Quran chapter 75 surah 75.
In the hereafter each person shall testify against himself (Quran 75:14).
29 May 2021 (1442 AH).
Quran chapter 75.
Quran surah 75.
Quran sura 75.
Koran chapter 75.
Koran surah 75.
Koran sura 75.
The word of Allaah is revealed through the word of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit.
The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Ghost.
Ruh al-Qudus.
Rooh al-Qudus.
The Spirit of Allaah.
The Spirit from Allaah.
The Spirit of Inspiration.
The Spirit of Revelation.
The Spirit of Allaah’s command.
The Spirit of Truth.
The Spirit of Faith.
The Spirit of Faith and Truth.
The Spirit of Truth and Faith.
The Trustworthy Spirit.
Ruh al-Ameen.
Rooh al-Ameen.
Al-Ruh al-Ameen.
Al-Rooh al-Ameen.
Angel Gabriel.
Angel Gaabriel.
Angel Gabrieel.
Angel Gabriell.
Angel Gebriel.
Angel Jeebreel.
Angel Jebreel.
Angel Jebriel.
Angel Jebril.
Angel Jibraiyl.
Angel Jibraaeel
Angel Jibraaiyl.
Angel Jibraeel.
Angel Jibrael.
Angel Jibrail.
Angel Jibreel.
Angel Jibrel.
Angel Jibrell.
Angel Jibriil.
Angel Jibril.
Angel Jibrill.
See Quran 75:1 – 75:2 and Quran 75:16 – 75:19
Information: The Quran chapter 75.
Order of Revelation: 31 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).
Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).
Number of Verses: 40 verses.
The Quran.
Chapter 75
Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah).
English interpretations of the Quran.
The Quran Chapter 75 Resurrection (Al-Qeyaamah, Al-Qiyama, Al-Qiyamah, Qiyaamah, Rising of the Dead, The Day of Resurrection, The Resurrection, The Rising of the Dead) in English.
Chapter : Verse.
(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).
Quran 75:0 Koran 75:0 Verse 75:0 Ayah 75:0 Ayat 75:0 Aya 75:0 In the name of Allaah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Comment 1. Humans swear to the truth by the name of Allaah.
Quran 75:1 Koran 75:1 Verse 75:1 Ayah 75:1 Ayat 75:1 Aya 75:1 No (we do not believe in resurrection say the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril delivered the Word of Allaah to Prophet Muhammad and said, “recite” what Allaah has said and Allaah said), I (Allaah) swear (to the truth) by (the reality of) the Day of Resurrection.
Comment 1. Allaah swears to the truth by what Allaah has created and by what Allaah shall create.
Comment 2. In other revelations Allaah swears by his name.
Quran 70:40 Verse 70:40 (It is Allaah who decides what happens, not humans). I (Allaah) swear by the Lord (Allaah) of the rising and the setting (Sun, Moon, stars, planets) that We (Allaah) are able –
Torah Genesis 22:16 and said: 'By Myself have I sworn, said the LORD (Allaah) …”
Note 1. Allaah swears by His name in the Torah Taurat and the Quran.
Quran 75:2 Koran 75:2 Verse 75:2 Ayah 75:2 Ayat 75:2 Aya 75:2 And no (we do not believe in resurrection say the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril delivered the Word of Allaah to Prophet Muhammad and said, “recite” what Allaah has said and Allaah said), I (Allaah) swear by the (soul of the) person who blames himself for having done wrong (and is sorry for what they did, that the Day of Resurrection is the truth).
Comment 1. Allaah swears to the truth by what Allaah has created and by what Allaah shall create.
Quran 75:3 Koran 75:3 Verse 75:3 Ayah 75:3 Ayat 75:3 Aya 75:3 Do people think that We (Allaah) shall not assemble their bones (after their death back to life on a Day of Resurrection in the hereafter)?
Quran 75:4 Koran 75:4 Verse 75:4 Ayah 75:4 Ayat 75:4 Aya 75:4 (A Day of Resurrection when humans shall be completely restored) even restoring their (smallest part down to their) fingertips.
Quran 75:5 Koran 75:5 Verse 75:5 Ayah 75:5 Ayat 75:5 Aya 75:5 But people continue to do wrong (even when they are warned that the Day of Resurrection is real and is coming).
Quran 75:6 Koran 75:6 Verse 75:6 Ayah 75:6 Ayat 75:6 Aya 75:6 People ask, “When is the Day of Resurrection?”
Quran 75:7 Koran 75:7 Verse 75:7 Ayah 75:7 Ayat 75:7 Aya 75:7 When the eye sight is dazzled (by what it shall see).
