75. Seymour Peak, 6337' (S)

Seymour Peak is a moderate scramble and can be approached from SR 123 or from Chinook Pass. The approach from SR 123 is far easier. The peak is named to honor William W. Seymour of Tacoma, who was president of the Tacoma Park Board from 1909 to 1911 and mayor of Tacoma from 1911 to 1914.



Seymour Peak can be reached via two routes.

SR 123 approach: Drive SR 410 south to Cayuse Pass and continue south on SR 123. About 3.25 miles south of Cayuse Pass (or about 0.4 mile past the tunnel), find a convenient place to park (elevation 3750').

Chinook Pass approach: Drive SR 410 south and park at Chinook Pass on the south side of the road.


SR 123 approach: From the road, head up the ridge at a bearing of 50 degrees. Ascend to 5300' and then head east. The route pretty much stays on the ridge directly to Seymour. Seymour is reached 1.5 miles from the road.

Chinook Pass approach: From Chinook Pass, follow the Pacific Crest Trail south to before Dewey Lake. Leave the trail heading due south along the Yakima/Pierce County line. There is a foot path for much of the way. Upon reaching the gully leading to the Dewey-Semour saddle it is easiest to travel on the right (east) side of the gully until you attain the Seymour-Dewey saddle. Turn right and head west for approximately 1/4 mile. Head into the basin on the right and travel on best terrain until reaching a broad scree-filled reddish gully. Ascend the gully to the ridge and turn right heading to the peak. You may encounter a small rocky outcropping on the ridge which is easily passed on the right or left. The true summit has a small rock cairn. On the return you can head directly toward the lower portion of the gully and then turn north until regaining the PCT.


Of the two approaches, the approach from SR 123 is easier and quicker. However, the approach from Chinook Pass is quite beautiful and the one we recommend

Vital Statistics: Seymour Peak

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View of Seymour from the summit of Dewey Peak

Route from Seymour-Dewey saddle

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