UT DOM - 3 CP - Medium, 6-12 players. Processing Station on Mars. Released May 2006.

This was actually my first released Domination map. After submitting DM-FoT-SimpleX to the Frags-Of-Time mappack, I began playing with DOM conversion.

During development of the original DM map it occurred to me that the layout would be quite suitable for a 3 or 4 point UT Domination game.

So I made a few adjustments around placement of the Control points, such as removing some mover doors, adding defence points tweaking the path network, and posted both DOM maps at UP for feedback.

It turned out the 3-CP verison was a better for DOM gameplay so that was the one i finished off and released. It does have better performance than DM-FNB-SimpleX due to the fact it was based on DM-FoT-SimpleX.

Since there are significantly less DOM levels available in the UT world compared to DM and CTF, this one seemed to be appreciated by DOM players and was well received.

In fact, once in a while I play SimpleX, and it's usually the DOM version I choose because it's better for non-stop action. Thanks go to all the peeps at UP who helped with the BETA testing and gave feedback on the DOM maps.

Music is Kalydon-EX (Remixed by Derdak2Rot) from the game Unreal II.