Quran 75:8 Koran 75:8 Verse 75:8 Ayah 75:8 Ayat 75:8 Aya 75:8 And the Moon darkens (in an eclipse).
Quran 75:9 Koran 75:9 Verse 75:9 Ayah 75:9 Ayat 75:9 Aya 75:9 And the Sun and the Moon are brought together (in an eclipse).
Quran 75:10 Koran 75:10 Verse 75:10 Ayah 75:10 Ayat 75:10 Aya 75:10 On that Day (the last day on Earth) people shall say, “To where can we escape?”
Quran 75:11 Koran 75:11 Verse 75:11 Ayah 75:11 Ayat 75:11 Aya 75:11 But there shall be no escape (from that Day).
Quran 75:12 Koran 75:12 Verse 75:12 Ayah 75:12 Ayat 75:12 Aya 75:12 The end of the journey on that Day (of Resurrection) shall be to your Lord (Allaah).
Quran 75:13 Koran 75:13 Verse 75:13 Ayah 75:13 Ayat 75:13 Aya 75:13 On that Day (of Resurrection) you shall be told what (deeds) you did (in your life) and what (deeds) you did not do (that you should have done in your life).
Quran 75:14 Koran 75:14 Verse 75:14 Ayah 75:14 Ayat 75:14 Aya 75:14 And each person shall testify against himself.
Comment 1. In the hereafter each person shall testify against himself.
Quran 36:65 Verse 36:65 This Day (of Judgement) We (Allaah) shall close their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us (Allaah) and their feet shall bear witness to what they used to do (of good and evil deeds).
Quran 41:20 Verse 41:20 And when they (each person) reach it (the Hell fire), their ears and their eyes and their skins shall bear witness against them regarding what they used to do (of evil deeds in their first life).
Quran 41:21 Verse 41:21 And they (each person) shall say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They (their skins) shall reply, "We were made to speak by Allaah who makes everything speak. He (Allaah) created you the first time and to Him (Allaah) you have returned (resurrected back to life in the hereafter)."
Quran 41:22 Verse 41:22 And you were not covering (protecting) yourself (by doing righteous deeds and fearing Allaah during your first life) incase your ears and your eyes and your skins should testify against you (in the Hereafter), but you thought that Allaah did not know much about what you were doing (during your life).
Quran 75:15 Koran 75:15 Verse 75:15 Ayah 75:15 Ayat 75:15 Aya 75:15 Even though they shall give excuses (saying they are not to blame for whatever bad they did, saying that someone else was to blame).
Comment 1. A righteous person accepts blame for the wrong they did during their life.
Quran 12:53 Verse 12:53 "And (to Allaah he said) I (Prophet Joseph Yusuf) do not free myself (from the blame). Surely, the human is inclined to evil except when my Lord (Allaah) gives His (Allaah’s) mercy (to whomever Allaah wills). Surely my Lord (Allaah) is forgiving and merciful."
Quran 75:16 Koran 75:16 Verse 75:16 Ayah 75:16 Ayat 75:16 Aya 75:16 (Prophet Muhammad) do not recite to hurry (the memorization of) it (the Quran).
Quran 75:17 Koran 75:17 Verse 75:17 Ayah 75:17 Ayat 75:17 Aya 75:17 It is Us (Allaah) who have accumulated it (the Quran in your memory) and (made possible) its recitation.
Quran 75:18 Koran 75:18 Verse 75:18 Ayah 75:18 Ayat 75:18 Aya 75:18 So when We (Allaah) recite it (the Quran through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril), then follow its recitation (by repeating what you heard).
Comment 1. The Holy Spirit reveals the word of Allaah.
Quran 2:97 Verse 2:97 Say, who is against Gabriel because it is he who has revealed this (Quran) to your (Prophet Muhammad's) heart by Allaah’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Torah and Gospel), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.
Comment 2. See Quran 75:1 – 75:2
Quran 75:19 Koran 75:19 Verse 75:19 Ayah 75:19 Ayat 75:19 Aya 75:19 And We (Allaah through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) explain it (the Quran).
Comment 1. See Quran 75:18 comment.
Quran 75:20 Koran 75:20 Verse 75:20 Ayah 75:20 Ayat 75:20 Aya 75:20 You (humans) love this life.
Quran 75:21 Koran 75:21 Verse 75:21 Ayah 75:21 Ayat 75:21 Aya 75:21 And forget about the hereafter.
Quran 75:22 Koran 75:22 Verse 75:22 Ayah 75:22 Ayat 75:22 Aya 75:22 Some faces on that Day (of Resurrection and Judgement) shall be bright (with happiness).
