87. Tatoosh, 6310' (H)

There are two trails to Tatoosh Peak—one from the west and one from the south. Thus a traverse (with a car at each trailhead) is possible. Tatoosh used to have a lookout. The peak sits on the southeast end of the Tatoosh Range, outside the park. We include it in our 100 because it is part of a Mountaineers Peak Pin. It is also a very picturesque hike and one of our favorites.

Tatoosh means “breast” in the Chinook language and refers to two large rock formations on Butter Peak (also considered part of the Tatoosh Range).



There are two routes to Tatoosh.

West approach: Drive toward the Nisqually Entrance and approximately 3.5 miles past Ashford, turn right on Skate Creek Road (FS 52 - signed “Kernahan Road”). Travel about 19 miles and turn left on FS 5270, reaching the trailhead in about 7 miles (elevation 2850’).

South approach via Packwood (SR 123): Turn west on Skate Creek Road (FS 52) and in less than 1 mile (shortly after crossing the Cowlitz River), bear right on Canyon Road (which becomes FS 5290). Continue to the end of FS 5290 and park (approximately 2600').


West approach via Packwood (SR 123): The trail is signed “Tatoosh Trail 161.” It rises 300' and then starts a series of switchbacks until 3900'. At 5500', a spur trail to the left leads to Tatoosh Lakes. Continue straight. Stay on the trail crossing several ridges and traversing around 2 basins before reaching the summit ridge at 5750’. Turn left to the summit. Initially you’ll be just left of the ridge and then directly on the ridge. The old lookout site is the summit.

South approach: The trail initially heads southwest, gradually changing to west and finally north to reach the peak. The trail from the south is longer (10.5 miles round-trip), with more elevation gain (4200' total gain). We suggest the route from the west.


This is not a hike when snow is present in spring. When we tried the route from the west in late spring, we were turned around by steep snow and route finding challenges. Given cutbacks in Forest Service funding, you might want to call the ranger station in Packwood to check on road conditions. Flowers are great in August.

Vital Statistics: Tatoosh

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Trail to summit ridge

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