46. Howard Peak, 5683' (S)

Howard Peak is an easy scramble and readily reached from Tolmie. It has great flowers in midsummer and early fall. Howard Peak is named for the brother of Arthur Rust of Tacoma (see Arthur Peak) and son of William Rush, a prominent Tacoma businessman and member of the Rainier National Park Company.



Drive almost to the end of Mowich Lake Road and park where the road first comes to the lake on the east side of the road. The road to Mowich Lake usually does not open until July 4, some years even later.


From the parking area, look for a short spur trail leading to the trail along the west side of the lake. Head north to Ipsut Pass. From the pass, head toward Eunice Lake and then toward the Tolmie Peak Lookout. Before reaching the lookout at 5740', head northwest toward a tarn at 5488'. From the tarn, head to saddle south of Howard; then follow the ridge north to Howard. Howard can also be reached from the ridge heading north from near the lookout. Initially, you will be on a heather slope and should be able to find a path on the ridge leading to Howard.


Howard is usually combined with a short scramble to Tolmie Peak. Tolmie is east of the lookout (see the Tolmie Peak description). Friends tell us that the ridge between Howard and Florence is a moderate scramble. We have not traveled this ridge, but from the summit of Howard it looked doable. If you chose to try this ridge route, it would make a one-way traverse possible between Mowich Lake and the Carbon River Entrance.

Vital Statistics: Howard Peak

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Where the trail reaches the ridge to Tolmie is one of the takeoff points for Howard.

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