97. Wallace Peak, 5760' (S)

Wallace Peak is an obscure peak, recommended only for the peak baggers. It is not on our favorites list because of the road washout, necessitating a 5.5-mile one-way bike approach to the trailhead. There are good views at the very top, but it is a long day just to have a brief view. Though the origin of the name is uncertain, we have decided to name it after our good friend Cebe Wallace.



Drive to the Carbon River Entrance and park in the small parking area by the old ranger station. The road is closed here owing to massive flooding and washouts in 2006.


Bike the approximately 5.5 miles (one-way with 600’ of gain) on the washed-out road (you will have to walk your bike at times) until you reach the Carbon River trailhead near the Ipsut Creek Campground (closed because of the flooding in 2006). The one-way bike trip to the trailhead takes about 60 minutes. From the trailhead (elevation 2330'), hike along the Carbon River Trail 2.2 miles until you see a signpost pointing left to the Northern Loop Trail (elevation 2865'). Take this trail and cross the Carbon River. (This is the last water source in late summer.) On the other side of the river, follow the trail left for a short way and then gain elevation in a series of switchbacks. At 4650', leave the trail (there is an initial boot path but it quickly disappears) and do a rising traverse to a saddle west of Chenuis Lakes. The slope is easy going and not very brushy. Follow the ridge northwest to Wallace Peak. A few portions on the ridge are brushy. Once you see the final rock summit block, avoid the temptation to go up it: it is class 5 rock. Instead, go to the left and traverse on the southwest side of the summit, just below the rocky portion. The forested slope (where the rock meets the forest) is safe enough to go around the summit block, allowing you to approach the summit from the southwest. This is an easy scramble for the last 100' or so. If you find yourself on very scary rock, you are off-route. Try proceeding farther around the left and then double back to the summit.


Good routefinding and compass skills are needed for the last 1.7 miles of this scramble.Considerable blow downs along the ridge makes for slow going. (Thanks to Henry Romer for updated information.)

Vital Statistics: Wallace Peak

Wallace Peak Topo

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