Quran chapter 49 surah 49.
If two groups among the Muslims fight then make peace between them (Quran 49:9).
If you harm an innocent person because someone told you to harm them then you have committed a terrible crime (Quran 49:6).
15 May 2021 (1442 AH).
Quran chapter 49.
Quran surah 49.
Quran sura 49.
Koran chapter 49.
Koran surah 49.
Koran sura 49.
The only war that was conducted with the guidance of Allaah were the holy jihad wars conducted in the time of the prophets and their close companions.
See Quran 49:1
Do not harm an innocent person.
See Quran 49:6
If Prophet Muhammad followed the desires of Muslims in many matters then Muslims would have been in difficulties 1400 years ago.
See Quran 49:7.
Make peace between groups of Muslims who are fighting each other.
Fighting between Sunni muslims and Shia muslims.
See Quran 49:9.
The believers are brothers. Make peace with your brothers.
See Quran 49:10
The most honourable person is the most righteous person.
See Quran 49:13
Information: The Quran chapter 49.
Order of Revelation: 106 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).
Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).
Number of Verses: 18 verses.
The Quran.
Chapter 49.
The Private Apartments (Al-Hujurat).
English interpretations of the Quran.
The Quran Chapter 49 The Private Apartments (Al-Hujurat, Al-Hujraat, Hujuraat, The Apartments, The Chambers, The Inner Apartments, The Walls) in English.
Chapter : Verse.
(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).
Quran 49:0 Koran 49:0 Verse 49:0 Ayah 49:0 Ayat 49:0 Aya 49:0 In the name of Allaah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 49:1 Koran 49:1 Verse 49:1 Ayah 49:1 Ayat 49:1 Aya 49:1 All you who believe (in Allaah), Do not put your opinion above Allaah and His (Allaah’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad, instead wait for instructions and follow the guidance of Allaah and Allaah’s messenger). Fear Allaah. Allaah hears and knows all things.
Comment 1. Why should you not follow your opinion but wait for instructions and follow the orders of Prophet Muhammad?
The only war that was conducted with the guidance of Allaah were the holy jihad wars conducted in the time of the prophets and their close companions.
If you wait for instructions and follow the orders of Prophet Muhammad then you are following the desire of Allaah.
If you do not wait for instructions and orders of Prophet Muhammad then you are following your opinion and not the desire of Allaah.
Today there is no holy jihad war because today every group that claims to be fighting a holy jihad war has received no orders from Allaah.
The Quran is the history of how Allaah established Islam 1400 years ago.
The people who lived 1400 years ago established Islam under the direct guidance and instructions of Allaah.
People today are born in a world where Islam is established. Today there is no holy jihad war in Islam.
People today are born in a world where Judaism is established. Today there is no holy jihad war in Judaism.
People today are born in a world where Christianity is established. Today there is no holy jihad war in Christianity.
Wars today are not for Allaah but for the desires of humans.
Quran 49:2 Koran 49:2 Verse 49:2 Ayah 49:2 Ayat 49:2 Aya 49:2 All you who believe (in Allaah), Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) nor shout when speaking to him like you shout to each other in case your (good) deeds should be lost because you are not aware (that such behaviour shows disrespect to the prophet of Allaah which is a bad deed that can cancel some of your good deeds and continues to do so because a person who is unaware of their wrongdoing continues to repeat their wrongdoing).
Quran 49:3 Koran 49:3 Verse 49:3 Ayah 49:3 Ayat 49:3 Aya 49:3 Those (people) who lower their voices in the presence of the messenger of Allaah (Prophet Muhammad) are those whose hearts Allaah has tested for righteous. For them shall be forgiveness and great reward (in the Hereafter).
Quran 49:4 Koran 49:4 Verse 49:4 Ayah 49:4 Ayat 49:4 Aya 49:4 Those who call you (Prophet Muhammad by shouting for you) from behind the (walls of your) private apartments (where you live), most of them have no understanding (that such behaviour shows disrespect to the prophet of Allaah).
Quran 49:5 Koran 49:5 Verse 49:5 Ayah 49:5 Ayat 49:5 Aya 49:5 And if they had patience (to wait) until you (Prophet Muhammad) came out to them it would have been better for them (because it would have shown respect to the prophet of Allaah). Allaah is forgiving and merciful (to those who repent and ask for forgiveness).
