05. Arthur Peak, 5465' (S)

Arthur Peak is part trail and part scramble. It is a forested trip with lovely views from the summit. Route finding skills are important for this trip. A GPS is recommended, but the trip can also be done safely with good compass skills. The peak was named for Arthur Rust of Tacoma, who visited the Mountain often and was a member of the Rainier National Park Company Board of Directors.




Drive to the Carbon River Entrance and park in the small parking area by the old ranger station. The road is closed here.


Because of the road closure, there is an extra 3-mile road walk from the Carbon River Entrance to the Green Lake trailhead, located on the south side of the road (you could bike this portion). Travel the Green Lake Trail for less than a mile and leave it at 3200' at a bearing of approximately 270 degrees. (In 2016 there was an orange tape on a tree 20’ uphill from the trail marking a good take of point.) Ascend through mostly open forested terrain to approximately 3800'. Along the way you may encounter rocky outcroppings, which are best passed on the right. At 3800’-3900’ you will encounter large cliff bands. Proceed to the right (westward). Just beyond the cliffs there is a broad gully. Ascend the gully at a bearing of 180 degrees and climb for approximately 200’-300’ until attaining the ridge. Rust Ridge should be apparent by 4200’. There are likely many options to reach the ridge but the route described here avoids rocky terrain. Once on the ridge proceed southwest at a bearing of approximately 215 degrees. At the bump at 4795', change the bearing to 197 degrees. Follow the ridge toward the summit. Ascend a talus field just below the summit. Look for faint game trails below the cliff bands and on the ridge top. Carefully retrace the route to make sure you pick up the trail around 3100'. It is very useful to mark where you gain the ridge so you know where to begin the descent. We also think small cairns along the ridge would be useful. (Thanks to Henry Romer, Sheryl Lamberton, Grace Parker, and Ken Wells for help with this route description.)


Two adventuresome friends of ours (Gretchen Lentz and Gordy Smith) reached Arthur Peak from Howard Peak by traversing the ridge between the two peaks.  They found it difficult traversing the many bumps along the way and encountered class 3 and 4 in many places.   We do not recommend this option.

Vital Statistics: Arthur Peak

Arthur Peak Topo

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