38. Florence Peak, 5508' (S)

Florence Peak has good views of Rainier and is a popular Mountaineers year-round scramble destination. The route goes through lovely old-growth forest. Florence can be combined with Sweet Peak for a two-fer. The origin of Florence Peak’s name is unknown.



Drive to the Carbon River Entrance and park in the small parking area by the old ranger station. The road is closed here owing to massive flooding and washouts in 2006.


South of the old ranger station is a 0.3-mile nature walk. Head onto the walk and take the right loop. In about 0.1 mile, the nature walk continues to the left and you will find a trail leading uphill. A post with arrows indicating up and down is at this location as of 2012. (Obviously, you should follow the “up” path.) Follow the trail (this trail is part of the park’s boundary trail system). Though officially unmaintained, the trail is in good shape and has been considerably upgraded to an elevation of 2300' (as of 2012). The trail is easily followed until the saddle at 4500' on Alki Crest ridge. From the saddle, leave the trail and head southeast along the ridge or to the right (south side).  Stay to the right of rocky outcroppings. There is an easy-to-follow footpath in summer.

For more of an off-trail experience (see Off-Trail Route to Florence Peak on the map), leave the trail at 3650' and head into a boulder field. Ascend initially at a bearing of 131 degrees. At 4110' (0.2 mile after leaving trail), change bearing to east—92 degrees. Reach the saddle between Sweet and Florence at 4310'. From the saddle, head south for 150' of elevation and then head in a southeast direction. Stay on the ridge (or slightly on the west side of the ridge) until 5200', and then head east for 200' of elevation. Ascend northeast to the summit at 5508'. Return via the same route or descend via the traditional route described in the paragraph above (at a northwest bearing) until you reach the boundary trail at a saddle at 4500'. Pick up the trail and head northeast and return to the trailhead. 


Do not attempt the true peak of Florence in winter, as the final ridge is dangerous when snow is present. Be comforted with the false summit in winter instead. The views are the same. In winter and early spring, even climbing the false summit requires an ice ax. It is possible to continue on from Florence to Howard. Follow the southeast ridge at a bearing of approximately 135. We have not personally done this route, but friends tell us it is doable and requires scrambling skills. In 2011 the Park Service began to upgrade the boundary trail to Alki Crest. In fact, the Park Service is thinking of maintaining the entire boundary trail from the Carbon River Entrance all the way to the Mowich Lake Road. It may take a few years to complete, but when finished it would make for a wonderful one-way traverse through a seldom visited part of the park.

Vital Statistics: Florence Peak

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