The Beneficent Bear

A Royalty-Free Play Script from La Commedia

Originally titled Le Bourru Bienfaisant: The transformative journey of Geronte, a cantankerous individual, as he overcomes his own disagreeable nature. Amidst a web of love, financial troubles, and secret affections, Geronte's gruffness becomes the catalyst for a series of events that lead to a heartwarming conclusion, where blessings are bestowed, debts are settled, and newfound joy awaits at a celebratory dinner culminating in a delightful union of two young hearts.

By Carlo Goldoni

Translated by Helen Zimmern



Dalancourt, his nephew.

Dorval, the friend of Geronte.

Valerio, the lover of Angelica.

Piccardo, the servant of Geronte.

A Servant of Dalancourt.

Madame Dalancourt.

Angelica, sister of Dalancourt.

Martuccia, housekeeper to Geronte.

The Scene is in Paris, at the house of Geronte.

On to Act 1