Quran 49:6 Koran 49:6 Verse 49:6 Ayah 49:6 Ayat 49:6 Aya 49:6 All you who believe (in Allaah), If an evil doer gives you news then confirm it in case you harm some people because of your ignorance (of their innocence) and then afterward you come to regret what (evil) you did (to an innocent person).
Comment 1. Do not harm an innocent person because someone told you to harm them.
Whoever kills a person it is as if that person killed all of humankind (Quran 5:32).
Whoever saves a life it is as if that person has saved all of humankind (Quran 5:32).
See Quran 5:32 comments in Quran chapter 5.
Quran 49:7 Koran 49:7 Verse 49:7 Ayah 49:7 Ayat 49:7 Aya 49:7 And know that the messenger of Allaah (Prophet Muhammad) is among you. If he (Prophet Muhammad) were to obey you (the Muslims of Yathrib later known as Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) in many matters then you would be in difficulties but Allaah has lovingly given faith to you and has made it pleasing to you in your hearts and has made disbelief and wickedness and disobedience hateful to you. Such people are the correctly guided (because they are obedient to Allaah and Allaah’s messenger).
Comment 1. If Prophet Muhammad followed the desires of Muslims in many matters then Muslims would have been in difficulties 1400 years ago (Quran 49:7).
If the Muslims who lived in the time of the prophet would have been in difficulties by following their opinions in many matters then how much more difficulties could Muslims expect to see after the death of Prophet Muhammad?
Comment 2. What is a Holy Jihad war?
What is holy war?
The Holy land is land in the precence of Allaah on which Moses Musa stood.
The Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel Jibril who stands in the precence of Allaah.
Wars 1400 years ago were holy wars because they were ordered and guided by Allaah through His prophet.
War today is not ordered by Allaah and His prophet.
War today is ordered by the desire of humans.
Wars ordered by the desire of humans are not a holy war.
Holy war only existed in the time of the prophets and their close companions.
No war is holy when it is not commanded by Allaah and guided by His prophets and their close companions.
Allaah ordered that the Arabian Peninsula be made safe for the worship of Allaah.
Humans today are born in a world were the Arabian peninsula known as Saudi Arabia is safe for the worship of Allaah as Allaah commanded 1400 years ago.
Today holy war does not exist.
The proof that no war is holy today is the deliberate killing of innocent humans by people who shout Allaah is the greatest “allahu akbar allahu akbar” when they are doing what Allaah has forbidden in Islam by intentionally killing innocent humans.
Quran 49:8 Koran 49:8 Verse 49:8 Ayah 49:8 Ayat 49:8 Aya 49:8 (That gift of belief and obediance from Allaah to them is) a bounty and a favour from Allaah. Allaah knows all and is wise.
Quran 49:9 Koran 49:9 Verse 49:9 Ayah 49:9 Ayat 49:9 Aya 49:9 And if two groups among the believers fight then make peace between both of them. But if one of them oppresses the other then fight the one which oppresses until it returns to the command of Allaah (to make peace with each other). Then if it returns then make peace between them with justice and act justly. Allaah loves those who act justly.
Comment 1. Fighting between Sunni muslims and Shia muslims.
If two groups among the Muslims fight then make peace between them (Quran 49:9).
The two Muslim groups called Sunni and Shia who fight each other do not know who has wronged Allaah only Allaah knows who have wronged Allaah.
Quran 49:11 Verse 49:11 All you who believe (in Allaah), Do not let a (group of) people ridicule another (group of) people because it might be that they (the people who are ridiculed) are better than they (the people who ridicule), do not let women ridicule (other) women because it might be that they (the woman that are ridiculed) are better than they (the woman who ridicule). Do not slander one another nor insult one another by (using insulting) nicknames. It is bad to insult your bothers in religion (by calling them names like “O you sinner” or “O you evil doer”) after you have faith (in Allaah). And whoever does not repent (for using bad names when talking about other believers) are evil doers.
Quran 49:10 Koran 49:10 Verse 49:10 Ayah 49:10 Ayat 49:10 Aya 49:10 The believers are brothers. Therefore make peace between your brothers and fear Allaah so that you may obtain mercy (on the Day of Judgement).
