28. Crescent Mountain, 6715' (S)

Crescent Mountain is approached from Windy Gap (via the Northern Loop Trail). It is a pleasant outing, unfortunately made more difficult by the 5.5-mile washout of the Carbon River Road, from the park entrance to Ipsut Creek. As of 2012 there were plans to open 2 miles of the closed road to cars, but this will still leave 3.5 miles to the trailhead. Bike it? The peak’s name is descriptive of the mountain’s crescent shape as seen from the north.



Drive to the Carbon River Entrance and park in the small parking area by the old ranger station. The road is closed here owing to massive flooding and washouts in 2006.


Bike the approximately 5 miles (one-way with 600’ of elevation) on the washed-out road (you will have to walk your bike at times) until you reach the Carbon River trailhead near the Ipsut Creek Campground (closed because of the flooding in 2006). The one-way bike trip to the trailhead takes about 60 minutes. From the trailhead (elevation 2330'), hike 1.7 miles to the trail leading to the lower crossing over the Carbon River. Cross the river and head up the Northern Loop Trail, passing the Yellowstone Cliffs, and continue past the footpath to Tyee. At 5795' (before a small lake just to the west of Windy Gap), leave the trail. Initially travel southeast and then change to south, heading up the slopes of Crescent until you reach the ridge east of the summit. Once on the ridge (approximately 6470'), head west to the summit at 6715'.

Crescent Mountain may also be approached from the south via the route to Old Desolate. From Old Desolate, descend into Vernal Park and head in a northwest direction to the col on the ridge at 6470'.


A two-fer with Old Desolate would make for a very long day and probably is best done as an overnighter. If you backpacked or are very ambitious, it would be possible to do a three-fer and climb Tyee too. 

Vital Statistics: Crescent Mountain

Crescent Mountain

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From saddle turn right and stay on ridge or to the left of ridge.

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