CTF DMU Cluster Fkk



Original DM Author: Jeremy "Faceless" Graves , UT-CTF Conversion by: fragnbrag

This is a UT-CTF conversion of "FaceLess" DM-ClusterFuck Unreal map.

Released September 15, 2019

The orignal DM-ClusterFuck was one of the first unreal custom DM maps I played back in 1999. It still remains one of my keepers to this day. The idea of a CTF version occurred when I startd to play UT-CTF in 2001. When I first started mapping in UED2, I made an experimental CTF conversion (along with several other Unreal maps) but it didn't really work all that great since I was basically a noob mapper. I never planned to release anybody's maps but my own so never sought permissions from authors for their work that I desecrated in my various experiments :P

Well years later, when HellScrag AND Lightning Hunter (of Unreal.sp fame) released his big collection of DMU map-packs (unreal-dm-to-ut99-dm) I noted that he had included this ClusterFuck map in one of the packs. That immediately reminded me of the old CTF conversion. So once again interested in a CTF version, I banged out a proper conversion using the DMU map which resulted in this current map. Since I was by this time well established as a UT mapper, I tossed the DMU-CTF back on the shelf where it has sat for years (until now :P)

Recently I loaded up UT99 after a long time and was randomly playing CTF maps and loaded ClusterFkk map and found it was actually a fun and challenging CTF match for 6 vs 6 masterfuls. So I then tried to find the author Jeremy Graves and no luck.

So thinking about this, with very few people left that play the ut99 game, I figured I'll just give this crazy little CTF map to them to enjoy. Might be a nice surprise for some folks. I have to think Mr. Graves wouldn't mind too much to have people fragging away in what is still very much "his puppy".

Work/Changes: Basically used the DM map as a team base, duplicated and flipped, connected using a short passage on each side and added a small corridor on the bottom level. Added team markings and appropriate lighting. Fixed several texture errors and bsp holes (there were several unsnapped brushes in the original map. Added "lava" lites to make the lava, well, look more like lava. Optimal lighting levels at 5/10 (F11 key). Replaced the Unreal-specific pickup and actors with UT actors. Completely re-pathed the map for CTF, adjusted pickup for teams of 4 to 6. Added several SmartAltPathes (the version fixed by "Sector2111" at ut99.org). Bots and FC will use all levels. FC usually tries the upper level most of the time, but will jump down on occasion. Teams: Best with 6 vs 6, imo

As I said, I did attempt to contact the original author to obtain permission, but to no avail. So if the author sees this map and wants to contact me then by all means please do :)

email: fragnbrag@gmail.com

I will take no credit for the work in this map and give all credit to the original author Jeremy "Faceless" Graves. If any one else decides to modify the map further, I would ask that the author credit remains the same.