Quran 49:11 Koran 49:11 Verse 49:11 Ayah 49:11 Ayat 49:11 Aya 49:11 All you who believe (in Allaah), Do not let a (group of) people ridicule another (group of) people because it might be that they (the people who are ridiculed) are better than they (the people who ridicule), do not let women ridicule (other) women because it might be that they (the woman that are ridiculed) are better than they (the woman who ridicule). Do not slander one another nor insult one another by (using insulting) nicknames. It is bad to insult your bothers in religion (by calling them names like “O you sinner” or “O you evil doer”) after you have faith (in Allaah). And whoever does not repentance (for using bad names when talking about other believers in Allaah) are evil doers.
Comment 1. See Fighting between Sunni muslims and Shia muslims in Quran 49:9.
Quran 49:12 Koran 49:12 Verse 49:12 Ayah 49:12 Ayat 49:12 Aya 49:12 All you who believe (in Allaah), Avoid assuming (bad things about other people) because some assumptions are a sin (when you think something about someone but it is not true). And do not spy nor talk badly about other people to one another. Would any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate that (so also hate talking badly about those who believe in Allaah). And fear Allaah. Allaah accepts repentance (for your sins) and is merciful.
Comment 1. Quran 24:19 Verse 24:19 Those who love to spread slander about immorality (such as false allegations of illegal sexual intercourse) among the believers, they (who slander) shall have a painful punishment in the world and in the Hereafter. Allaah knows (what shall happen to you) but you do not know (what shall happen to you in the future of this world and in the Hereafter).
Quran 49:13 Koran 49:13 Verse 49:13 Ayah 49:13 Ayat 49:13 Aya 49:13 All humans, We (Allaah) have created you from a male and a female and have made you nations and tribes so that you may know one another. The most honourable of you in the sight of Allaah is the (one who is the) most righteous (in behaviour and Allaah fearing) among you. Allaah knows all and is aware of all things.
Comment 1. The most honourable person is the most righteous person.
Quran 49:14 Koran 49:14 Verse 49:14 Ayah 49:14 Ayat 49:14 Aya 49:14 The Bedouins (nomadic desert Arabs in Arabia, today Saudi Arabia) say, "We believe (in Allaah)." Say (to them, Prophet Muhammad), "You do not believe (in Allaah) but you only say, 'We have submitted (to Allaah),' because faith (in Allaah) has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allaah and His (Allaah’s) Messenger then He (Allaah) shall not deny (rewarding) your deeds (in this life and in the Hereafter). Allaah is forgiving and merciful."
Quran 49:15 Koran 49:15 Verse 49:15 Ayah 49:15 Ayat 49:15 Aya 49:15 The (true) believers (in Allaah) are only those who believe in Allaah and His (Allaah’s) messenger and then do not doubt (in Allaah and Allaah’s messenger), but strive with their possessions (wealth and property) and their lives for the cause of Allaah. Such are the sincere.
Quran 49:16 Koran 49:16 Verse 49:16 Ayah 49:16 Ayat 49:16 Aya 49:16 Say (to the Bedouins (nomadic desert Arabs in Arabia, today Saudi Arabia), Prophet Muhammad), “Would you teach Allaah your religion, when Allaah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth and Allaah knows all things? (No you would not, you would listen and learn from Allaah and Allaah’s messenger).”
Quran 49:17 Koran 49:17 Verse 49:17 Ayah 49:17 Ayat 49:17 Aya 49:17 They consider it a favour to you (Prophet Muhammad) that they (the Bedouins nomadic desert Arabs in Arabia today Saudi Arabia) have accepted submission (to Allaah. Islam has two meanings, the general meaning is submission in Quran 49:17. The specific meaning of Islam is revealed 3 months before the death of Prophet Muhammad in the farewell speech of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:3). Say, “Do not consider your submission (to Allaah) a favour to me (Prophet Muhammad). No (in fact) Allaah has given a favour to you in that He (Allaah) has guided you to the faith (in Allaah), if you are truthful (in your submission to Adonai Allaah Elohim God G-d HaShem Jehovah Yahweh YHWH).”
Quran 49:18 Koran 49:18 Verse 49:18 Ayah 49:18 Ayat 49:18 Aya 49:18 Allaah knows the unseen (which is everything you cannot see including the future) of the heavens and the earth. And Allaah sees what you do.
Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).
This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.
This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.
The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.
Allaah guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.
In the English language the word Allaah is God.
Allaah (God) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.
Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).
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The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
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God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index
Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel
Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index