37. Fay Peak, 6492' (S)

Fay Peak is an easy scramble southeast of Mowich Lake. It is often combined with climbs to Mount Pleasant and Hessong Rock (and First Mother and Castle Peak if you are really ambitious). Fay Peak is named after Fay Fuller of Tacoma, who in 1890 became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Rainier.



Drive to the end of Mowich Lake Road. Park at the south end of the parking area, near the campground.


Leave from Mowich Lake (4929'). Follow the trail 0.1 mile to the patrol cabin. Just to the left of the cabin (signed “Mowich Lake Rangers Cabin”) there is a path marked “End of maintained trail.” This path heads toward Knapsack Pass (6200'), but the route to Fay does not go to the pass. Instead, leave the path at 6000' and head southeast toward the ridge to the east of Fay. Reach the ridge at approximately 6400' and then head west to Fay Peak.

An alternate route is as follows: At approximately 5400' where a pretty waterfall appears ahead. Look across the stream to the right and spot a way trail continuing up away from the stream. Follow this path up through meadows to a ridge leading to the peak. Near the peak the trail circles to the left below the summit, approaching in a clockwise spiral. To descend the west ridge trail from the summit, descend North dropping 15 or 20' and look left for a path traversing west to the ridge then descending through small alpine trees.


An ice ax is highly recommended for heading toward Knapsack Pass, especially in early July. See Hessong Rock and Mount Pleasant for a combination trip that includes Fay Peak.

Vital Statistics: Fay Peak

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View from Knapsack Pass

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