2. Entrances & Trailheads

This chapter visualizes the 100 peaks in different ways to facilitate trip planning. The 100 peaks are grouped into 6 areas based on the area’s park entrance or road. Each area has subheadings based on the trailhead, ranger station, or vicinity. There are a total of 20 subheadings under the 6 areas. Each subheading shows all the peaks accessible from that trailhead, ranger station or vicinity.

This will allow you to:


Road Access and Closures in Winter

Many of the 100 peaks are not easily accessible during the winter because of the following road closures: 

General winter access is limited to the Carbon River Entrance (generally open year-round) and the road to Paradise from Nisqually. The gate at Longmire closes every evening and may open late in the morning or not at all, depending on conditions.

MRNP Road Status

MRNP road status are posted on their website. During the winter the Park posts on Twitter the time the Longmire gate opens and if chain are required [You will need to follow MountRainierNPS @MountRainierNPS on Twitter] 

The WSDOT posts the most current information on Cayuse Pass & Chinook Pass (SR 410 and SR 123)

Entrances to Mount Rainier National Park

Trailheads at Mount Rainier National Park

100 Peaks at Mount Rainier National Park