Quran chapter 55 surah 55.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny (Quran 55:13 comments) by not thanking Allaah.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny (Quran 55:13 comments) by telling lies about religion.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny (Quran 55:77 comments) by prohibiting in religion what Allaah has not prohibited.
22 May 2021 (1442 AH).
Quran chapter 55.
Quran surah 55.
Quran sura 55.
Koran chapter 55.
Koran surah 55.
Koran sura 55.
The first and second revelation to Prophet Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hadhrat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hadrat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hajarat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hajrat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hazarat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hazrat Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Hazrate Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
The first and second revelation to Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
See Quran 55:2 comments.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny by telling lies about religion.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny by lying about religion.
Lies about religion among some people in Christianity.
Lies about religion among some people in Islam.
See Quran 55:13 comments.
What are Jinn?
What are Djinn?
What are Genies?
What are Ginn?
What are Jinni?
What are al-jinn?
What are al-jinni?
What is the difference between Jinn and Devils?
See Quran 55:15 comments.
Allaah allows travel to the Moon.
Allaah allows travel to Mars.
Allaah allows space travel to the Moon.
Allaah allows space travel to Mars.
Authority from Allaah for space travel to the Moon..
Authority from Allaah for space travel to Mars..
See Quran 55:33.
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny by prohibiting in religion what Allaah has not prohibited.
See Quran 55:77 comments.
Information: The Quran chapter 55.
Order of Revelation: 97 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).
Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah Arabia today Saudi Arabia).
Number of Verses: 78 verses.
The Quran.
Chapter 55
The Most Merciful (Ar-Rahman).
English interpretations of the Quran.
The Quran Chapter 55 The Most Merciful (Al-Rahmaan, Al-Rahman, Ar-Rahman, Rahmaan, Most Gracious, The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving) in English.
Chapter : Verse.
(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).
Quran 55:0 Koran 55:0 Verse 55:0 Ayah 55:0 Ayat 55:0 Aya 55:0 In the name of Allaah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 55:1 Koran 55:1 Verse 55:1 Ayah 55:1 Ayat 55:1 Aya 55:1 (Allaah) the Most Merciful.
Quran 55:2 Koran 55:2 Verse 55:2 Ayah 55:2 Ayat 55:2 Aya 55:2 He (Allaah) taught the Quran.
Comment 1. The first and second revelation to Prophet Muhammad is about reading and writing and reciting the scripture.
Quran 68:1 Verse 68:1 Nun. By (the truth of the existence of) the pen and (by the truth of) what they (the messengers of Allaah, Prophet Moses Musa, Prophet David Dawud, Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad) write (in the Torah Taurat and the Psalms Zabur and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran, I Allaah proclaim that) -
Quran 96:1 Verse 96:1 Recite (meaning Prophet Muhammad repeat these words after Angel Gabriel Jibril has spoken them to you) in the name of your Lord (Allaah) who created (all that exists and)
Quran 96:4 Verse 96:4 (It is Allaah) who taught (the messengers of Allaah, Prophet Moses Musa, Prophet David Dawud, Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad) how to use the pen (for writing the Torah Taurat and the Psalms Zabur and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran and thereby) –
Quran 96:5 Verse 96:5 Taught the human (by revealing the Torah Taurat and the Psalms Zabur and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran) what (knowledge of Allaah) they (the humans) did not know.
Comment 2. Prophet Muhammad can read and write.
Quran 25:5 shows that the people of Makkah knew that Prophet Muhammad can read and write meaning the idea that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write is not from Allaah and not from Prophet Muhammad and not from the Quran but came from people who did not understand the meaning of lettered meaning educated in the scripture of Allaah and unlettered meaning not educated in the scripture of Allaah.
See 1. Quran 25:5 in Quran chapter 25.
See 2. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allaah in Quran chapter 25.
Quran 55:3 Koran 55:3 Verse 55:3 Ayah 55:3 Ayat 55:3 Aya 55:3 He (Allaah) created the human.
Quran 55:4 Koran 55:4 Verse 55:4 Ayah 55:4 Ayat 55:4 Aya 55:4 He (Allaah) taught humans to speak.
