AS 300K Red October


AS 300K Red October

UT ASSAULT - Small, 3 objectives, 6 - 10 players. Released December 2008.

Map #9 for Blito3's Annual 300k Contest, Nov-Dec 2008. Retake a hijacked Russian Nuclear Sub. Russian Sub 'Red October' has been hijacked by insane terrorists!!! Your mission is to retake the sub and force it to surface! There are only rocket launchers, sniper rifles and flak cannons, plus a small amount of ammo for each each. No Power Ups but there is Scuba Gear where needed. Just enough health around :) Design, build and tweaking took altogether too long for a 300K map - maybe 10 to 12 hours.

The map was around 700K before I checked the size. After that it was a painful process hacking it down to 300K. When I did get it near I fought with it until poof it went down to 280K! That was good enough for me!! I could have put some 19K more into it after all that but decided bugger it - no way - it's done!! This map concept might be good for a full-fledged assault map - a nuclear sub could have pretty huge deco and highly detailed areas - just a thought, won't be me making it lol!

Thanks to Blito3 for having the contest and to Tom_caT for testing the map. Music is BotMca9 from the game Unreal Tournament.


Objective 1

Enter the forward hatch and hit the red switch to shut down the cruise missile control system. Exit thru the open torpedo tube

Objective 2

Next, enter thru the tower hatch and hit the red switch to blow out the ballast tanks to force the sub to surface;

Objective 3

Last, head up to the control room and hit the red switch to shut down the Engines. *** MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ***