DOM 512K Drop Zone



UT DOM - 3 CP - Medium, 8-16 players. Endless vertical drop. Released Jan 2015

This DOM map was completed for the 2014 512K contest. V4 adds a FallingDamagaHandler (tested) AND some vertical panels for COVER. This design was based on a map originally created for the last Blito3 300k contest (Dec 2013 - Jan 2014) but was a too big too submit so it went on the shelf.

For this 512K contest, I built a new map using the same concept as the 300k design, but using warpzones to expand the layout - however - player HAS TO JUMP DOWN to change floors.

Best strategy here is to keep moving and don't try to hang around a given control point too long since you're completely exposed so you'll be killed quickly. To reach the other CP quickly best thing to do it jump and aim to hit the glowing ORB that it closest to the CP platform you want. Good luck and hope you enjoy the map. FNB ;)

I recommend 2 teams of 6 Masterful+ bots or 4 teams of 3 Masterful+ bots.

Thanks to the folks at for holding the 2014 512k contest :)

Switch' and JohnnySix for swJumppad.u and fallingDamageHandler.u