Quran 55:5 Koran 55:5 Verse 55:5 Ayah 55:5 Ayat 55:5 Aya 55:5 The Sun and the Moon follow an exact course that is determined (by Allaah).
Quran 55:6 Koran 55:6 Verse 55:6 Ayah 55:6 Ayat 55:6 Aya 55:6 The stars (in their setting) and the trees (as they bend in the wind) prostrate (obediently to the will of Allaah).
Quran 55:7 Koran 55:7 Verse 55:7 Ayah 55:7 Ayat 55:7 Aya 55:7 And the heaven (the sky) He (Allaah) has raised it (above the Earth) and has set up the balance (scales as a way to determine the correct weight of the goods that you trade among each other).
Quran 55:8 Koran 55:8 Verse 55:8 Ayah 55:8 Ayat 55:8 Aya 55:8 So that you (humans) do not transgress (by making errors) in the balance (weight measurement of the goods that you trade among each other).
Quran 55:9 Koran 55:9 Verse 55:9 Ayah 55:9 Ayat 55:9 Aya 55:9 Therefore measure the true weight (of goods) honestly and do not give less than the (true) balance (which you owe).
Quran 55:10 Koran 55:10 Verse 55:10 Ayah 55:10 Ayat 55:10 Aya 55:10 And the earth He (Allaah) has made for (Allaah’s) creatures.
Quran 55:11 Koran 55:11 Verse 55:11 Ayah 55:11 Ayat 55:11 Aya 55:11 In which are fruit and palm trees with buds (from which flowers and fruits emerge).
Quran 55:12 Koran 55:12 Verse 55:12 Ayah 55:12 Ayat 55:12 Aya 55:12 And the grain from husked seed, and the fragrant plants.
Quran 55:13 Koran 55:13 Verse 55:13 Ayah 55:13 Ayat 55:13 Aya 55:13 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Comment 1. Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny (Quran 55:13) by telling lies about religion.
A. Lies about religion among some people in Christianity.
1. Video. The Lie of Santa Claus. Yusuf Estes
Allaah shall not forgive the hypocrites because they lie to Allaah and His messenger.
See Quran 63:6.
Devils descend on every sinful liar.
See Quran 26:221-26:223.
2. The lie that Jesus died on the cross contradicting his first words in the Gospel of John 20:17 three days after the crucifixion that "I have not yet ascended to Allaah" meaning Jesus has not yet died "but I will ascend to Allaah" meaning Jesus will die like every human dies meaning do not let a miracle from Allaah which saved the life of Jesus with sleep on the cross which made everyone believe Jesus had died make you believe that Jesus is anything but a human messenger of Allaah like Moses is a human messenger of Allaah.
Allaah made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52 and in the same way Allaah saved Jesus with sleep which looked like death because his body did not move on the cross. .
How did Allaah save Jesus.
See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.
See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.
The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.
See 3. Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.
B. Lies about religion among some people in Islam.
1. The Lie that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write.
See Quran 55:2 comments.
2. The lies in hadith stories.
See Quran 55:2 comments.
Quran 55:14 Koran 55:14 Verse 55:14 Ayah 55:14 Ayat 55:14 Aya 55:14 And He (Allaah) created (the first) man (human, Adam) from clay like (the making of) pottery (Allaah makes the human into the desired shape).
Quran 55:15 Koran 55:15 Verse 55:15 Ayah 55:15 Ayat 55:15 Aya 55:15 And He (Allaah) created the jinn from smokeless fire.
Comment 1. What are jinn?
Djinn, Genies, Ginn, Jinni, al-jinn, al-jinni. Jinn are intelligent creatures created from smokeless fire and like humans some believe and some do not believe in Allaah.
Devils are any jinn who disobey Allaah including Satan Shaitan who is the father of all the jinn in the same way as Adam is the father of all humans.
Each jinn has a soul like each human has a soul that is judged by Allaah in the hereafter
Comment 2. What is the difference between Jinn and devils?
Humans are not devils as is said in some human hadith stories.
What does Allaah teach us?
