villa and her companions, arrives. Pasquella enters with benches and chairs, then returns with her husband.

Burattino, Pasquella with benches and chairs arrange seating for everyone while the musicians play.

Pantalone, Isabella, Flaminia, Flavio, Oratio, Gratiano come out of the house with their entire entourage. They sit down with everyone else, and the dance begins. Everyone dances in pairs, as is customary with these women. Oratio excuses himself from the company in the middle of the dance, saying that he is obliged to go to Tofano. Burattino enters with his musical instrument, then the musicians are dismissed. Flavio pays them. Burattino suggests taking them along for a walk while playing. They all agree and go with him, except Pasquella, who stays to guard the house.

Oratio arrives, greets Pasquella, who tells him everything that Pedrolino told him and leads him into the house to the room already prepared for him to enjoy Isabella. They enter.

Gratiano and Pedrolino, who have been well received at the farmers' houses, discuss their love affairs with the girls. Gratiano urges Pedrolino to arrange everything for him with Flaminia. They hear the sound of horns and the noise of hunters.

Capitano Spavento, with hunters, arrives at the villa with dogs and horns because of his love for Flaminia, Isabella's sister. He asks Gratiano about Pantalone, Flavio, and Oratio, who are in the villa. He goes to inform them of the arrival. Pedrolino tells the Captain that Gratiano is a rival in the love of Flaminia. The Captain laughs at that.

Flavio, Pantalone, Gratiano, Isabella, Flaminia, Burattino arrive with their entire entourage, welcoming the Captain and rejoicing at his arrival. Flavio immediately suggests sitting down and returning to dance. They all sit down again, and the dance begins anew. Before long, they all get up to refresh themselves. Pasque and Olivetta sit with the others.

Pedrolino, Gratiano, Servants, with plates full of sweets, bottles of wine, and fruits with glasses or saucers offer refreshments. Everyone eats and drinks. Then they begin to dance, performing the "Piantone" dance. While they dance, Isabella hints to her husband that she needs to urinate. Pasquella immediately gets permission from Pantalone to take her into the house. Pantalone, out of jealousy, guards the door, while the dance continues.

Flaminia wants to enter the house. Pasquella urges Pedrolino not to disturb Oratio and invites Flaminia to dance. Everyone else starts to enter Pasquella's house to do some service. Pantalone, with gratitude, tells them not to disturb his wife, who is performing a service. She comes out.

Isabella, all sweaty, is immediately wiped off by Pantalone with his handkerchief, telling her that when those desires come, she should relieve herself and not suffer. Everyone leaves the dance to go and have some fun, and they set off. Pantalone follows, wiping his wife's face and showing affection. The act ends.