70. Pyramid Peak, 6937' (S)

Pyramid Peak is one of our favorite destinations. It should be saved for a clear day, as the views of Rainier are awesome. There are three routes to Pyramid and we think the Tahoma Creek route is the easiest overall. The route via Fishers Hornpipe Creek is the shortest but it is best done in late spring, when snow covers the off-trail portion of the route. The peak’s name is descriptive of its pyramidal shape.



There are three routes to Pyramid Peak.

Tahoma Creek route: From the Nisqually Entrance, drive approximately 1 miles and turn left on the West Side Road and drive 3.2 miles until the gate at the end of the drivable portion of the road (see Park Car c on Topo Map).

Kautz Creek route: From the Nisqually Entrance, drive approximately 3 miles to the Kautz Creek parking area located on the south side of the road (see Park Car b on Topo Map).

Fishers Hornpipe Creek route: From the Nisqually Entrance, drive 6 miles to Longmire. From Longmire, continue past the gate (which closes the road during heavy snowfall) on the Longmire-Paradise Road for 0.3 mile to a fairly large parking area on the right (see Park Car a on Topo Map). If the road is blocked at Longmire, park at Longmire and walk the 0.3 mile on the road.


Tahoma Creek route: From the gate blocking the West Side Road walk (or bike) approximately 1.7 miles until a switchback in the road at approximately 3200’. Take the unmarked trail (actually a footpath) on the right (you will see a Trail Not Maintained sign a short distance from the road). The Tahoma Creek trail is reasonably clear with carinsor flags marking the route in the streambed portion. Several detours head over washed out portions of the trail but these are easy to navigate. Stay on the Tahoma Creek Trail until it reaches the Wonderland Trail in 2.1 miles. Head SE (follow the sign to Indian Henrys) and in a short distance cross the suspension bridge. Continue until reaching the side trail to Mirror Lakes. From Mirror Lakes, continue on the footpath and head east toward a notch at approximately 6400’ on the south ridge of Pyramid Peak. From the saddle, turn left and head north on the south ridge of Pyramid. It is steep but easy going, with a path most of the way. If you lose the path, stay on the west side of the ridge. The summit is amazingly flat, considering how it appears so pointed from a distance.

Kautz Creek route: Start at the Kautz Creek trailhead (elevation 2400') and travel to Indian Henrys Hunting Ground, reaching the patrol cabin at 5.5 miles. Turn left on the Wonderland Trail, and in a short distance turn right on the trail to Mirror Lakes (at 6 miles). From Mirror Lakes, continue on the footpath and head east toward a notch at approximately 6400' on the south ridge of Pyramid Peak. From the saddle, turn left and head north on the south ridge of Pyramid. It is steep but easy going, with a path most of the way. If you lose the path, stay on the west side of the ridge. The summit is amazingly flat, considering how it appears so pointed from a distance.

Fishers Hornpipe Creek route: This route is best done in the late spring, when snow covers the off-trail portion of the route and when the snow has consolidated, thus minimizing avalanche risk. This route is shorter than the route via Kautz Creek, but it is a more difficult scramble with added routefinding challenges. Start on the the Wonderland Trail heading north. Hike over Rampart Ridge and cross Kautz and Pyramid creeks. Continue north and leave the trail where it turns west and is about to cross Fisher Hornpipe Creek. Stay to the right of the creek and head north on gently rising terrain. There is one steepish area beginning at around 4800'. A waterfall is on the left and it is easy to work your way up, staying right of the waterfall in the forest. At 5000' the terrain becomes less steep. Follow the route of the creek, staying to the right of the creek. Head in a westerly direction and then loop back into the basin southwest of Pyramid. Continue easterly, heading toward the south ridge of Pyramid and a gap in the ridge at 6300'. From the gap, head up the south ridge, staying left of the ridge.


Be prepared for a long day with a lot of elevation gain. Mirror Lakes is a nice destination by itself and is 1500' less than the summit of Pyramid. The final 600' from the gap on the south ridge of Pyramid is steep and when snow covered should only attempted by those skilled and comfortable with ice ax use and steep snow travel. You could combine Pyramid with Copper and Iron, but that would be a killer day. Instead, linger on the summit of Pyramid. And the flowers in Indian Henrys Hunting Ground are wonderful in late July and August.

If traveling via Fishers Hornpipe Creek, before heading out make sure there are crossings in place over both Kautz and Pyramid creeks. In 2011 the Kautz Creek crossing was easy; in fact a log bridge was not even needed. But Pyramid Creek was running deeper and faster than Kautz Creek, and a log bridge was extremely useful. This route is best done when snow covers the forest, especially for the off-trail portion. It would be a bit more challenging through open forest. A traverse is possible with the setting of cars.

Vital Statistics: Pyramid Peak

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Route as viewed from Copper Mountain

Pyramid in late spring. From the notch, turn left and head up the south ridge. Stay on the west side of the ridge. Generally, by late July, the route is snow free and there is a boot path to the notch and up to the summit.

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