VCTF Frag City


VCTF Frag City

UT3 Vehicle CTF - Large, Urban (Training map) Several city blocks. December 2007

This might have been good for scooting around on a hover board :P Started this shortly after completing UT3. With this thing I was mainly interested in examining the mesh assets up close in game, to see whether they could be used as buildings at the street level. As I suspected they were not really usable due to lack of up-close detail. There were scaling issues as well. So ultimately this was a basic level chock full of roadways and UT3 urban building props.

To create a proper map would have required considerable geometry work (and also, I guess, asset/mesh building since CSG/BSP brushes were problematic in UT3). For example, storefronts, shops or Offices with doorways, etc., would be required for the street level sections of all buildings to make any internal areas accessible to players, all necessary in order to create the illusion of reality.

All that would have taken many months! As is, the building looked quite bad up close. Makes sense since they were intended to be viewed from distance or in skyboxes or skydomes (as seen in the game).

So I could not really use these product building assets as I thought I could - as is, there's nothing creative in plunking in a bunch of ugly props anyways :P Had I done that, this map would have been regarded as well below UT3 mapping community standards, and I would have gotten completely trashed by everyone else, LOL! At least that was my thinking at the time.

The map idea was okay, I think, but the work load and time required to build the thing properly would have been crazy or impossible for me. The project was dropped before any real work was done on it, after about two weeks. I did play around in it for a little while and learned some things, so not an entirely wasted time :)