Act 2


ISABELLA has seen the Captain arrive in Rome, and has recognized him. She hopes all will go as she wishes;


ORAZIO sees Isabella disguised as servant, greets her, and she curtsies in turn and greets him in French. Orazio afterwards marvels when he learns she can speak and understand Tuscan;


BURATTINO arrives and after greeting Isabella, tells Orazio that she is his mistress, and that she’s a noblewoman who can speak several languages. Isabella tries to make him stop;


GRAZIANO arrives, greets Isabella, who speaks to him in French. Burattino tells Graziano that she is his mistress, and she can speak Tuscan very well. Graziano makes much fuss over Isabella;


FRANCESCHINA is immediately jealous of Isabella when she sees her talking with Graziano, and sends her back into the house. Burattino hides so that he can watch. Franceschina pretends to flame Graziano, and he agrees with what she says and placates her with amorous speech. Burattino goes into the inn, saying that Pedrolino is a cuckold and Franceschina is a whore;


FLAVIO sees his father in this compromising position with Franceschina, and reprimands him; Franceschina goes into the house. Graziano becomes angry with Flavio for interrupting him, and leaves. Flavio remains;


FLAMINIA at the window greets Flavio, and asks about the rivalry with Orazio, his brother. He then tells how if they hadn’t been separated, they would have killed each other;


ARLECCHINO enters, and hides in order to spy. Flaminia assures Flavio of her constancy, then goes on to tell how her father made her listen to him talking all day about a Captain who is coming from Naples to find himself a wife, and how the marriage agreement was made for her by her uncle in Naples, and she names Captain Spavento;


PEDROLINO stops to listen, without their knowledge,

BURATTINO likewise without their knowledge. Arlecchino, away from them, likewise. Flavio tells Flaminia how he will remedy everything;


ORAZIO arrives and speaks to his brother, saying he wants to reason with him in a friendly and brotherly manner. Flavio reconciles with him. Orazio then says how he is freely giving up on Flaminia, not out of spite for her, but because he has fallen in love with someone else, and concludes by describing an extremely beautiful young woman who is dressed as a servant. Pedrolino, upon hearing this, promises to help him with this love affaire with the girl who is staying at his house, and they will thus clear the way for Flaminia to have Flavio;


ARLECCHINO says how that cannot occur, because Flaminia is engaged to the Captain who is his master, 

BURATTINO likewise tells how Capitano is engaged to his mistress;


PANTALONE arrives, sees Flaminia at the window and scolds her. Arlecchino says there’s no point: “Because everything will go as I say,” and he departs. Burattino says behind him: “Don’t believe him, because everything will go as I say,” and he leaves. Flavio says to Pantalone: “You must never have thought well of me if you are going to prevent my wishes,” and he goes. Flaminia says: “Father, sir, I have great faith in you, and will do whatever it is you please,” and she retires. Pedrolino says afterward: “Sir, leave everything to me, because everything will go as I want it to go,” and he exits. Pantalone remains, dumbstruck;


FRANCESCHINA sees Pantalone, and tells him that she needs to speak with him about something of great importance, and leads him up the road, away.

ISABELLA, CAPTAIN and ARLECCHINO come out as she reproaches the Captain for not loving her or being faithful to her while she was in Genoa. As for him: he claims he has no memory of this, and that she is being very rude to him. She insults him and disdainfully exits. Arlecchino tells the Captain that he would be better off with Isabella for a wife, because Pantalone’s daughter is a whore. The Captain grows enraged at Pantalone;


PANTALONE arrives, and hearing his name spoken by the Captain, identifies himself as Pantalone. The Captain says that he is a scoundrel and his daughter is a whore. Pantalone: that’s a lie; I’m going to hunt you down with a musket in one hand and a dull knife in the other. The Captain flees down the street. Pantalone follows him. Arlecchino: no one can run faster than my cowardly master.


THE CAPTAIN returns, Arlecchino scolds him, and then the Captain tells him to go and prepare a grave for the old man;


FLAMINIA at the window, Arlecchino tells the Captain: “Sir, there is the lady who is to become your darling wife.” The Captain sees her and hurls insults at her. Flaminia is appalled, and she suggests he watch his mouth. He: I speak well enough for you;


PEDROLINO, ORAZIO, FLAVIO, the two young men see the Captain, and they say: “That is a friend of ours he’s insulting!” They come up behind him, throw his cape over his head, and they carry him off. Arlecchino is frozen with fear; Pedrolino tries to move Arlecchino, and Arlecchino instead picks him up and carries him away, and thus ends the second act.