Fusion of Time (FoT-3)

map pack


Fusion of Time (FoT-3) map pack

Timewarp Crew - Unreal Playground

Game Types: DOM (7 maps)

Released October 19 2006 (Beyond Unreal)

With the success of FoT-1 (CTF) and FoT-2 (DM), it was only natural that FoT-3 should follow, this time for DOM. "Fusion of Time" features 7 high quality maps and also mutators for new weapons and Enhanced DOM Points. The maps all have extremely good DOM gameplay and stunning looks. The weapons mutator by Professor and Wolf that changes the PulseGun to the PlasmaGun and the Minigun to the Stinger 2.0. very kewl :) The enhanced Domination Points mutator by SabbathCat and Switch will give you the map packs enhanced Points to every DOM map you like! Mappers should have a look at this as well as it allows usage of special lights and event triggers in your own maps.

Map authors: Swanky, Hostile, Rakiayn, Derdak2Rot, SabbathCat, XYZ8000, Professor and Wolf (weapon mutator), SabbathCat and Switch (Enhanced DOM mutator).

Download note: The original FoT-3 map pack was hosted at Beyond Unreal until BU killed FileWorks hosting. During the time the file was there it had several thousands of downloads. The Map Raider download is still available so you can get it from there if you don't already have the map pack.

Note: Timewarp Crew promotional images are used by permission.

Incuded in the list of maps below are the map ratings from the official Beyond Unreal - Insite Review.