Those among the jinn who follow Satan Shaitan by whispering evil suggestions into the heart of humans or into the heart of other jinn are called devils.
Humans do not have the power to secretly whisper evil suggestions into the heart, mind, and brain of other humans.
In the Quran Allaah tells us that one devil has been appointed to each human.
Prophet Muhammad is said to have made the devil that was appointed to him a Muslim.
No human has the soul of a devil.
Every human has the soul of a human.
The human heart is tested by the whispering of the Devil that has been appointed to them.
The human and the devil appointed to the human are two different creatures.
In life each person has been assigned a devil that whispers evil suggestions into their heart as a test to show who choose to do good and follow Allaah and who choose to do evil and follow their devil.
Quran 50:27 Verse 50:27 Thier companion (a devil) shall say, "Our Lord (Allaah) I did not make this person disobey because this person was them self in great error (in their belief and in their behaviour)."
Quran 114:1 Verse 114:1 Say, “I seek refuge in (Allaah) the Lord of humankind.”
Quran 114:2 Verse 114:2 “The king of humankind.”
Quran 114:3 Verse 114:3 “The Allaah of humankind.”
Quran 114:4 Verse 114:4 “From the evil of the retreating whisperer (Satan Shaitan).”
Quran 114:5 Verse 114:5 ‘Who whispers (evil suggestions) into the hearts of humankind (and then disappears).”
Quran 114:6 Verse 114:6 “(Promoting evil behaviour) from among (both) the jinn and among the humans.”
Quran 6:112 Verse 6:112 We (Allaah) appointed to (the truthful message of) every prophet enemies that are the devils to humans and to jinn who inspire (false) nice sounding words as (a way of) deception (through which they deceive humans and jinn). If your Lord (Allaah) willed then they (the devils) would not have done it (deceived humans and jinn with false nice sounding stories) therefore leave them (the devils) alone with their fabrications (of false nice sounding stories). (Continued Quran 6:113)
Note 1. Humans and devils are different.
Note 2. Jinn and devils are different.
Note 3. A devil tests the righteousness of a human or a jinn by suggesting evil behaviour in the heart meaning inside the mind.
a. Devils whisper invented stories.
Satan Shaitan whispered invented stories and claimed they were words spoken by Prophet Moses Musa. The true words of Prophet Moses Musa are recorded in the Torah Taurat.
Satan Shaitan whispered invented stories and claimed they were words spoken by Prophet Jesus Isa. The true words of Prophet Jesus Isa are recorded in the Gospel Injil.
Satan Shaitan whispered invented stories and claimed they were words spoken by Prophet Muhammad. The true words of Prophet Muhammad are recorded in the Koran Quran.
Quran 6:113 Verse 6:113 – And let the hearts of those (humans and jinn) who do not believe in the Hereafter incline to it (the false nice sounding stories) so that they (who believe the words of false stories) may take pleasure in it (the false stories) so that they may commit what (sin) they are committing (by obeying the unprotected words in the false stories of humans instead of obeying the protected words of Allaah and Prophet Muhammad which are recorded in the Quran).
b. Test every hadith story.
If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.
If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.
On the Day of Judgement Allaah does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories.
On the Day of Judgement Allaah judges by the words in the protected Koran.
On the Day of Judgement Allaah judges by the words in the protected Quran.
Quran 5:2 Verse 5:2 "... Help each other in goodness and righteousness but do not help each other in evil and crime. ..."
Quran 11:113 Verse 11:113 And do not incline to those (people) who do wrong (by doing the wrong that they do) incase the Fire (of punishment in the Hereafter) touches you. You have no protectors except Allaah (in the hereafter but if you incline to those who do what is wrong by doing the wrong that they do), then you shall not be helped (by the protection of Allaah in the hereafter).
See. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of Allaah in Quran chapter 25.
Quran 55:16 Koran 55:16 Verse 55:16 Ayah 55:16 Ayat 55:16 Aya 55:16 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:17 Koran 55:17 Verse 55:17 Ayah 55:17 Ayat 55:17 Aya 55:17 (Allaah is the) Lord of the two Easts (the two farthest separated locations in the Eastern horizon where the sun rises during the summer and the winter) and Lord of the two Wests (the two farthest separated locations in the Western horizon where the sun sets during the summer and the winter).
