79. Slide Mountain, 6620' (S)

Slide Mountain can be approached from the south (via the Palisades Trail) or the north (via the Sun Top Trail). It can be an out-and-back trip from either direction or a traverse (with two cars). The USGS map labels Slide 6339'; but the Mountaineers considers the true summit to be 6620', a point located 0.6 mile south of point 6339'.

The peak is named for a large landslide on its west side that buried a creek named Lost Creek, presumably for being partially lost by the slide.



There are two routes to Slide Mountain.

South approach via Sunrise Point: Drive SR 410 4.5 miles south of the Crystal Mountain ski area turnoff and turn right on Sunrise Park Road. Drive 13 miles to Sunrise Point (elevation 6100') and park in the large parking lot.

North approach via Sun Top Trail: Drive SR 410 9 miles south of Greenwater, and turn right on FS 7160. Drive approximately 7 miles (4300'), and park where FS 7160 intersects Sun Top Mountain Trail 1183. Depending on snow, you may have to park lower, where FS 7160 intersects the Sun Top Trail at 3830' (at 5.6 miles on FS 7160). Note: As of 2016 the Forest Service reports FS 7160 closed at milepost 4 due to road failure thus adding 3 miles of road walking to the journey. (Thanks to Henry Romer for this information)


South approach via Sunrise Point: From the east end of the parking lot, take the Palisades Lake Trail. In approximately 1/3rd mile take the right fork (heading north) in the trail toward Clover Lake/Upper Palisades Camp. Continue on the trail for another 3 miles and just before reaching Upper Palisades Lake around 6100', leave the trail and follow an obvious boot path and easy slope and ridge to Brown Peak. From the summit of Brown turn north and continue on the ridge, heading north to Slide at 6620'. There is a good animal/footpath almost the entire way.

North approach via Sun Top trail: Follow the Sun Top Trail toward Sun Top and leave the trail at Buck Creek (4970'). A footpath heads south into the park. Head south toward an unnamed lake. From the far side of the lake, ascend the ridge and follow it first to the USGS-labeled Slide Mountain (6339') and then to the Mountaineers Slide Mountain (6620)'. The route from point 6339' to point 6620' is somewhat steep and exposed. We stayed on the east side of the ridgeline when necessary.


Slide Mountain can be approached from the south (via Sunrise Point) or the north (via the Sun Top Trail). From the south the route goes past Brown. It can be an out-and-back trip from either direction or a traverse (with two cars). The USGS map labels Slide 6339'; but the Tacoma Branch of The Mountaineers considers the true summit to be 6620', a point located 0.6 mile south of point 6339'. You should be aware that the mountain that slid is actually located between the USGS-labeled Slide 6339’ and the peak labeled 6620’. The sliding peak is not labeled on USGS maps but it is approximately 6630’. Google Earth images clearly show the remnants of the large landslide. (Note: either of the three peaks count for the 100 Peaks Medallions. If you choose to summit the peak that slid (approximately 6630’) be sure to approach it from the east side through meadow and trees as the west face is almost vertical.)


Vital Statistics: Slide Mountain

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