Act 3

In the third and final act, Polidoro returns from the countryside to where he had been keeping Camilla. He goes to her house and finds Pantalone dressed in heavy clothes. He asks who he is, and it is replied that he is a lackey and that Monna Camilla wants him to deliver a bundle of clothes she has to Sister Doralice in Santo Cataldo. Polidoro believes it and says that the bundle must be delivered quickly. Because Pantalone is old and unable to do it, they argue for a while. Finally, Pantalone says that he is a gentleman. This angers Polidoro, who takes a stick and beats Pantalone [...] Poor Pantalone runs away. Polidoro returns to the house in anger with Camilla, and the zanni, who heard the beatings, finds a sack and hides inside it. Camilla's servant ties it up and brings it onto the stage. At this moment, the Spaniard arrives, as it was the appointed time. Camilla had given him a message to go to the house, but the servant tells him that Polidoro returned from the villa. The enraged Spaniard leaves, looking up to the sky, he sighs and says, "Oh margo de mi!" [roughly: "I'm in deep shit!"] Meanwhile, the sack containing the unfortunate zanni, falls onto the stage, along with the angry Spanish man and the servant who are knocked over by it. The Spanish man unties the sack, takes out the zanni, and beats him severely with a stick. The zanni flees, followed by the Spanish man and the servant, and they all leave the scene. Polidoro, with his servant, and Camilla, with her servant, come out, and Polidoro tells Camilla that she should decide to get married because he no longer wants to hold her dear due to her lack of respect. After much discussion, she agrees to do what Polidoro commands and decides to take the zanni as her legitimate spouse. While they are talking, Pantalone comes out fully armed without a sword, and the zanni carries two muskets on his shoulders, eight daggers in his belt, and a shield and sword in his hand, with a rusty helmet on his head. They search for the one who had beaten them. After engaging in several fights, which make it appear as if they are killing their enemies, Camilla encourages Polidoro to speak to Pantalone. Upon realizing this, Pantalone signals to the zanni, who, trembling, gestures to his master to be the first to attack. Similarly, Pantalone instructs the zanni to do the same. Polidoro, understanding the fear in both of them, calls Pantalone by his name or "Signor Pantalone," and the maid calls the zanni. Peace is made, and the zanni is given to Camilla as her husband. To honor this wedding, they perform an Italian dance. [...] The comedy ends with the proper reverence, bids everyone goodnight, and everyone goes to sleep.

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