Quran 55:18 Koran 55:18 Verse 55:18 Ayah 55:18 Ayat 55:18 Aya 55:18 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:19 Koran 55:19 Verse 55:19 Ayah 55:19 Ayat 55:19 Aya 55:19 He (Allaah) released the two seas (meaning the two bodies of water, salty sea water and fresh river water) flow freely so that they meet together.
See Quran 25:53 and Quran 35:12
Quran 55:20 Koran 55:20 Verse 55:20 Ayah 55:20 Ayat 55:20 Aya 55:20 There is a barrier between them that neither can cross (so that salty water remains salty and fresh water remains fresh).
See Quran 25:53 and Quran 35:12
Quran 55:21 Koran 55:21 Verse 55:21 Ayah 55:21 Ayat 55:21 Aya 55:21 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:22 Koran 55:22 Verse 55:22 Ayah 55:22 Ayat 55:22 Aya 55:22 From both of them (salt and water combined) emerge pearl and coral.
See Quran 55:19 comments.
Quran 55:23 Koran 55:23 Verse 55:23 Ayah 55:23 Ayat 55:23 Aya 55:23 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:24 Koran 55:24 Verse 55:24 Ayah 55:24 Ayat 55:24 Aya 55:24 And His (Allaah’s signs) are the ships elevated in the sea (whose sails look) like mountains (on the horizon of the sea).
Comment 1. Quran 42:32 and Quran 55:24 are not scientific proofs about modern knowledge of mountains but only describe what sailing ships look like when you see them on the horizon.
Comment 2. The Quran is not a book of scientific proofs.
Comment 3. The Quran is a book of religious proofs that confirms what is in the Tanakh Jewish scripture and explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.
Quran 55:25 Koran 55:25 Verse 55:25 Ayah 55:25 Ayat 55:25 Aya 55:25 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:26 Koran 55:26 Verse 55:26 Ayah 55:26 Ayat 55:26 Aya 55:26 Everyone on it (the earth) shall perish (die).
Quran 55:27 Koran 55:27 Verse 55:27 Ayah 55:27 Ayat 55:27 Aya 55:27 But the face (presence) of your Lord (Allaah) of Majesty and Honour shall remain (forever).
Quran 55:28 Koran 55:28 Verse 55:28 Ayah 55:28 Ayat 55:28 Aya 55:28 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:29 Koran 55:29 Verse 55:29 Ayah 55:29 Ayat 55:29 Aya 55:29 All that are in the heavens and the earth ask Him (Allaah to fulfill their needs) and everyday He (Allaah) is (fulfilling their) matters (needs).
Quran 55:30 Koran 55:30 Verse 55:30 Ayah 55:30 Ayat 55:30 Aya 55:30 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:31 Koran 55:31 Verse 55:31 Ayah 55:31 Ayat 55:31 Aya 55:31 You two (humans and jinn), We (Allaah) shall call to account (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).
Quran 55:32 Koran 55:32 Verse 55:32 Ayah 55:32 Ayat 55:32 Aya 55:32 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:33 Koran 55:33 Verse 55:33 Ayah 55:33 Ayat 55:33 Aya 55:33 Company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allaah’s) authority (and with knowledge that is given by Allaah).
Comment 1. Travel to the Moon and Mars and beyond is possible with authority from Allaah.
Today Allaah has given humans permission to travel in the region beyond the heaven (the sky) and the Earth.
Quran 55:33 Verse 55:33 O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You shall never be able to pass them except with (Allaah’s) authority (and with the knowledge that is given by Allaah to you).
See. Today you are the first generation of humans permitted to travel to the Moon.
Quran 55:34 Koran 55:34 Verse 55:34 Ayah 55:34 Ayat 55:34 Aya 55:34 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:35 Koran 55:35 Verse 55:35 Ayah 55:35 Ayat 55:35 Aya 55:35 A flame of fire and smoke shall be sent against both of you (jinn and humans) and you shall have no defense (if you try to pass the heavens and the earth without Allaah’s authority and without the knowledge that is given by Allaah to do it).
