DOM FNB Dante's Arena
DOM FNB Dante's Arena
UT DOM - 3 CP - Medium, 6-12 players. Ancient Gothic Temple.
Under development (2011)
Package will include two map versions : Normal weapons + UTR Xpickups.
DOM FNB Dante's Arena is set in an Ancient Gothic Temple, and is adapted from the map CTF-FNB-Dante'sArena, which is itself based on the original DM-300K. Additional detail was been added to the CTF map since there is no longer a 300K size limit.
This theme has been altered a bit to match more of a Dante's Inferno idea.
(Heaven above, hell below - and you're stuck in between).
The blue side is "closer to heaven" with blue fluffy skies and a blueish ambiance. The red side, is the opposite, "closer to hell" meaning dark and firey with a more redish ambiance.
This one is going to take a bit of theme work to look the part. I'll also be adding in additional architecture and what not suitable for heaven and hell! I might even change the music (some Black Sabbath maybe ;) We'll see about that.
Music is UnWorld2 from the game Unreal Tournament.