Quran 75:23 Koran 75:23 Verse 75:23 Ayah 75:23 Ayat 75:23 Aya 75:23 Looking at their Lord (whenever Allaah makes Allaah’s presence visible to the people in Paradise Jannah).
Quran 75:24 Koran 75:24 Verse 75:24 Ayah 75:24 Ayat 75:24 Aya 75:24 And on that Day (of Resurrection) some faces shall be gloomy (with despair).
Comment 1. The punishment for accepting Allaah and then rejecting Allaah comes from Allaah not from humans.
Quran 3:106 Verse 3:106 On the Day (of Resurrection and Judgement) some faces shall brighten (with happiness) and some faces shall become darkened (with despair). Of those whose faces shall become darkened (they shall be asked), "Did you reject faith (in Allaah) after you had accepted it? Then taste the punishment (in Hell Jahannam) for rejecting faith (in Allaah)."
Comment 2. Apostasy in Islam.
Until their time of death humans have a lifetime to find their true belief without compulsion (Quran 2:256).
Allaah gave freedom of religion 1400 years before the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (Quran 2:256).
Quran 75:25 Koran 75:25 Verse 75:25 Ayah 75:25 Ayat 75:25 Aya 75:25 Realising that a great misfortune has come to them.
Quran 75:26 Koran 75:26 Verse 75:26 Ayah 75:26 Ayat 75:26 Aya 75:26 When it (the soul) has reached the collar bone (near the throat and death is near).
Quran 75:27 Koran 75:27 Verse 75:27 Ayah 75:27 Ayat 75:27 Aya 75:27 And it is said, “Who can save him (from death)?”
Quran 75:28 Koran 75:28 Verse 75:28 Ayah 75:28 Ayat 75:28 Aya 75:28 And the (dying) person knows that it (the soul) is separating (from their body).
Quran 75:29 Koran 75:29 Verse 75:29 Ayah 75:29 Ayat 75:29 Aya 75:29 And both legs are wrapped together (with the body in a shroud when death has come and then they are buried in the ground).
Quran 75:30 Koran 75:30 Verse 75:30 Ayah 75:30 Ayat 75:30 Aya 75:30 On that Day (of your death) the journey (of your soul) shall be to your Lord (Allaah who is the carer of every soul until the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).
Quran 75:31 Koran 75:31 Verse 75:31 Ayah 75:31 Ayat 75:31 Aya 75:31 And the person who did not believe (in Allaah) nor pray (to Allaah) -
Quran 75:32 Koran 75:32 Verse 75:32 Ayah 75:32 Ayat 75:32 Aya 75:32 But denied (the existence of Allaah) and turned away (from Allaah) -
Quran 75:33 Koran 75:33 Verse 75:33 Ayah 75:33 Ayat 75:33 Aya 75:33 And went to their people in arrogance (during their life).
Quran 75:34 Koran 75:34 Verse 75:34 Ayah 75:34 Ayat 75:34 Aya 75:34 Misfortune is (coming) to you, misfortune is (coming) to you.
Quran 75:35 Koran 75:35 Verse 75:35 Ayah 75:35 Ayat 75:35 Aya 75:35 And (repeating the warning that) misfortune is (coming) to you, misfortune is (coming) to you.
Quran 75:36 Koran 75:36 Verse 75:36 Ayah 75:36 Ayat 75:36 Aya 75:36 Do humans think that they shall be left (to die and disappear) neglected (by Allaah without a purpose having existed for their life and death)?
Comment 1. What is the purpose of life?
See Quran 44:38 comments in Quran chapter 44.
Quran 75:37 Koran 75:37 Verse 75:37 Ayah 75:37 Ayat 75:37 Aya 75:37 Was he (the human) not (from) an ejected sperm-drop?
Quran 75:38 Koran 75:38 Verse 75:38 Ayah 75:38 Ayat 75:38 Aya 75:38 Then he was a clinging substance (which is the male sperm inserted into the female egg), then He (Allaah) created (him) and proportioned (him in the womb).
Quran 75:39 Koran 75:39 Verse 75:39 Ayah 75:39 Ayat 75:39 Aya 75:39 Then made of him (the human) two kinds, the male and the female.
Quran 75:40 Koran 75:40 Verse 75:40 Ayah 75:40 Ayat 75:40 Aya 75:40 Is not (Allaah who creates life not also) able to give life to the dead?
Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).
This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.
This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.
The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.
Allaah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.
In the English language the word Allaah is God.
Allaah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.
Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).
Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com
The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
YOU ARE HERE Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran
Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index
Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran
Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index
God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran
God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index
Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel
Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index