Quran 55:36 Koran 55:36 Verse 55:36 Ayah 55:36 Ayat 55:36 Aya 55:36 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:37 Koran 55:37 Verse 55:37 Ayah 55:37 Ayat 55:37 Aya 55:37 Then when the heaven (meaning the sky see Quran 51:47) is split apart and it becomes rose (red) coloured (which is red that looks) like (a) murky oil.
Quran 55:38 Koran 55:38 Verse 55:38 Ayah 55:38 Ayat 55:38 Aya 55:38 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:39 Koran 55:39 Verse 55:39 Ayah 55:39 Ayat 55:39 Aya 55:39 On that day (of Judgement) neither humans nor jinn shall (need to) be questioned about their sin (because the appearance of their faces will show to them who are the righteous among them and who are the wrong doers among them).
See Quran 55:41
Quran 55:40 Koran 55:40 Verse 55:40 Ayah 55:40 Ayat 55:40 Aya 55:40 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:41 Koran 55:41 Verse 55:41 Ayah 55:41 Ayat 55:41 Aya 55:41 The wrong doers shall be known by their marks (on their nose in Quran 68:16) and they shall be taken by their forelocks (the hair on the front of their head) and by their feet (and it shall be said to them - See Quran 55:43).
Comment 1. Quran 68:16 Verse 68:16 We (Allaah) shall brand such a person (for their arrogance with a mark) on their nose (as a sign of their disgrace in the Hereafter).
Quran 8:12 Verse 8:12 When your Lord (Allaah) inspired the angels, (saying to them), “I (Allaah) am with you (Allaah’s Angels) so make those who believe (of the humans) stand firm. I (Allaah) shall throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve (among the stone idol worshippers that were sent from Mecca to Yathrib to oppose Allaah and His messenger) so strike them (the stone idol worshippers, with hot rods) on the necks and on each fingertip.”
Quran 55:42 Koran 55:42 Verse 55:42 Ayah 55:42 Ayat 55:42 Aya 55:42 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:43 Koran 55:43 Verse 55:43 Ayah 55:43 Ayat 55:43 Aya 55:43 This is Hell (Jahannam) which the wrong doers denied (actually exists).
Quran 55:44 Koran 55:44 Verse 55:44 Ayah 55:44 Ayat 55:44 Aya 55:44 They (the wrong doer) shall alternate between it (the punishment of fire in Hell Jahannam) and (the punishment of) boiling hot water (in Hell Jahannam).
Comment 1. The fire and boiling water in Hell Jahannam.
Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (Allaah) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of Allaah by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against Allaah (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).
Quran 55:45 Koran 55:45 Verse 55:45 Ayah 55:45 Ayat 55:45 Aya 55:45 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:46 Koran 55:46 Verse 55:46 Ayah 55:46 Ayat 55:46 Aya 55:46 But for the person who feared standing before their Lord (Allaah) there are two gardens (in Paradise Jannah).
Quran 55:47 Koran 55:47 Verse 55:47 Ayah 55:47 Ayat 55:47 Aya 55:47 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:48 Koran 55:48 Verse 55:48 Ayah 55:48 Ayat 55:48 Aya 55:48 (Both gardens in Paradise Jannah) having branches (with fruits of every kind).
Quran 55:49 Koran 55:49 Verse 55:49 Ayah 55:49 Ayat 55:49 Aya 55:49 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:50 Koran 55:50 Verse 55:50 Ayah 55:50 Ayat 55:50 Aya 55:50 In both (gardens in Paradise Jannah) are two flowing (water) springs.
Quran 55:51 Koran 55:51 Verse 55:51 Ayah 55:51 Ayat 55:51 Aya 55:51 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:52 Koran 55:52 Verse 55:52 Ayah 55:52 Ayat 55:52 Aya 55:52 In both of them (gardens in Paradise Jannah) are two kinds of every fruit.
Quran 55:53 Koran 55:53 Verse 55:53 Ayah 55:53 Ayat 55:53 Aya 55:53 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:54 Koran 55:54 Verse 55:54 Ayah 55:54 Ayat 55:54 Aya 55:54 They (the righteous resurrected men) shall recline on couches lined with silk brocade and the fruit of both the gardens shall be near (to them).
