44. Governors Ridge, 6614' (S)

Governors Ridge is one of our favorite scrambles. However, it presents considerable routefinding challenges. From the valley west of the peak, the climb looks impossible. But there is a decent route from the east side of the peak. Definitely bring a helmet and your scrambling skills. The ridge’s name was suggested by park superintendent Ethan Allan “for all men who have held that office or may hold it in the future. What about Christine Gregoire?



Drive SR 410 4.5 miles south of the Crystal Mountain ski area turnoff and turn right on Sunrise Park Road. Drive 3.4 miles until you reach the Owyhigh Lakes trailhead. Park on the right side of the road.


From the Owyhigh Lakes trailhead (elevation 3740'), hike the trail to Owyhigh Lakes (5320'). At Owyhigh Lakes, climb toward the obvious saddle north of Barrier. Drop over to the east side of the ridge. Descend and traverse north past three prominent buttresses (peaklets). After the third buttress, climb 300' in the gully; then ascend and traverse north, picking best route until reaching the highest point on Governors Ridge at 6614'.


Helmets are strongly recommended. We also highly recommend crampons if snow is present. Finding the correct gully after the third buttress can be a puzzle, as you are never sure what counts as a buttress. The route is challenging, because you cannot see the true summit from the route. Using GPS helps, but even so it is hard to decide on the true peak because the ridge is so gnarly. But when you reach the summit, bingo! There is no higher ground. Note that the USGS map lists 6548' as a marked point, but the true peak is to the south of 6548' and is actually 6614'.

Vital Statistics: Governors Ridge

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