The Flirtation

A Royalty-Free Play Script from La Commedia

A typical zanni romance of the early 20th century: Pierrot abandons his wife to chase Colombine. Intended to be performed in the mute pantomime style, there's no reason one can't run it as an improvised scenario, if one wishes.

by Frank Forrester

PIERROT, a somewhat bored husband

PIERRETTE, an extremely vigilant wife

COLOMBINE, a low, but attractive, wench

HARLEQUIN, something of a sheik

SCENE: A small retreat in a public park. It is a place frequented by lovers, poets, and others to whom solitude and beauty are of the greatest importance. There is a bench large enough for four but which is never occupied by more than two. Behind it on a pedestal is a small bust of a laughing faun who seems to offer a mocking benediction on what transpires beneath his nose.

TIME: Late afternoon of the first perfect spring day. 

On to the Play