DOM 300K Newfies


DOM 300K Newfies

UT DOM - 3 CP - Small, 4-8 players. Small Rural Newfoundland Lighthouse Island.

Released November 2008.

Map #4 for Blito3's Annual 300k Contest, Nov-Dec 2008. Don't mess with Newfies! If you're a Canadian, you'll get it, otherwise you can be forgiven if you're thinking "WTF is a Newfie?" I wrote a little Newfie story included in the readme file which explains the map! Game play can get pretty spammy in this one, but there's lots of room to run around so it's quite fun if you're in the mood. I always have a laugh fighting inside the little Newfie houses :P

There are a few bot bugs in the map but... oh well. The big Newfie titans sometimes walk up on things (like the ramps and porches of the Newfie houses) and appear to hang in the air a bit... oh well. There's no drop off the edges of the island. I couldn't do that in 300k and keep the little bit of details that i had... oh well. Can't really think of anything else.

I tossed some of those Unreal books around the map. Some folks have fun with those (iykwim). The map took about 5 hours to think about and build. I tweaked it for a few more hours after that, so, maybe about 10 hours altogether to get it all into 300k :)

This map was actually built for Blito's 2006 300k contest but back then I gave up trying to reduce it below the 387k size it was stuck at. This time around I simply dropped the shadow detail to low for everything except the skybox, rebuilt and deleted the brushes (working with copies, obviously) and presto 295K.

Guess I should have stuck with it a bit longer back in 2006, lol! Important Note: You must set bNoMonsters = false in your UnrealTounament.ini to be able to spawn the Newfie titans, otherwise it's just a regular map :)

Many thanks to Blito3 for having these contests, and to the UP testers for their feedback in 2006, and to Tom_caT for his testing as well.

Music is GoDown from the game Unreal Tournament.