Quran 55:55 Koran 55:55 Verse 55:55 Ayah 55:55 Ayat 55:55 Aya 55:55 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:56 Koran 55:56 Verse 55:56 Ayah 55:56 Ayat 55:56 Aya 55:56 In there (in Paradise Jannah) are modest companions (humble righteous resurrected women) whom neither human nor jinn have touched before them (because everyone who is resurrected is a new creation in Quran 56:35-Quran 56:38 and made a virgin in Quran 56:36).
Quran 55:57 Koran 55:57 Verse 55:57 Ayah 55:57 Ayat 55:57 Aya 55:57 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:58 Koran 55:58 Verse 55:58 Ayah 55:58 Ayat 55:58 Aya 55:58 (who are) like rubies and pearls (in beauty and attractiveness).
Quran 55:59 Koran 55:59 Verse 55:59 Ayah 55:59 Ayat 55:59 Aya 55:59 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:60 Koran 55:60 Verse 55:60 Ayah 55:60 Ayat 55:60 Aya 55:60 Is the reward for good (that is done on the Earth) anything but good (that is returned to the good doers on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement)?
Quran 55:61 Koran 55:61 Verse 55:61 Ayah 55:61 Ayat 55:61 Aya 55:61 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:62 Koran 55:62 Verse 55:62 Ayah 55:62 Ayat 55:62 Aya 55:62 And besides these two (gardens for the people who have been blessed with the mercy of Allaah), there are two other gardens (in Paradise Jannah as an additional reward for those who surpassed all others in their doing of good deeds on the Earth).
Quran 55:63 Koran 55:63 Verse 55:63 Ayah 55:63 Ayat 55:63 Aya 55:63 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:64 Koran 55:64 Verse 55:64 Ayah 55:64 Ayat 55:64 Aya 55:64 (These two other gardens in Paradise Jannah contain) dark Green (vegitation).
Quran 55:65 Koran 55:65 Verse 55:65 Ayah 55:65 Ayat 55:65 Aya 55:65 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:66 Koran 55:66 Verse 55:66 Ayah 55:66 Ayat 55:66 Aya 55:66 In both of those (gardens) are two flowing (water) springs.
Quran 55:67 Koran 55:67 Verse 55:67 Ayah 55:67 Ayat 55:67 Aya 55:67 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:68 Koran 55:68 Verse 55:68 Ayah 55:68 Ayat 55:68 Aya 55:68 In both of those (gardens) is fruit, date palm trees and pomegranate.
Quran 55:69 Koran 55:69 Verse 55:69 Ayah 55:69 Ayat 55:69 Aya 55:69 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:70 Koran 55:70 Verse 55:70 Ayah 55:70 Ayat 55:70 Aya 55:70 In them (gardens of Paradise Jannah) are good (righteous) and beautiful ones (women resurrected as a new creation in Quran 56:35-Quran 56:38).
Note 1. The meaning of houris meaning “fair ones” is given in this verse to mean “beautiful ones” meaning every woman resurrected into Paradise Jannah will be among the houris meaning they will be rewarded with eternal beauty.
Quran 55:71 Koran 55:71 Verse 55:71 Ayah 55:71 Ayat 55:71 Aya 55:71 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:72 Koran 55:72 Verse 55:72 Ayah 55:72 Ayat 55:72 Aya 55:72 Fair ones (women) restrained (meaning modest meaning humble in Quran 37:48 and Quran 55:5) in the pavilions.
Note 1. Hūrun means fair ones called Houris.
Note 2. Humans both male and female are resurrected in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27 and Quran 40:8 so that their spouses, family, children, descendants and friends can live together in Quran 52:21 as a new creation in Quran 56:35 on the Day of Resurrection.
Note 3. Resurrected women in Paradise Jannah are called houris meaning “fair ones” in Quran 44:54, Quran 52:20, Quran 55:72, Quran 56:22 and Quran 78:33 and because they are a new creation and made to be virgins in Quran 55:56, Quran 55:74 and Quran 56:36 Allaah shall bring them together with a companion in marriage in Quran 44:54 and Quran 52:20 and they will then live with their spouses, family, children, descendants and friends together in Quran 52:21 forever in Quran 44:56.
Note 4. Children are also resurrected and young boys are mentioned around the men in Quran 56:17 and Quran 76:19 and the girls are most likely in pavilions in Quran 55:72 around the women.
Note 5. The resurrection of humans as a new creation in Paradise Jannah is explained in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27, Quran 40:8, Quran 37:47-37:49, Quran 44:54-44:56, Quran 52:20-52:21, Quran 55:54-55:60, Quran 55:68-55:74, Quran 56:15-56:18, Quran 56:22-56:24, Quran 56:35-56:38, Quran 76:17-76:19 and Quran 78:31-78:33.
Quran 55:73 Koran 55:73 Verse 55:73 Ayah 55:73 Ayat 55:73 Aya 55:73 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:74 Koran 55:74 Verse 55:74 Ayah 55:74 Ayat 55:74 Aya 55:74 Whom no man or jinn has touched them before (because everyone who is resurrected is a new creation in Quran 56:35-Quran 56:38 and made a virgin in Quran 56:36).
Quran 55:75 Koran 55:75 Verse 55:75 Ayah 55:75 Ayat 55:75 Aya 55:75 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Quran 55:76 Koran 55:76 Verse 55:76 Ayah 55:76 Ayat 55:76 Aya 55:76 Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.
Quran 55:77 Koran 55:77 Verse 55:77 Ayah 55:77 Ayat 55:77 Aya 55:77 So which of the favours of (the many blessings that have come to you from) your Lord (Allaah) will you both (the humans and the jinn) deny (is a favour from Allaah to you)?
Comment 1. What does "will you both" mean?
See Quran 55:14 are the humans and Quran 55:15 are the jinn.
Comment 2. Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny by prohibiting in religion what Allaah has not prohibited.
The Quran warns against extreme ideas.
The Quran repeats 31 times one question in Quran chapter 55: “Which of the blessings of Allaah will you deny?” so as to warn us against extreme ideas that come from humans and not from the orders of Allaah in the Quran.
Allaah asks humankind and jinn 31 times in Quran chapter 55, “From everything that Allaah has provided to you which of them will you deny?”
What will you say is not from Allaah?
What will you say Allaah has prohibited to you when in fact it is not prohibited to you by Allaah?.
Quran 55:13, Quran 55:16, Quran 55:18, Quran 55:21, Quran 55:23, Quran 55:25, Quran 55:28,
Quran 55:30, Quran 55:32, Quran 55:34, Quran 55:36, Quran 55:38, Quran 55:40, Quran 55:42,
Quran 55:45, Quran 55:47, Quran 55:49, Quran 55:51, Quran 55:53, Quran 55:55, Quran 55:57,
Quran 55:59, Quran 55:61, Quran 55:63, Quran 55:65, Quran 55:67, Quran 55:69, Quran 55:71,
Quran 55:73, Quran 55:75, Quran 55:77
Which of the favours of Allaah shall you deny?
Which of all the things that Allaah gives you shall you deny by saying they did not come from Allaah? or by saying that Allaah has prohibited things to you that Allaah has not prohibited to you?
Quran 5:87 Verse 5:87 All you who have faith (in Allaah), do not forbid the good things (like music and singing) that Allaah has made lawful for you and do not break the law. Allaah does not love law breakers.
Comment 3. Prohibiting in religion what Allaah has not prohibited.
Music, singing, musical instruments are not prohibited in Islam.
See Quran 31:33 comments in Quran chapter 31.
Quran 55:78 Koran 55:78 Verse 55:78 Ayah 55:78 Ayat 55:78 Aya 55:78 Blessed is the name of your Lord (Allaah), the Lord (Allaah) of Majesty and Honour.
Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).
This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.
This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.
The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.
Allaah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.
In the English language the word Allaah is God.
Allaah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.
Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).
Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com
The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
YOU ARE HERE Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran
Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index
Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran
Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index
God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran
God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index
Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel
Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index