62. Old Desolate, 7137' (S)

Old Desolate is more challenging now owing to the Carbon River Road washout, which adds 5.5 miles one-way. Biking the road makes Old Desolate possible as a day trip. The peak could be combined with Crescent, though this would make for a very long day, best done as an overnight instead. Old Desolate is apparently so named because it stands desolate and alone.



Drive to the Carbon River Entrance and park in the small parking area by the old ranger station. The road is closed here owing to massive flooding and washouts in 2006.


Bike the approximately 5 miles (one-way with 600’ of gain) on the washed-out road (you will have to walk your bike at times) until you reach the Carbon River trailhead near the Ipsut Creek Campground (closed because of the flooding in 2006). The one-way bike trip to the trailhead takes about 60 minutes. From the trailhead hike 0.3 miles to the Wonderland Trail. Continue straight 2.7 miles to the Carbon River crossing. Stay on the Wonderland Trail until you reach Moraine Park. At approximately 5700', leave the trail and head almost due east. Upon leaving the trail, you will climb a steep wooded hillside until you break out into a flat open meadow. Continue about one mile to the peak following the best route. The west side of the peak is covered with considerable scree and talus. It may be a little easier to head to a saddle just north of the summit ridge and then head south along the ridge to reach the summit. The actual summit is rounded and not visible from the climbing route until reaching the summit ridge. There are alternate approaches to the summit but the route listed here is fairly straightforward.   (Thanks to John Gilbert for assistance with the route.)


Very loose scree covers the western slopes of the mountain. The rocks are not firmly planted and when climbing up may trigger small rock slides (not unlike small snow sloughs on steep snow slopes). Though not dangerous, it can be a strange experience. A helmet is warranted on this scree slope. There are scattered patches of grassy vegetation lower down which makes for more stable climbing. If combining Old Desolate with Crescent, you could do a long loop trip starting on the Wonderland Trail (climbing Old Desolate first) and returning via the Northern Loop Trail (passing over Crescent on the way to the Northern Loop Trail). The route from Old Desolate to Crescent is straightforward and passes through the beautiful open country of Elysian Fields. Combining Old Desolate and Crescent is a very long day and best done as an overnight or as separate trips.

Vital Statistics: Old Desolate

Old Desolate

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