DOM FNB Ring Of Stones


DOM FNB Ring Of Stones

UT DOM - 5CP - Large, 12-24 players. Ancient Alien Fantasy Temple.

Conversion from DM-FNB-RingOfStones - March 2003.

Modification to test XPickups in large maps - January 2011.

This DOM conversion came about as a result of some player feedback I received about DM-FNB-RingOfStones a couple of months after it was released. The DM gameplay was NOT great - even for FFA the layout was bit spread out. Some suggested it was better played as a sniper map, due mainly to its size and height positions.

Other suggestions included single player, rather than multi-player, or domination, since this would provide objectives and encourage travel along specific paths, which would make for more actual fighting,

I was actually quite flattered some of the Guru mappers at that time (2003) took the time to suggest I consider making levels for single player campaigns rather than mutli-player arena maps. Of course, being a moron I didn't take that advise :D

Anyways, they were all probably correct in that assessment. I wonder how things would have turned out if I had actually wandered over to UnrealSP back then. hmm.