95. Virginia Peak, 4880' (S)

Virginia, along with Martin, August, and Berry, is accessible from just inside the park boundary on the Mowich Lake Road. It is possible to climb all four peaks in one day. From the Mowich Entrance, we suggest the following order of peaks: August, Virginia, Berry, Martin. There are decent views from each peak, though some of the peaks have peek-a-boo views through the trees. The origin of Virginia Peak’s name is uncertain.



On the road leading to Mowich Lake, park approximately 600' past the national park boundary sign on the right side of the road (parking for several cars is available alongside the road, elevation 3610').


This unmarked trail was once the West Boundary Trail and is shown on the USGS map (but not on the Green Trails map). It is currently not maintained, though it is in reasonably good shape. There is a footpath heading up the hillside on the left (north) side of the road, across from the parking pull-off area. The footpath is located just a few feet uphill and opposite a sign that says “Backcountry camping requires permit.” At the fourth switchback, you will come to Howling Wolf Pinnacle (named by friends of ours), a prominent rock formation just west of the park boundary. (Of interest, located behind the pinnacle and hidden from the trail, is a memorial sign.) The trail then starts a rising traverse and is fairly easy to follow, though overgrown in places. At 4670' (1.6 miles from the trailhead), leave the trail for a ridge leading to Virginia and Berry. Virginia is only 0.1 mile off the trail. Continuing on the ridge will take you to Berry.


This West Boundary Trail once connected Mowich Lake Road to the Carbon River Entrance. Currently the trail is only passable from Mowich Lake Road to the August-Poch saddle and from the Carbon River Entrance to Tolmie Creek. The portion between Tolmie Creek and the August-Poch saddle is completely overgrown. We have been told that the Park Service has plans to refurbish the entire West Boundary Trail.

Vital Statistics: Virginia Peak

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